Morning Aerobic Endurance Session
If you are an athlete who needs to improve your foundational aerobic capacity, we strongly suggest starting your day with an aerobic capacity session. Please choose between either the running or rowing option. If you are a larger athlete who rows well, but runs poorly…choose running. If you run well but row poorly, choose the rowing session.
Running Option
Warm Up
800 Meters of Easy Jogging
Followed by…
10 Meters of Perfect Stretch
10 Meters of Lateral Lunges
10 Tuck Jumps
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Change of Support (Posture) Drill: Back Against the Wall
Charlie’s Angels x 20 meters
Ball of the foot hopping x 10 meters
Followed by…
100 meter sprint @ 60%
Rest 45 seconds
100 meter sprint @ 70%
Rest 45 seconds
100 meter sprint @ 80%
Rest 45 seconds
100 meter sprint @ 90%
Rest 3-4 minutes before starting main portion of the workout.
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
400 Meter Run
Objective: the focus of this workout is speed. If you run your mile in 6 minutes, then the goal here is to be able to perform these 10 seconds faster than that pace – 1:20 per 400 meters for the 6 minute mile athlete. The goal is to keep your fastest and slowest sets within 3-5 seconds.
Post your 400 meter times to comments.
Cool Down
3 Minutes of Easy Jogging
10 Minutes of Static Stretching
(focus on hamstrings, quads and IT band)
Rowing Option
Warm Up
2 Minutes of Rowing at 16 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes of Rowing at 18 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes or Rowing at 20 Strokes/Minute
The goal of the warm-up, in addition to getting your blood flowing and body prepared, is to practice perfect movement sequencing and rowing mechanics. Pay attention to your posture and positions throughout this six minute warm-up.
Every 5 minutes, for 20 minutes, complete:
Row 500 Meters
Your goal should be to perform each set at 10-15 seconds below your 500m split for your 2k PR. Try to keep your fastest and slowest sets within 3-5 seconds of each other.
Cool Down
3 Minutes of Easy Rowing
10 Minutes of Static Stretching
Session One
Don’t be lazy, but don’t rush through these. Take your time between sets, and ensure that your focus is on technical perfection.
Three sets of:
3 Snatch Pulls + 3 Power Snatches + 3 Overhead Squats @ 50-55% of 1-RM Snatch
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Three sets of:
2 Snatch Pulls + 2 Power Snatches + 2 Overhead Squats @ 60-65% of 1-RM Snatch
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Three sets of:
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch
Rest as needed
Four sets of:
Snatch x 1 rep @ 80-95%
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 7 – 3 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 8 – 4 reps @ 75-80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Aim for the higher end of the % ranges if you were successful last week.
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – 5 Power Cleans + 10 Back Squats (155/105 lbs)
Minute 2 – 5 Dumbell Burpee Box Step-Overs (55/35 lb DBs – 20″)
Minute 3 – 20 Double-Unders + 10 Pull-Ups
Same rules as last week – If you finish your box step-overs under 30 seconds, add 1-2 muscle-ups each set. Note how many muscle-ups you completed over the course of the workout. Your goal is to finish the same amount this week.
