20 Questions with Coach Cat


20 Questions with Coach Cat
Interview by Sea of Green Member Alicia Winquist

I had the honor of being able to interview one of our newest coaches here at Invictus, Cat Blatner. Cat has become one of the regular evening coaches at the Downtown location and I always enjoy having her as a coach. She is super knowledgeable and always willing to answer questions – and pretty much about anything. She’s also super helpful with offering modifications for any movement (which I often need- damn bum knee!). She’s also really quick to laugh and crack a joke. That being said she can also be quite elusive so what better way to get to know her? Enjoy!

Alicia: So from your original Blog Post we know that you started Crossfit after being nagged by your friend to go, what made her think that it would be something you would like?

Cat: I’ve done sports my entire life; in high school I played volleyball and track and sometimes I would do volleyball and track at the same time. I was constantly doing stuff. Then after high school I started running distance. I would run ten miles a day and train for half marathons and 5Ks, so I was always very active and she knew that I was competitive as well and CrossFit combined both of those things.

Alicia: Where did you go to college?

Cat: I started at Portland Community College (PCC) for a while, then went to Oregon State for a bit and then went back to PCC. Im still working on my education but after going through school for about three years I decided that CrossFit and being a coach is what I love to do and I’m all about following your passion, so I started getting certifications and started really focusing on educating myself about the field that I truly love.

Alicia: What did you study while you were in college?

Cat: For a while I was thinking that I wanted to do nursing, so I started doing the general studies for that. I took anatomy and physiology, but then I thought that maybe nursing wasn’t for me and started studying business and sports science and hopped around a bit, like most college students do.

Alicia: So what made you think that nursing wasn’t for you?

Cat: I was a volunteer firefighter for about a year and a half and realized that I didn’t like seeing the negative effects and as a nurse you have to deal with the harsh realities of patients situations. Right now I feel like I’m in a health care career, which is what I wanted to do – help people – but I think that sometimes you absorb the mood of your surroundings. Nurses are surrounded by hard to deal with diseases, like cancer, and I realized that I’m the type of person that would take that home with me. I wanted to be in a bit more positive environment, so finding CrossFit was the perfect fit for me. Some people can leave work at work, but I’m somebody that absorbs my environment and carries it with me.

Alicia: What did you want to be when you grew up?

Cat: I wanted to be a gymnast. When I was a kid I filled out this little time capsule, and in fact I think my mom still has it, and on “What do I want to be when I grow up” I drew a picture of a gymnast. Oddly enough that is my biggest weakness in CrossFit. Sometimes I wonder if I had pursued that career I’d have a little bit less of a hard time with it now.

Alicia: You said in your original interview that you don’t have any idea about your spirit animal; have you figured out your sprit animal yet?

Cat: Nope, I still haven’t figured it out yet. I still don’t know what that means! Can someone explain it to me?

Alicia: If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring ONE piece of music/Pandora station what would it be?

Cat: Country, I would have to bring some sort of country music, especially if I’m stuck on an island.

Alicia: What has been your favorite thing about San Diego, besides the constant sunshine?

Cat: I love the people at Invictus, so that’s really awesome and made for an easy transition. I also love that there’s lots to do. The constant sunshine is great because it makes it easier to do the things that there are to do. I love that at any time you can go outside and do something.

Alicia: What’s your favorite outdoor activity?

Cat: I love swimming, hiking, running and laying out on the beach with a good book. In general I just like being outside. The last new thing I tried was surfing and I really liked it.

Alicia: Who is your favorite superhero? And why.

Cat: I had a crush on Spiderman, from the cartoon, when I was little. I don’t know if I’m proud of that or not, but I think I’m proud. I thought that Peter Parker was so cute. Also, Spiderman is badass.

Alicia: If you could interview one person alive or dead, who would it be and why?

Cat: Jimmy Fallon. He’s awesome and my favorite comedian. He’s my go to funny man. I’m not really sure what I would even ask him, I’d just want to listen to him talk.

Alicia: What is your favorite thing about being a coach?

Cat: My absolute favorite thing about being a coach is watching someone realize, “Holy crap, I just did something I didn’t think I could do.” Watching people grow, change and realize that they can do more than they thought they could and recognizing how much they have changed is awesome.

Alicia: What’s the most frustrating?

Cat: I think that being a coach takes years of experience, learning how to get your point across it different ways can be the most difficult. At first, for me, it was really frustrating because you get into your way of demonstrating or explaining something and that doesn’t work for everybody. So you really have to learn to adapt to different personalities. I feel like now I’m comfortable doing that and watching other coach always helps.

Alicia: If you would travel to any time where would you go?

Cat: I’ve heard a lot of stories from my Grandma and Grandpa about how they grew up and how it was a much simpler time like 60 years ago. I think it would be cool to experience that. On the flip side, it would be amazing to see 50 years from now, where we’re going to be. I think it could really go either way! I would love to go back and then forward and then meet back here.

Alicia: What is the thing that you HATE to mobilize?

Cat: Besides everything?! My shoulders and pecs. I’m a little (a lot) rolled forward because of all the years of volleyball. In volleyball you roll your shoulders forward to block a ball and I’ve been training them to do that most of my life and now CrossFit is telling me to roll them back and down and it’s been a really difficult transition.  I don’t enjoy mobilizing them at all!

Alicia: What’s a sport or event that you would LOVE to try?

Cat: I think that scuba diving would be awesome. I’ve thought about skydiving, but you jump out of an airplane, and I feel like if the only thing saving me is a parachute, I don’t know that I would risk that. It sounds like it would be awesome if it wasn’t so terrifying!

Alicia: What’s your favorite thing to cook, or make for others?

Cat: I enjoy cooking, however I don’t do it enough. I’m no Amy Tran! I wish I was. I used to make this chocolate dessert that I learned to make in a cooking class. It’s a chocolate rolled cake that has whipped cream in the middle, kinda like a Ho-Ho. I love baking treats.

Alicia: What’s your favorite holiday?

Cat: I love Christmas. I love how homey the Christmas season is in general.

Alicia: What’s a smell that you love and why?

Cat: I’m one of those weird people that likes the smell of gasoline; it’s not my favorite smell, but for some reason that popped into my head! I think I was thinking about the weirdest smell that I like. Haha. Anyways, I love candles, especially ones that smell like vanilla cookie or cinnamon. Going into Anthropology and smelling all of their candles is my favorite.

Alicia: Ice cream, gelato or fro-yo?

Cat: Ice cream, specifically peanut butter cup. Or Cold stones Banana ice cream with peanut butter added to it – it’s fantastic!

Alicia: N’sync or BSB?

Cat: N’Sync. Next question.

Alicia: Who’s the most inspirational person in your life?

Cat: My parents, for sure. My Mom would do absolutely anything for her children. My dad is so hard working. They are one of the reasons that I was given so many opportunities in life. They inspire me because of how much they believe in, not only me, but all of their children. I have four siblings, I’m in the middle with an older brother and sister and two younger brothers. I really don’t want to disappoint my parents and they are very inspirational.

Alicia: Ok, truth time: California or Oregon?

Cat: Oh that’s so hard. Honestly, I don’t think that I can answer, but that’s a good thing because that means that I really like California since I really love Oregon. I think that I’m really content here. I’m finally feeling like California is home.


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