Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Band Assisted Upper Anterior Chain Opener x 45 seconds
Single Arm Bar Hang x 30 seconds each side
Ankle Mobility Drill x 5 passes
Snatch x 1 rep
*Set 1 – 65-70% of your 1-RM
*Set 2 – 70-75%
*Set 3 – 75-80%
*Set 4 – 80-85%
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
*Set 1 – 65-70% of your 1-RM
*Set 2 – 70-75%
*Set 3 – 75-80%
*Set 4 – 80-85%
Five sets of:
Ring Dips x 10 reps
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 30 seconds
Strict Ring Pull-Ups x 10/8 reps
Time is not the primary priority, but do not rest between stations. Keep moving and transition quickly between stations.
Stationary Dips x 10 reps
Three sets of:
Alternating Single-Leg Cross Toes to Bar x 20 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Three sets of:
L-Sit Flutter Kicks on Kettlebells x 15-30 seconds
Rest as needed
followed by…
A – 135/145/155/165
B – 165/175/190/200
C – Done.
D – Done.
A. 73/78/83/90
B. 105/113/120/125
C. Done–5 strict ring dips, then tried to learn kip on next 5
D. Done
A- 89/85/96/100
Dynamic Mobiltiy & Activation A) can’t do snatches yet so I did: 5×3 squats – 185/205/225/245/265 – up 20 pounds overall from last week.. B) can’t do clean and jerks yet so I did: 3×3 Squats – continuation from above squats – 265/245/245 – I think I went too high too quick on the 5×3 and my knees were having trouble “engaging” so I lowered the weight.. C) did the cash out from the other day… 5 rounds: – Run 400 meters (I rowed 500 meters) – 115/75 power snatch X 115 – 24/20 box jumps (I had to do… Read more »
Mobility done.
A. Done. Worked up to 90+%
B. Done. Worked up to 90%
C. Done. Didn’t keep time but moved steady thru the movements, had to breakup the SRPU.
D. Did not do – totally forgot about this part.
DMA done.
A. 75/85/95/105#.
B. 95/105/115/125#.
C. 16 mins. Ring dips (10×5) UB. PU’s were 10/5+5/5+5/5+3+2/5+2+1+1+1.
D1. 2 sets of 20. 1 set of 10. Arms & shoulders were fried.
D2. Done. Short 10-15 secs.
D3. Skipped. No time.
A. I did Muscle ups bc I cant OLY 2/3/4/5/6/11/7/5/4/3 worked on different kips
B. Strict shoulder press 5 sets of 5 reps 135/145/150/155/155
C. 10:58
D. done except I cheated on the flutter kicks
Or let’s just say you didn’t do the flutter kicks!
That is more truthful. I skipped those horrible humiliating things. You just sit there and laugh at me- you might try encouraging me instead mocking me. 😉
I offer nothing but encouragement! ?
Started with squats I missed. 295# 4 reps every 3 min. for 15 min. @ 83%.
A. 115-155. Kept going to 185 for 5# PR!
185! Whoa! That’s awesome.
Thanks Rodney!
Nice I watched the video, looking good
Thanks Pete!
Tough Day-Everything felt heavy
#95 failed #100×2-Last week #105 was no problem…Back didn’t round today-Paid attention and kept tight. Sill early arm bend and need to pop my hips.
#130-Same with the cleans early arm bend-need to pop more
C. Did first set then cut in 1/2 I would still be there-
Done-T2B was good
Done-Did flutter kicks held for 5 seconds-a little more each time-used our put together pvc
Hollow Body done
Feeling very sluggish and slow today. A little dehydrated it feels like.
Will hydrate this weekend
A: 220#
B: 255#
C: Done
D: Done
Big snatch, what’s your 1rm ?
255# the last time I tested. Haven’t gone for a 1rm in a while though.
Dang, impressive. That’s got to be one of the best in the division.
AM Endurance Aerobic work-2 mile repeats
Mob done
A. 140/150/160/170
B. 185/200/215/225
C. Done
D. Done
Mobility done
A. 115-125-135-145#
B. 145-155-165-175#
Then worked on muscle ups 6 sets of 3-5 UB.
C. 10:26
D. Done
A) 120-135-150-165 B) 135-175-195-210 C) Complete and harder than I expected! D) Complete A & B didn’t go very well today, a little disappointed but sometimes it just isn’t there. Also I had someone ask me to today why I am “just” doing the Invictus Masters programing and not the “real” Invictus programming. I kind of laughed and tried to be polite but I was thinking this person has no clue! This pretend programming or whatever you want to call it is tough and I have been crushed by some of these wods in a way I have not been… Read more »
Did Wednesdays programming
B-Jerks- 115/115/120/120/125/125
C- 28:06 @65 #
Mob: done
A: 135/165/170/175
B: 165/185/205/215
B*: did E3MOM 15 x 5 reps BS @ 245 (can’t work out tomorrow)
C: did not time, dips: 10/10/6.4/6.4/6.4; HS hold solid; PU: 10/10/6.4/5.5/4.4.2
D: Done, L-Sits 15 sec, HBB unbroken
I am back after 4 days of active recovery! Feeling good! DMA done and added Crossover symmetry.
A. 75/85/95/105/115 PR 🙂
B. 105/115/125/135
C. I did the MU work from Wednesday as this is something I needed to work on. All 10 felt great
D. Did Wednesday’s Metcon
21:53. RX ?
Congrats on the snatch PR Tracy!
Thank you! I have more in me but it is a mental block for me. One step at a time. I will get there. 🙂
Congrats on the PR and awesome job on the metcon
Thanks! 🙂
Awesome PR Tracy! Congrats!
Yay on the PR!!!!
Nice PR!
DMA done
A.- 155/165/175/185
B.- 185/195/215/225
C.- 16:45 ring dips 10/10/5-5/5-5/5-5 ; nose to wall ok; ring pull up 10/6-4/5-5/4-4-2/3-3-2 pull up Was tough
D.- like those T2B; l-sit 15 sec..
A.87, 95, 100, 107
B. 135, 140,150,160, did a set at 170
C. Done
D. Done, Enjoyed the T2B, L-sit flutter kicks not so much.
Can’t get the video for the single leg cross toes to bar. It says unavailable?
DMA done.
A. 125-135-145-155 failed 3x
B. 185-195-205-215
C. Did box dips, shoulder not feeling rings today… and those hs holds for 30 secs became 20 secs fast.
D. Single leg cross t2b pretty cool.. but did 15-5 for all 3 sets..
Getting better on Lsit kicks…