Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Minute 1 – Crossover or Banded Reverse Flys x 8 reps @ 2121
Minute 2 – Elevated Ring Rows x 8-10 reps
Minute 3 – Ring Iso Hold x 30 seconds
Minute 4 – L-Sit x 30 seconds
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4 minutes of:
500 Meter Row
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Double Unders
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
500 Meter Row
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Double Unders
Rest exactly 3 minutes, and then . . .
Complete for time:
500 Meter Row
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs
20 Toes-to-Bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead
40 Kettlebell Swings
50 Double Unders
35-49: 24/20″; 115/75 lbs; 24/16 kg
50-54: 24/20″; 95/65 lbs; 24/16 kg
24/20″ step ups okay; 85/55 lbs; 16/12 kg
A) Done
B) 3 Shoulder To Overhead at #115
– 1:46 row T2B 8,7,5
C) 27 Shoulder to Overhead at #115 8,8,7,4
– 1:54 row then singles T2B
D) 10:03 and almost puked
– 1:58 row
– singles T2B
– 8,8,7,7 S2OH
– 10,10,5,5,5,5 KB
– 25,25 DU
I almost puked 3 times during this workout. Jarring the stability with my midline thru all the work and the breathing crushed me.
A. Done
B. 1. Thru 13 T2B
2. Got to 17 S2O
3. 10:16
A. Done
B. 5:37
C. 5:50
Great job on the Jason!
A: Done w/ 20 sec L sit
B- 7 S2OH (537)
C: 30 S2OH (560)
D: 9:47
My S2 OHs today were a hot mess! Time for ic, heat and compex for the shoulders and traps.
Nice work Corey!!
B. 530 1:54 row, 10 bbjo, 20 T2B 7/6/4/3
C. 567 1:58 row, 10 bbjo, 20 T2B 5/5/3’s…2, 30 S2OH 15/10/5, 7 KB
D. 8:24 2:04 row, 10 bbjo, 20 T2B 3’s and 2’s, 30 S2OH 13/10/7, 40 KB 30/10, 50 DU UB.
Fatal “43” instead of 40 (Birthday Hero WOD with a partner) Ran 400m after every movement.
47 min.
How how fun! GREAT job on the workout Jean!!!
1st workout back since the Games…joined in the Sat AM class at AllStar.
Partner workout, alternate rounds with partner for 8 min amrap:
8 deadlifts (225/155#)
8 chest to bars
Rest 4 mins
8 burpee box jump overs (24/20″)
8 ring dips
Rest 4 mins
8 ground to overhead (135/95#)
8 toes to bar
1st 8 mins: 7 rounds
2nd 8 mins: 4 rounds + 4 reps
3rd 8 mins: 5 rounds
A. Done, but at the end.
B1. through 20 T2B. (520)
B2. through 15 STO (545)
B3. 8:59
then Fatal 40 (did 43 though) with two partners for Jean Thorson’s 43rd birthday with a 400m run after each movement. Fun! happy birthday, JT!
Great job on todays portion Brian!!
Thanks, Nichole!
A. Done
B1. 500 + 10 + 2 (512)
B2. 500 + 10 + 20 + 15 (545)
B3. 10:12 T2B (5’s) S2O (15’s) KBS (UB) DU’s (UB)
Oldest daughter is headed off to college today, so I didn’t have much time. I was only able to do the local WOD – 10k row for time, w 4 person teams. Our time won!!!!!
Have a great day folks!!!
A. Complete
B. 538
C. 565
D. 9:33
Have to say this was a good one but yet i was wrecked ea. Session.
Solid Rlf!
B. 546. Row 1:34. T2B 10/5/5. S2OH 16 UB
C. 582. Row 1:40. T2B 10/5/5. S2OH 18/12. KB 22 UB
D. 8:32. Row 1:43. T2B 10/5/5. S2OH 19/11. KB 25/15. Dubs UB
Interesting pacing each movement differently based on overall length of workout.
Got a little tight in the home gym with all the different movements. Fun one.
Blazing time Keith – great work!! Your garage gym looks awesome!
A. L-sits, butterfly C2B practice
B. (35-49) 538
C. 564
D. 10:33
Have a great weekend!
А. 542
В. 564
С. 9:28
Thanks, Nichole!
A. 530
B. 551
C. 11:44
A. Done
B. 525
C. 535
D. 12:44
Oh I remember this one! Or one with sane format. Either way, It’s a bit spicy!