Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three rounds, performed as a warm up, of:
2 Minute Machine Warm Up
25-Foot Lateral Banded Monster Walk Each Direction
10 Sandbag Squats
30 Second Sandbag Hold
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
5 Power Cleans @ 50% of 1-RM Clean
Followed by…
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
1 Power Clean + 2 Squat Cleans @ 60-65% of 1-RM Clean
Every minute, on the minute, until you fail a lift twice OR PR:
Station 1 – 12-15 Calorie Bike, Row OR 200-Meter Run
Station 2 – 1 Squat Clean*
*Start at 65% and build by 3-5% each lift.
If you fail a lift above 80%, rest the remainder of that minute, perform the cardio the next minute, then re-attempt the weight when it is time to clean again. If the weight is below 80% you may re-attempt within the minute.
Three sets of:
60 Second Nonstop Barbell Glute Bridge (135/95lbs)
Rest 30 Seconds
60 Second Nonstop GHD Sit Ups
Rest 30 seconds
Accumulate in as few sets as possible:
Banded Hamstring Curls x 100 Reps
Athlete Notes:
Today is a great day to PR your clean. We’re hot off the energy from the CrossFit games so let’s see if we can throw up some heavy numbers here! Let us know in the comments how cleans went for you today!
Warmup done
A1. 70Kg
A2. 84/84/84/93/93Kg
B. Up to 115Kg w/ 15 cal row. Went by feel on this b/c of recent injuries. Felt ok, no pain. No misses.
C. Done
D. Done
Warm up done
A. First 5 min AMRAP w/75lb, second 5 min AMRAP w/95
B. 95/100/105/110/115/120/125/130/135(current 1RM)/140 NR. Pretty happy that I could hit my old 1RM with all that running in between. Passing is getting better at these things for sure.
C. Done. No GHD, did barbell evil wheels instead
D. Done.
Good work!
Warm up: done
A1: 135 lbs
A2: 165 lbs
B. Up to 245 m255 lbs failed
With bike erg
C. Done
D. Done
Warmup – like a boss
A: 120; 140
B: 200m run failed at round 9 185
C: ok so I had to down to 55# on the BB gas in the legs was on empty
D: done
Warm up✅
A1. 155×5
A2. 285×5
B. W/row 205/220/235/250/265/280F/280/295 stop
C. Done
D. Done
A1. PCs: 115#x5x5
A2. PC + 2 Cleans: 135#x5
B. Clean: Built to 200# (90%). Haven’t hit a number like this in a while. I will take it.
C. 3 sets done. Banded Pull-Throughs 27/30/29. GHD Sit Ups 24/25/26
D. 100 reps of Banded Hamstring Curls done.
Glad it was a good day!
A. Done
B. 15 cal row and up to 325 clean not a pr but was very much heavy enough for today
C. Done
D. Done
Wu done
A. 65kg/75kg
B. Up to 120kg (failed 125kg) and 84cal AAB
C. Done
D. Done
Is this the last week of this cycle?
Yes we will start the new one next Monday!