Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Muscle-Ups x 2-5 reps OR Roll to Candlestick x 3 reps + Low Ring Transitions x 5 reps
Handstand Walk (with assistance if needed) x 10-20 meters*
Double Unders x 40 reps (goal is to be unbroken)
If you are uncomfortable holding a handstand without a wall behind you, then have a friend spot you and do a freestanding handstand hold with assistance for 20 seconds.
Three rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
30 Wall Ball Shots
30 Toes to Bar
40-54: 30 lbs to a 10′ target; 20 lbs to a 10′ target
20 lbs to a 10′ target; 14 lbs to a 10′ target
Optional Additional Conditioning Session
(This session is best performed 3-4 hours prior to or following today’s primary session.)
Saturday – 30 Minute Tempo Run
< 6 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 7 minute mile pace (1:45 per lap)
< 7 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 8 minute mile pace (2:00 per lap)
< 8 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 9 minute mile pace (2:15 per lap)
A. Did 2s to grease the groove. About 20 total overall. HSW better. 50 dubs unbroken, 200ish total.
B. I am awful at wallballs. I had to essentially do singles to get the thing up to the target. Even 3 left me crushed. But I did it. 2946.
Done at globo gym
A.9 strict pull-ups, 9 strict dips, 3 roll to c-stick, 10m hs walks, no dubs
B.didnt time,just tried to stay consistent, subbed 30 thrusters@95&30 Ghd like sit-ups on incline sit up thingy
A. Done. 3-4 muscle ups. Still doing false grip – working on normal grip, hs holds. Couldn’t get a walk today. Du unbroken. New rope made a Difference from old kinked one
B. done. Only had 9 kg wall ball. Scaled to 15t2b. 16.50
A – Done. Need to start working HS walks.
B – 30min AMRAP:
Teams of 3, rotating movements (1 person works at a time)
10 Wall Balls
5 Cleans (135#)
10 C2B
10 T2B
A. Done, sub mu transitions
B. 20:26 20# to 9′
A: Done
– MU sets of 3s
– Handstand walk accumulated the distance with 8 and 16 feet attempts, longest walk was 18 feet ( counting by 4 foot tiles). Did a few 20 second handstand holds against the blocks. (excuse the heavy breathing)
– DUs each set had an early trip up but cold string 40 together after that NP,
Definitely felt the shoulders today from yesterday’s snatch and PP.
B: 20:58 w. 30# wall ball.
Rows just under 2:00 pace, Wall Balls were the hardest part.
Started to run but hammy cramps after 800m, walked back.
Ok so starting to catch up again after busy week at work. M and a done then did the muscle up and hsw, didn’t do du as Achilles is still sore . I’m reasonably efficient at du. Did wod, our gym doesn’t have a heavier wallball than 20lb so worked out weight thrown and divided by 20lb haha 30lb x 90 reps =2700lb / 20lb = 135reps So my wod was Row 500m 30 wallballs, 30 ttb Row 500m 30wallballs, 30ttb Row 500m. 75 wallballs 30ttb. Wallballs are my nemesis so decided to do extra reps at end Finished in… Read more »
COS & Stickmobility
A: Done
B: 19:58 20lb WB(dont have 30lb)
A. 4 MU each round, HS walks difficult due to crooked fingers, 40 DUs unbroken reach round
B. 17:20. Did 20# ball to 11′.
Picture attempts to show the finger. Have to do all HS work with ring finger & pinkie curled into palm. Makes it tough. Also has affected wrist mobility. It’s cake Dupuytren’s Disease & it’s affecting both of my hands.
A. Working MU transition plus strict pulls from knees to low rings. Candlesticks okay but not exactly virtuous. All du sets unbroken.
B. 24:31. T2b the long pole in the tent.
Candlesticks were good
Low transitions were good
Handstand walk with bands on the rig
Du – best ever
23:55 – WB – 16
t2b – scaled to 15 reps . Not there with it …..but …. WB were Best eveaaaaa!!!!
A) 5k Trail
B) 5×5 penally row
C) 7×5 hspu partner assistance
D) 5×8 incline d.b bench
A. Attempt Roll to Candlestick; did Low Ring Trans; handstand holds (wall, no friends); added some jumping m/u, ring pullups and ring dips; Dubs only thing I got.
B. 25:12 WBs in 15s / T2B all in sets of 5
Threw in today’s Mainsite WOD (150830)
Today I joined the 8:30 am class at AllStar and we did the Fitness/Performance partner workout.
In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time*, complete:
100 Kettlebell Swings
400 Meter Run
100 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead
400 Meter Run
100 Goblet Squats
400 Meter Run
100 Burpees
I forced myself to do the 70# Kettlebell Swings. 😉
35# on Dumbbell SH2OH
55# on Goblet Squats
KC and I teamed up and finished in 22:58.
How fun!!!
Only did the 30 minute run from home today; it wasn’t super fast but it felt good to run. Hope to fit in the main workout tomorrow.
Today, I did yesterdays’s workout and posted results under 28th #drenched. Assuming that repeats for comparisons will come up, it seems easier to post to the actual date.
On a side note: these foam blocks (by Rogue or Muscle driver USA) are very handy and easy to move around. They are not cheap but when you train alone they might be worth considering. No I’m not selling these just sharing.
Oh those look so nice!!!!
A. 3 m.u’s every round rx other . Last week I got 2 total. Lol.
B 21:22
Great work Mike!
A. MU/ HSW / DU Done. MU felt good, HSW 20′ segments, DU good
B. Didn’t get to yesterday’s Row/PU and wanted to give it a go.
2:04, 1:58, 1:57, 2:05, 2:12.
A. 3 sets of 5 MU, 20M HS walk, 40 DU UB
B. 18:20
A. MU- 3 sets of 3
Handstand walks 3X 15 meters unbroken 3X =40 du unbroken
B. 3 rounds done in 17:54 First set of TTB unbroken/ 2nd set 20 then 10 last set broken into 10/10/10
c. Did not run yet… will do that tomorrow.