Primary Strength Session
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
Rest 15 seconds
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 15 seconds
Hindu Push-Ups x 10 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Bottom’s Up Kettlebell Press x 5 reps each side
Rest as needed
Build to today’s heavy…
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Start around 60% and add approximately 5% every lift. Allow yourself 2-3 missed attempts, then move on.
Three sets of:
Jerk x 1 rep @ 95+%
Rest as needed
Build to today’s 5-RM Single-Arm Overhead Press with Barbell each arm
(focus on lats and pecs through the movement; on the descent you should feel activation through lats and inner obliques – similar to doing lat pulldowns; on the way up, create internal torque and activate your external obliques)
Primary Conditioning Session
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of:
Interval 1 – Headstand x 25 seconds
Interval 2 – Wall-Facing Handstand Shoulder Shrugs x 12 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of:
Headstand Kip-Up to Handstand x 5 reps
*If this is a strength for you, add 4″ deficit each set.
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
25 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
25 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Two sets of:
200-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Rest 2-3 minutes
Two sets of:
200-Foot Farmer’s Carry
(as heavy as possible)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Single-Leg Hip Thrusts
x 8 reps each leg @ 20X1
Rest 90 seconds
100-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drags (Left)
Rest 15 seconds
100-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drags (Right)
Rest 90 seconds
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes:
5 Kettlebell Biceps Curls
5 Glute-Ham Raises
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
For time:
100/70 Calorie Assault Bike
This is a test. It’s possible to complete this in 3 minutes if you apply yourself.
Compare results to July 11, 2017.
A. Done
B. Built to 275# (PR clean and jerk)
C. 3 x 1 at 245
D. Built to 50# single arm barbell press
Metcon: 10:21, still working on getting better at SHSPU, but chest to bar felt good
OH Yoke done
Farmers carries done
Accessory strength done
A. Done *10kg KB for bottoms up B. Built to 165# (5# PR) Attempted 170# but became a mashed potato in the catch C. 155/160/165X – felt a sharp pain near my left shoulder blade in the overhead position of this lift. The pain is radiating around my spine. Didn’t want to put myself into any additional overhead positions or engage my lats or back and basically called it a day: Skipped part D Skipped gymnastics Skipped all 3 parts of conditioning Did do: Strength Accessory: B. Done – Used 10kg KB for biceps curls Also did yesterday’s 9 min… Read more »
Congrats on the PR!!!
I hope that the pain is nothing serious and it feels better today.
Primary strength
A. Done
B. Worked up to 305. Nothing too crazy today but technique felt really solid!
C. 295/315/335x
D. 65lbs each arm
Gymnastics warm up- done
A. 11:58
**hspu felt a little off but c2b felt great.
B. Done with 185
C. Was short on time so i hit 3 rounds of 100m farmer walk with 100lb db’s.
Strength accessory
Session 1
B. Up to 195, missed 205 twice
C. Started this then stopped.
Session 2
A. 10:15
B. Done at 160
C. Done with 70’s
I haven’t been recovering well…also experiencing headaches and other issues. I almost passed out coaching yesterday, so now I’m guessing my iron is low…but I think I’m going to go see someone and maybe get some blood work done. Mind if I ask what else you guys test your athletes for when doing blood work?
All of our guys get full blood panels through Quest Diagnostics then a supplementation protocol based on the results through Thorne Research. We have seen some awesome results.
Primary Strength A. Done B. C&J upto 127.5kg, in metcons/no belt. I think this might be a beltless PR C. Split Jerks 120/130/140, again no belt D. 30kg both arms Conditioning Gymnastics skills warm ups done A. Was very tempted to do this as they are my 3 favourite movements in Crossfit haha but stuck to the plan of no metcon on Tuesdays and just did 50 shspu FT: 3:21 which is a PR B. Done with improvised yoke @60kg, still waiting for mine to be delivered. C. 56kg each hand for farmers Strength Accessories A. Done, body weight for… Read more »
Another great day of work! Looking strong and gymnastics are looking solid too!
Primary Strength Session
B. Build to today’s heavy Clean &Jerk
Got to 97% didnt miss one but kept ir there bec jerk was pretty ugly
C. 3×1 jerk @ 90%
failed 95%
D. 5-RM Single-Arm BB OH Press
Primary Conditioning Session
Gymnastics Skills Warm-Up✅
A. 9:45
Strength Accessory Option
B. did it with 20# dumbbells. Cant do it with KB
video of the clean & jerk?
A. 205# 212# (PR!) missed the jerk!!! Ah….
B. 225/225/230
C. 8:29 c2b all ub first set of shspu ub then fell apart. 11/7/7
PM worked out with the hubby
21 cal AB
Then 5 rounds
7 DB HSC @50#
21 cal
5 rounds again
21 cal
Yeah Ashley!! Congrats on the clean PR!
Thanks!! So embarrassing on the jerk…that won’t happen again
You still hit the clean though!!
Single Arm OH Press: Up to 65lbs on both sides. Probably had 5lbs more on the right side. Definitely a difference. How terribly humbling these are.
Metcon: 16:03rx
Off the rower at 3:37.
