10+ Years Helping Athletes Achieve Their Competitive Goals

For over 10 years, Invictus has proudly offered various online programs for FREE. One of them being our Invictus Competition program which has helped hundreds of athletes achieve their goals of reaching Regionals, Sanctionals, and even the CrossFit Games.

To continue to provide you with an excellent program and community, and further enhance the amount of coach interaction and feedback you receive through the program, we will begin charging a small monthly fee for the Competition program.

What you can expect from the program…

  • Comprehensive training that covers all aspects of the competitive sport of CrossFit – from weightlifting progressions, aerobic endurance, strongman training, and gymnastics skills. This program will ensure that you’ve properly trained all the essentials for our sport.
  • 6 days of training per week, 60-90 minutes per session.
  • Daily interaction and feedback from coaches C.J. Martin, Tino Marini, and the Invictus team. Collectively, we’ve coached more than 60 individual Games athletes, led teams to the Games for 11 straight years and helped thousands of athletes achieve their competitive goals.
  • Daily interaction with like-minded athletes who are eager to train hard, improve and support the “Sea of Green” community to do the same.
  • Exclusive event invitations and discounts including Invictus training camps and seminars.

This change will take effect on September 30th.

But we want to give you a special gift for being an important part of our community!

Since you’ve been a loyal follower, sign up by October 1st, and you’ll be locked in at $9/month (everyone else will pay $14/month).

Don’t forget that this program is on SugarWOD! Here, you’ll receive the entire training week in advance, track your results, see a daily leaderboard and interact all in one place. It also allows you to see workout history, use a barbell lift percentage calculator, share photos, give fist bumps and comment. Check out the Competition Program on SugarWOD today for only $29.99/month.

We’ve built an amazing community over the past 10 years and are excited at how many athletes from around the globe have helped us grow it! Thank you for being one of those athletes and an integral member of the Sea of Green. We look forward to continuing to support you and following your progress!

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