Session Two – Strongman Session
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two Sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Strongman Conditioning Session
Build to today’s 3-RM Sandbag Clean & Jerk
Build to today’s 3-RM Sandbag Squats
Work up to a Max Effort…
50-Foot Overhead Yoke Walk
Rest 2-3 minutes
Three sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
(goal is max load…you’re only allowed one stop in the 100-feet)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Work up to a max effort…
100-Foot Sandbag Carry (bear hug only)
A. Snatch Complexes done and Felt Fast at 75% (205 for Power Complex) B. Different Story, stayed at 220, was failing reps at 240 C. Back Squat Reps Good up to 90% (395 slow on the first set and much faster on the second go round) Had to Coach Did a 40 min EMOM and stayed away from barbell squatting movements because my knees feel shot! 1: 5x Power Clean at 155 + 6x Burpee Box Jump Overs at 24″ 2: 15x Wall Ball Shots at 30# UB (needed redemption after yesterday) 3: 10x PU + 20 DU 4: 10x… Read more »
rowing session 1:35, 1:34, 1:34, 1:33 session 1 a. 70, 80, 85kg b. dropped the % back a bit, anything over 100kg hurts my wrist at the moment 90/95/100/105kg c.122.5/140/150/157.5/165/152.5/145/140kg, felt good today managed to add weight from last week. d. made 6 rounds as prescribed, missed round 7 pc+bs then went 5pc+8bs for remaining rounds all other minutes as prescribed. Really felt those extra couple of reps more than last week! session 2. modified with equipment available. a. used 100lb deadball b. joined a few smaller sandbags together, roughly 60kg c. – d. 85kg + sled across e. used… Read more »
Did this on Thursday… Only had about 45 minutes Session Two – Strongman Session A. Delt and biceps/triceps done at 10lbs Two Sets of: Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm-45lb bar with 40lbs on it Dumbbell Z-Press x 5 reps- 30lbs Strongman Conditioning Session A.Build to today’s 3-RM Sandbag Clean & Jerk- did it at 122… I can clean 140 no problem but the jerk was tough B. Build to today’s 3-RM Sandbag Squats- 140, felt like I was squatting like a power lifter the way I was bear hugging the sandbag…How are you supposed to hold it for… Read more »
A1) 85, 85, 95
A2) 105, 115, 115
A3) 125, 130, 130
B. 140, 145, 150, 155
C. Skipped the squats.. My back has been hurting… Did my old lady exercises instead
D. 30 min emom ✔️
Last week I did muscle ups after the step overs this week I didn’t because I was in more pain regarding my low back and elbows. Otherwise the emom felt great even with the extra reps and it was easier mentally. Love the 30 min emoms 🙂
Rowing Option:
A. Done
B. 2:00/1:56/1:56/1:56
C. Done
Session 1:
A1. 85/85/85
A2. 100/100/100
A3. 115/115/115
B. 135/140/140/145
C. 235/270/285/300/320/300/285/270
D. Scaled down to: 5 power cleans, 3-5 DBBSO, 10-20 Double Unders (Early rounds can get a few squats and pull-ups in but after round 3 or 4, not able to hold the intensity right now)
Session 1
Snatches: 95, 110, 125
Singles: 150, 155, 160, 165
30min emom: ?
Fine for the first 5 rounds then straight death, couldn’t breathe. Took two rounds off, finished the last three and then did the two rounds I skipped at the end not timed. 30 mins seems like forever and I think I panic that I won’t be able to finish…definitely something to work on
Nice work pushing through. In future if you know completing 10 round holding a 40-45 second pace for each minute would not be possible then I would highly recommend scaling the movements or loads to get the most out of the workout.
I was holding :30s for the first half and then just dropped off and died, felt like it still wasn’t enough time to recover. Scaling kills me a little but you’re right, I would definitely rather work through the whole 30 than have to stop
Ended up just sitting on the rower for some active recovery 40 on/20 off at 1.50-1.58 pace.
Lifting Comp on Saturday and Crossfit comp Friday.
Sorry for missing the 30 min emon just couldn’t justify all of those squats before a comp !
Busy weekend! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
Session 1:
A2. 95
A3. 110
B. 135lb these felt pretty good today!
C. 156/180/190/200/205/200/190/180 Legs feeling it today, but feeling more confident with back squats! First time doing these weights without a belt 🙂
D. Still missed a couple of the times, but felt mentally stronger this time.
Session 2:
Only did part A… kind of tweaked my right knee coming down on the DB Burpee Step Ups (short leg problems). Not bad, but want to be good to go on Friday. Good thing tomorrow is swimming 🙂
Session 2
Warm up done
A. Up to 100lbs biggest we have
B. Up to 160lbs with 2 combined
C. 175, 275, 305, 345-this was very wobbly at the end but I’ll take it since its 80lbs more than my Clean and jerk
D. 135 loaded onto sled, 140 loaded onto sled, 145 loaded onto sled. 2″ rope
E. Up to 160lbs with 2 bag combined
Legs are looking strong dude. Just need to get that upper body healthy now
Bought a flexband to do some exercises with for my forearm. Going to start doing them each night before bed, and get a massage this weekend. Hoping for good outcomes.
Compex and voodoo floss
Marc pro work the same?