Haven’t done C2B or Strict HSPU in probably a month. Did both C2B sets and the first HSPU set as 9-8-7. Second HSPU I crashed hard, and I feel heavy. Went down to 2-3’s with rest after the first set of 6.
Gotta take the rough with the smooth. They’ll come back but just enjoy the gains!
Built to 300 c&j. Cleaned 315 but missed the jerk. Right knee was hurting.
17:26 those SHSPU!!
Look after that knee buddy. Hope it’s nothing serious.
Gymnastics warm up done w/deficit
A. 9:07 – man I couldn’t keep my SHSPU UB
CTB still a work in progress
Primary Strength Session : A. Done B. 245# .. two fails on the jerk at 265#. C. No blocks so focused on speed and dropping under the bar at 225#. D. 55# Primary Conditioning Session : A. 12:36 Rx . This workout would’ve scared me a couple months ago because of the sHSPU but I felt pretty confident going into it today. Changed my C2B strategy up and went 8/7/6/4 and 15/10 to save myself for the sHSPU instead of going UB. 10/5/3/3/3/1 and 6/4/3/3/3/3/2/1 for sHSPU. 3:48 Row B. 185# C. 70#’s Strength Accessory Option : B. Done with… Read more »
Good to see your confidence growing with gymnastics movements. Your hard work is paying off!
Assault Bike 100 Calories
Clean & Jerk
Anything over this weight kept getting away from me and I couldn’t rack it strong enough to stand.
Split Jerks
Conditioning – this was a nightmare workout for me. The only thing that would have made this worse would have been deficit strict hspu which I most likely had to scale down anyway.
Row at 3:26
Chest to Bars unbroken
R1 hspu – 6/5/5/5/4
R2 hspu – 5/4/4/3/3/3/3
Is the bike a PR?
Yea. Last time it was 3:49
Solid improvement!
Always hard to tell. Some workouts they feel better than others depending on how many reps and what it’s paired with. I really wanted to go sub 12 on this workout. Didn’t happen but I figured people would be around 8 minutes or so.
Crushed that bike !!
A. Done.
B. 275.
C. 265
Handstand work done.
Conditioning – 8:10
A. Done.
B. Hit 190# for a 5# PR. Almost had 195#.
C. These were tough!!! And I loved them. 43# on each arm.
Conditioning: SHSPU slow me down. 13:43.
Awesome week!
PM Primary:
A: Done
B: Solid 235lbs, then cleaned 242lbs 3x (which is my lifetime clean PR), but missed the jerks. HPpy with my clean consistency but given that I’ve jerked 260, I know where I need to spend some time working.
C: Met Con: 7:51Rx – all day!
Row: 4:23
C2B: 25
SHSPU: 21-4
C2B: 12-6-4-3
HSPU: 11-4-3-2-2-2-1
D: used 24kg KBs to do the farmer carry. I need to find something heavier.
Great day of cleaning! Those jerks though! Let’s see some video on FB page
Thanks! And will do. Feels like a strength thing, just heavy. I really haven’t hit heavy jerks (240-260lb) since early June so that might be why…
Dang! And I thought I was moving fast on that workout ???
C2Bs and HSPU are my jam! You’re competing at GG in MN next month right?! See you there!
Yes!! HSPU are my jam – it’s our short little arms! So excited to meet everyone ???
A. Complete
B. Hit 305, missed jerk on 315 twice.
C. 285/285/285
D. 65 pounds easy, 75 could only get once
Assault Bike
5:38, definitely getting better on the is sucker
Nice work on the ass bike!
Thanks Tino
Primary conditioning: I do not give a damn about the assault bike or how I lifted today. Let out a Josh bridges roar after this metcon! Hspu are mine!
3:48 row
C2b- 10-8-7
Hspu – 8-7-5-5
C2b- 10-8-7
Hspu- 5’s
Clean & Jerk:
Started at 205, went up 10-15lbs every 2 minutes. Hit 280 successfully and solid. PRed my Clean @ 300lbs but missed the jerk.
I filled my PR quota for the week.
Primary Strength
A) Done
B) 265. Missed Jerk at 280
C)missed 250 twice. 225, 245, missed 250 again, 225.
D) 80#’s. Tried 90. Nope.
Primary Conditioning
A)14:03 HSPU didn’t completely disappear, but damn close.
B) 200&230
C) Did first at 350 for 100′(misread instructions). Did 250 for 200. Have to turn every 50′
Strength Accessory
A) unweighted thrusts and 90 on dog sled across.
B) 35#KB’s and bodyweight.
Morning session: Primary strength A) done B) worked to 270 weights felt heavy today but still happy to hit above 90% C) 275/280/285f D) worked to 55lbs getting more comfortable with these Strength accessory A) done with 45 + my girlfriend on the sled lol B) done Afternoon session Primary conditioning Gymnastics warm up done A) 16:45 which was a win for me today. I weigh the heaviest I have in a long time at 210lbs (which is good because I am trying to gain weight and get stronger) I did all my hspus in sets of 3 trying to… Read more »
The extra mass seems to be paying dividends. Keep up the good work!
Haha it may make gymnastics a little harder but I’m feeling good!