Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Grab a partner and do the partner t-spine stretch
and then …
Prone PVC Pipe Pass Thrus x 10 reps
Twisted Cross Pec Stretch x 45 seconds per side
and then …
Two sets of:
Banded Chest Pull x 10 reps
Bench Prone Upper Back Muscle Recruitment x 10 reps
Take 5 minutes to draw out your footwork and do 10 jump and lands
Four sets of:
Drop to Split x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete (10 sets):
Behind the Neck Jerk x 2 reps @ 65-70%
Depending on preference, you can choose either split jerk or push jerk but focus should be on mechanics
Please use blocks
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Stiff-Legged Deadlift x 8 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Clean
Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
Station 1 – 400/350 Meter Row
Station 2 – 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs to 10′ target)
Station 3 – 400 Meter Run
Station 4 – 2 Rope Climbs
Station 5 – 20 Double-Unders + 20 Alternating Reverse Lunges (50/35 lbs)
Every 2 minutes, for 30 minutes, complete:
Station 1 – 350/300 Meter Row
Station 2 – 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/10 lbs to 9′ target)
Station 3 – 400 Meter Run
Station 4 – 2 Rope Climbs
Station 5 – 20 Double-Unders + 20 Alternating Reverse Lunges (35/25 lbs)
Gymnastics Optional Session
If you are not familiar with the value of knee height during bar muscle-ups, please watch this VIDEO.
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Arch Under Bar Jump to Support x 10 reps
Kipping Knees-To-Chest x 10 reps
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (2 sets) of:
Target Reach Swing x 3.3 reps
*Rest 10 seconds between sets of 3 reps
Air Chair Swing x 5 reps
*These can be singles or multiple reps per attempt.
Followed by. . .
Option 1 – (If you do not yet have a bar muscle-up)
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Swinging Knees-To-Bar x 5 reps
Tucked Bar Front Lever x 6-10 reps
Option 2 – (If you already know how to perform a bar muscle-up)
Every minute, on the minute, for 6 minutes (3 sets) of:
Swinging Knees-To-Bar
x 5 reps
Bar Muscle-Up x 1.1.1
*During these singles, attempt to kick as aggressively as possible during the kip to alleviate most of the dip once above the bar.
A. Done BNJ 45 kg
B. Done 60 kg I can’t touch floor
C. Done
Warm up done
A). Btn jerks @ 125
B). 135
Didn’t have time for 30 min Emom before coaching so did class metcon instead.
Done Thursday
A. BTN: 175
B. 205
C. Done with 20 WBS w/30# ball. The rest Rx.
A. 115#
Split jerk. sets 1-5 135# / 6-10 155#
B. 165#
C. 55+ (10 ft)
Row: :25- :30 left
WB: :55- :35 left
Run: :10 – :15 left
Rope: 1:35-1:10 left
DU/ Lunge: :35 left
A.1 135
A.2 1-5@145, 6-10@155
B. 175
C. No time, got gymnastics in.
A: DONE BTN JERK #115 I dropped the weight from last week (#125) to really work on my positioning technique.
B: #125 went really well!
C: 35-49 Done today was the first time I was able to run my 400m within the 2min window.
1-row had about 15sec left
2-Wall Ball had 1:10 sec left on all three sets
3- 400m run **had 10/15 sec left on all three sets
4- 2 Rope Climbs had 1:25/1:35 left for all three
5-20 dubs +#25 reverse DB lunges had 1:10 min left for all three
Nice Isabel! And how did your technique feel?
Great feelk on your 400 meter run!
Thanks Nichole! My technique felt much better and more solid. I am however a bit confused… in the video (catalyst athletics)of the Concentric BTN Jerk it shows the guy starting with the barbell in contact of the blocks before he jerks the bar overhead. I saw some videos that had some of the athletes start in a different position. Am I not doing it right?
You should have it on the blocks and then drive up so you are doing it correctly!
DMA done, shoulder PT
C. Done- subbed wall ball shots with 20# medball squats, rope climbs with 20 Reverse Hypers 50#,
DB lunge with 70# Barbell lunge.