Kind of. It’s not as powerful but should definitely help
Session 1 A1) 85 A2)105 A3)125, had a hard time with the power snatch pull… just having to get everything back at once is tough B)stayed lighter… 125/135/145/145 working on symmetrically landing =) C)Went off a 1RM of 230 instead of 265. This put two of my lifts over 200# and my legs almost don’t know how to get out of the bottom. Back at square one. EMOM- Scaled back to 21 minutes as I have been holding back all week. Felt like I could have gone the 30 (with some pain faces of course) but kept my Squat count… Read more »
Session 2:
Just Bodybuilding
Push press 3×6 w/135
3×3 w/155
Bench press
3×3 w/185
Supinated rows
3×6 w/145
DB back flys 3×10 w/30lbs
Strict bar dips 3×8
Strict supianated pull up 3×6
*did more pressing to help my HSPU
Modified session due to wrist.
Did the snath complex but with cleans. Ended at 295 for the 1s
Then did 5 sets of 2 cleans at 300
Didn’t have time for the 30m EMOM today. So I hopped into class workout and did 5 rounds 7 hang power snatches at 115 35 DUs
Then did some sled pulls and strongman stuff and single leg work.
Booked that PT yet?
Yeah going tomorrow!
Session One A. 3 Snatch Pulls + 3 Power Snatches + 3 Overhead Squats @ 50-55% of 1-RM Snatch 65 2 Snatch Pulls + 2 Power Snatches + 2 Overhead Squats @ 60-65% of 1-RM Snatch 90 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch 90 B. Four sets of: Snatch x 1 rep @ 80-95% 100 C. Back Squat *Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70% 165 *Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80% 190 *Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85% 200 *Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90% 210… Read more »
Session 1 (did this 2nd today) A1. 125 across (55%) A2. 150 across (65%) A3. 175 across (75%) B. Somehow I missed seeing this 🙁 C. 285/325/345/365/365/345/325/285 D. Uhhh felt liked I got sucker punched after round 4. Did everything to stay on the minutes but couldn’t hold. Would have to take a minute off here or there is think I ended with around 8 rounds +….you guys are freaks… Session 2. Warm ups done. Overhead yoke with pvc pipe and kettlebells Hand overhand with a rope for ropen climbing attached to a prowler… Sand bag walk with a 45lb… Read more »
Nice job Making the most of the equipment you have access to in order do perform the strongman session.
Session 1: A. 75/75/85 95/100/100 110/110/110 B. 125/135/140(F)/115/115..kept failing even after dropping back down so just did two lighter sets to get the reps in C. 180/205/215/230/240/230/215/205…all higher end of percentages and all felt good. D. Got two total muscle ups and those were on my first two rounds. Got 7 last week. Could not mentally hold on this week at all. scaled to 3 cleans and 8 back squats at halfway and only did 4 step overs on 3 or 4 of the least dubs and pull ups were all RX and UB haha! Aerobic Session: My mornings… Read more »
I’m alive! got somewhat settled in at my new place so jumped in on the class wod at my new box
75 wall balls
75 double unders
75 cal row
Row hurt pretty bad but just told myself that I wasn’t doing a 30 min emom haha
Glad the trek across the country went well!
1:18 – 1:19 – 1:20 – 1:18
Snatch complexes done. Stuck to exact %s. Shoulders are fatigued from the week.
Back Squats done. Felt better than last week.
Done. Definitely felt the extra reps today. I thought last week was manageable but challenging. Today’s was a gut check. Made the rounds with the 2 muscle ups.
Actually looking forward to hitting the pool tomorrow. I hope it’s similar to last weeks swim workout. That was totally doable for my skill set in the pool.
Session One
B. 160/160/165/170
C. 245/280/300/315/320/300/280/260
Oh my god, these felt so heavy today.
D. Done. Did 1 muscle up on my first five rounds, but didn’t get done under :30 the last five
Session Two
A. Done
A. Only have a 120lb sandbag so did 80 x 3 x 3 then 120 x 3 x 3
B. Felt a little ridiculous trying to hold onto them but did 2 80lb bags + a 25lb one on top
C. Yoke (150?) + 70lbs
D. 110
E. 160 (2 80lb bags)