Start the New Year With Your First Bar Muscle-Up
Written by Kelly Sekulovski
Getting your 1st bar muscle-up can be SO frustrating
Any CrossFitter has been there: you convince yourself this is finally the time you’ll get it. You’re strong enough, you can do a chest-to-bar no problem, so this shouldn’t be that hard.
This is it.
You jump up to the rig and do the biggest kip you can imagine. You feel yourself flying through the air. You can do this, you can do this.
Here it comes, the turn over. You flip your head and turn your arms over… only to get one chicken wing over the bar and the other underneath the bar. You hit your ribs on the rig and almost knock the wind out of yourself. Now you’re just lopsidedly hanging on the rig convincing yourself you can grind it out and get that elbow over. Only, you can’t.
You were so close.
The journey to your 1st bar muscle-up
This is the journey that most of us have when trying to hit that first bar muscle-up. You practice on the side by yourself so you don’t have people at the gym shouting different tips at you and watching you fail again and again.
But flailing aimlessly on the rig is NOT the way to learn how to do a BMU. Or at least, not the RIGHT way to learn.
Download the FREE 8 Position Bar Muscle-Up Guide from Invictus
Learn how to properly do a bar muscle-up from Invictus Gymnastics founder and Coach Travis Ewart in this simple guide to the 8 positions in a bar muscle-up. Using this step by step guide, you will learn how to effectively get up and over the bar with ease. Get the guide here.
Don’t forget to tag @crossfitinvictus in your first BMU video to be featured on our page!