Row: 1:20-1:23
MedBall: :49-:53
400m run: 1:40-1:43
Reverse Hyper: :38-:39
20 DU+20 Lunge: :57-:59
Nice Cheryl!
A. Done 115/125/135
B. 145
C. Done
Optional MU drills done
DMA done
A1) 95/135/135
A2) 175/185 rest at 195
B) 195
C) made it into amrap, finished 3rd round of wb at 30 minutes. Finished run ropes and du
D) will make up
DMA done
A1) 65/75/85/95
A2) 5 sets @ 105, 5 sets @ 115
B). 135
C). Row 0:55 – 1:05
Wall Balls – 1:15 – 1:20
Run. 1:35 – 1:40
Rope Climbs – 0:40 – 0:45
DU/Lunge – 1:05 – 1:10
Gymnastics session done
A. BTN push jerk at 110
B. DLs at 135
C. Completed as Rx. Not too bad. Rope climb rounds gave enough rest to recover and get heart rate down. Unbroken on WBs and DUs
Awesome work Stephanie!
A. Jump and lands complete
Drop to split with 35# bar
BTN jerks @ 100#. Footwork is feeling better.
B. 115#
C. Complete.
Rows at 1:20-1:35,
Wall balls 15-8-7,
Runs at 1:45,
subbed three bar muscle ups in place of rope climbs (no rope today). I string together threes in the last two rounds. First time ever linking BMU!
Double unders unbroken, lunges done by 1:20 mark
These workouts are challenging, but in a really good way ❤️
Congratulations on linking them!!!!!
DMA – done
A1. done
A2. bar only for these
A3. 1-4 at 125, 5 at 130, 6-8 at 135, 9-10 at 140 (felt good on these today!)
B. 160 lb. for all sets
C. Row – 1:20
WBS – 1:10
Run – 1:35
RC’s – :20-30s
DU’s & ARL – 1:15
Awesome to hear Barry!!
Did the optional bar MU work first – great drills.
A1. 135 – drop to split
A2. 165/170/175/180/185/185/190/190/195/200 – felt really good today, so went over %.
B. 195# across
C. Done RX. The last run was tough – had to push through that. Probably sweat off all of my gains today – it is so hot. Great workout.
Drop to split – up to 70kg
BTN Split Jerk – 95kg across
No access to rower, wall ball or rope so I’ll make up something for the conditioning this evening.
Hope you had a good conditioning session!
DMA – Complete
A1.) Complete
A2.) 85# x 3 For 4 sets
A3.) 180# across
B.) 200# across
Station 1- 1:00-1:15
Station 2- 1:00-1:05
Station 3- 1:25-1:35
Station 4- :40 No rope so subbed 1 K2E + StrictPullUp for 6 times(Figure 3x for 1 rope climb)
Station 5- UB DUs & 18 Alt Reverse Lunges w/55# DBs. It was either 35s or 55s dont own 50s
Good Cardio workout….was grinder but wasnt one that made me wonder why am I doing this. lol
lol I like that description of the workout!
Glad the gymnastics drills helped!
DMA done
Did gymnastics work. I am very inconsistent w bMU and need drills. Could not get a single one today (while last month I did 30 in one wod w only a handful of misses ?)
– will post videos. Would love some help here
Then did AB work from yesterdays programming. Total cal 190. This was not as miserable as I was expecting. Not sure if I’m getting better or if the A/C at this gym was a factor. 75% was about 62-64 rpm and 80-85% was 66-70
Loving the programming!
Try filming yourself next time so we can take a look at your movement pattern!
I was feeling a little tired today so I did 35 minutes intervals on my Bikerg (60RPM – 85RPM) and romwod. I will full rest tomorrow
A1. @95×4
A2. @125×5, @135×5
B. @145
C. 1- 1:56-1:59/500m pace
2- UB x 3rds
3- 1:31, 1:33, 1:31
4- short rope 1rd, regular rope 2rds
5- UB x 3rds
Another fun session today! I really enjoyed the lifting, so much to work on. The workout looked easy…ended up being challenging and fun! Thank you for the programming. Feeling so lucky I get to workout everyday. ???
Awww love that attitude!