Handstand against wall x 30 reps
55+ Handstand against wall x 20 reps
Kick up to a handstand against the wall, insuring proper hand placement in width and distance from the wall. Utilize any wall handstand option necessary for successful landing. If you land on your knees count as a “”””no rep”””” and repeat the handstand. The object is to make at least one foot touch the wall and land successfully. If you make it to the wall attempt to bring the lead foot to the wall as well. Ultimately you will want to consistently kick up, bring your feet together and then make contact with the wall to count the rep.
followed by . . .
Three sets of 30 second:
Hand plank shoulder taps x max reps
Rest 60 seconds between sets
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes, complete:
Back Squat x 4-5 reps @ 75-80%
For time:
Row 1,000 Meters
30 Cleans
50 Burpees
45-54: 135/95 lbs
115 lbs/75 lbs
Optional Session
Four sets of:
Run x 6 minutes
Rest 4 minutes
Did this Sunday
A. Done
B. 230
C. 12:09 (155#)
Rested a couple of hours then did the runs on the high school track – 1,200 meters per 6 minutes (4 sets)
Had to do Sunday
A: 20 wall, 10 freestanding
Shoulder taps: 80/70/74
B: did this squat workout Friday @ 275 so bench press: E3MOM 15 x 10 reps, 135/155/155/175/175
C: 10:12
A bit behind–
Snatch section from yesterday at 75# for all
Then max set of 5 thruster- 112
Then cascade classic step up/TTB/mu wod
Happy to be able to do step ups with weight, still slow but steady. Had about 30 sec for mu, got 3.
A. Handstand work-Done
B. All sets at 315×5
C. Between 9 and 10 min (clock got reset by class)
PM Mile repeat work. Endurance program
Where are you getting your endurance program from? You are making some awesome progress
Thanks Pete. I am following the Invictus Endurance Programing. I typically run 3x’s a week separate from the masters program. I have been following it all summer and enjoy the variety of runs and challenge they present.
I’m not a runner but I know I need to do something to fix that.
Worked out at home today with my new toy. I picked up my used Rogue Sled.
A. Skipped. I’d like to do this Sunday.
Bench Press 135/155/185/205/225#.
B. 155/155/165/165/155
C. Skipped for sled work. Loaded 140# plus 100# sled and pulled it 250 yards in 5 increments of 50 yards each.
Was in charge of coaching today… so I did what the class did.
Front Squat 5×4 @ 165#
Invictus Comp Wod (scaled and forgot to check the clock, to busy coaching/cheering)
3RFT @ 95# Snatch Clean, C2B, Run
40 cal , 35# carry. 40 cal
21-15-9 @ 75# OHS all UB, burbees over bar.
A. 30 handstands
B. 260, 265, 270, 275, 280 all 5x
C. 9:30. Felt good
D. Four 6 min. runs. .75 – .8 miles each.
Did this first and barely had any heel pain!
A. Done
Gym was holding a workshop so we went and completed the running next.
4 sets Run 6 min, walk 4 mins: total distance 3.75 miles (still feeling slight strain on left adductor on runs)
Mobilized more when returned to gym.
B. Back squats x 5 reps: 200-200-205-210-215#
C. 9:16 (4:08 row, ~2:00 cleans, ~3:00 burpees)
Thanks for the push today!
Great job! Thanks for training today!
A. 30 handstands
B. 260, 265, 270, 275, 280 5x
C. 9:30
D. 4×6 minute runs. .75 – .8 mile each.
A) Complete, good stuff, enjoy anything we do that helps with gymnastics or overhead/shoulder stability.
B) #275
C) 11:55 RX I am horrible at burpees which I guess is a great reason I need to be doing them! Nice metcon to finish out the day!
Hs holds
For some reason I read it to be fsq?
So that is what I did 4 reps@185
Wod 105 bar facing burpees 11:14
Partner wod after with my husband , that sounds funny . Like a workout .?
4 mile beach run
Did yesterday’s workout. Was feeling a little under the weather yesterday. Thought I would just take it easy today and see how things felt.
2km row wu and Bergener wu
Dynamic Mobility – done
A. Snatch from blocks – 3 sets at 95/3 sets at 100
B. C& J – 100/110/115/125/145
C. 8 min AMRAP – 8 rounds + 3
D. Accessory – done all except L-sit flutter kicks (time!)
Comp Class today-
Gauntlet 45 min cap due to class after-
1 Mile run
50 Burpee Box Jump Overs
40 Alt Pistols
30 C2B
20 Thrusters #95
10 Snatch
2k Row
Only had 1200 left
Looking to re-test and finish when this cycle is over.
Saturday’s are hard for open gym-Like the class once a week for now!
Pushes me.
Feeling better today than I have all week
Looking forward to Rest day tomorrow.
Doing a local comp next weekend-bummed I am going to miss Friday.
I like the snatch and clean complex.
A. skipped wanted to not burn my shoulders today. B. 155 for all sets C. 11:44- used 105# and all squat cleans. I went with… WW Bethanne and Cheryl do? Go heavier of course and squat clean. See how you ladies motivate! d. Dark Horse Rowing instead of running OMG it was alot! Warm up done Workout- 1250meter- 6 sets with 3 minutes rest between sets. Row 250 max effort and 250 easy. 7500 meters total rowing. pace was 2:18…. on the max effort I held 1:54-:1:58 pace. Total Time including rest was… 52:43.0 7500 meter time 34.43.0 Definitely earned… Read more »
You mentioned Dark Horse Rowing, have you done their “Damper Setting Test” workout? If so was it helpful? I feel like I have a pretty good idea on my settings but then again maybe something like that would be interesting to do and see what the results are.
Mike, I haven’t completed the drag factor test. I probably should. I keep my damper at 2-3. There is so much to learn about rowing!
A. Hope I completed them correctly and Holy Shoulder burner!!!
B. 345, used belt today… posting last set on fb tonight.
C. 14:07, row 3:38, 135# cleans (I assumed sqt..) 4:00, burpees 3:29..
D. Planning to run tonight on HS track from my house…
B)225#×4 (5)
C1)Did conditioning from Friday
6+3 shspu really slowed me down
Rest 10 minutes then completed today’s conditioning.
C2)12:27 @135# PC
A: wasn’t sure if these were just kick ups onto a wall so did 30 of those then 15 freestanding kick up with max hold. B: Did Hatch Day 1 Week 1- Nichole I’d like your thoughts on substituting Hatch for the days we BS and FS. Rep schemes are very similar. Too much volume? This is really the only squat cycle I’ve ever had any success with increasing my squat. C: 11:02- used 155lbs and power cleans. Row 3:38. Cleans (10 singles, 5 UB, 5 singles, 5 UB, 5 singles) Took a lot longer than it should of! Finding… Read more »
Corey – I really need to work on my leg strength. What’s involved with the Hatch? How are you fitting it in? The
B) did squats but only at 60% – 225#
C) DONE with 155 # – and only did power cleans – time: 12:26
A. Done
B. 290x5x5
C. 11:59
Did 155# PC
Weight for 40-44 for cleans?
That would be a fun workout to go head to head on
Yes it would! Needed someone else to do it with today. No motivation by myself.
Yeah that’s why I’ve been jumping into classes on the weekend. Hot summer weeks are pulling me down.
I used 105# and did squat cleans… Maybe Inshould have done 125# ? That would have killed me LOL