4 Symptoms of Low Self-Confidence You Need To Avoid


4 Symptoms of Low Self-Confidence You Need To Avoid
Written by Calvin Sun

Self-confidence is a key pillar of mental toughness and an unconquerable mindset. Sometimes athletes with low self-confidence don’t even realize they are deficient in this essential pillar. Here are four easy ways to recognize when an athlete may have low confidence in their abilities.

1. They Love Making Excuses For Themselves

Sometimes you meet an athlete with more excuses than a pregnant nun. They always have an excuse for why they can’t do something or why they missed a training session or why they absolutely had to drink seven beers on Friday night. Common excuses include: “I don’t have the right genetics”, “My region is too competitive”, “I don’t have the money or resources”, “I’m too short (or tall)”, “I’m too young (or old)”, “I don’t know how”, “I’m not good enough” and the list goes on and on. For any of these given excuses, there are just as many examples of people who have had the same limitations yet overcame them to find success and achieve their goals. In fact, athletes with true confidence don’t believe they have any limitations that prevent them from being successful.

2. They Constantly Seek Attention

Do you know an athlete that will do anything to get attention? Maybe they love showing off the one skill they excel at in the gym instead of working on their weaknesses. Maybe they love to whine and complain about how difficult it was in today’s training session when everyone suffered just as much. Maybe they lash out in anger at their teammates and training partners over nothing. Maybe they breakdown into tears to get people to comfort them. Insecurity tends to manifest in many different ways. These are some of the most common ways people with low confidence like to seek external validation. Truly confident athletes don’t need to seek the approval of others.

3. They Engage In Destructive Behaviors

People with low confidence often rely on unhealthy behaviors to deal with their feelings of inadequacy. These can range from extreme examples like drug addiction or alcohol abuse to less extreme behaviors like binge eating and excessive spending. These behaviors can become addictions or recurring patterns that are detrimental to their personal growth. Those with low self-confidence rely on these coping mechanisms without ever addressing the underlying cause of their low self-esteem.

4. They Feel Sorry For Themselves

Some athletes with low confidence believe they are the victim in any adverse situation and that nothing can be done to overcome it. They seek the sympathy of others to help deal with their own shortcomings. They also tend to pity themselves in any challenging situation whether it be a tough workout or when something doesn’t go their way. Self-pity is the tip of the iceberg that is disappointment and defeat. When a person begins to feel sorry for him or herself, contemplation of quitting is quick to follow.

In our new book, “The Invictus Mindset: An Athlete’s Guide To Mental Toughness“, we discuss how to increase self-confidence, as well as how to develop the other key pillars of mental toughness: goal setting, visualization, self-talk, and arousal control. We have included essays from some of our top athletes and coaches to give you further insights as well as some simple but effective techniques for improving your mental toughness and developing an unconquerable mindset.

You’ll be able to purchase your copy and have it immediately delivered to your inbox this Friday, February 20! In addition to the e-book, you’ll receive a digital copy of a guided visualization by Invictus Athletes’ Camp coach Heidi Fearon. For many years, Heidi has been our secret weapon in preparing our athletes for competition and now we’re sharing her knowledge for the benefit of our online community. You’ll also receive an additional bonus if you purchase in the first 48 hours!

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