Primary Strength Session
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
1 Muscle Snatch
2 Drop Snatches
3 Snatch Push Presses
Build over the course of the 5 sets to something heavy-ish for this complex.
Same as last week, try to build a little heavier.
Six sets of:
Snatch Lift-Off + Snatch
Rest 2 minutes
For the lift off, pause for a count of “one one-thousand, two one-thousand” at the mid-patella before returning the weight to the floor. Build over the course of the six sets to today’s heavy.
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Snatch x 1 rep
Perform these with the same weight you finished with on the lift-off + snatch.
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 4 – 4 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 5 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 90-95%
Rest 3 minutes between sets.
Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
30 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
3/2/ Legless Rope Climbs
30/20 Calories of Assault Bike
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Every 3 minutes, for 30 minutes (10 sets) for max calories:
90 seconds of Assault Bike
Note results for all ten sets and look for inconsistencies and critical drop off.
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Four rounds performed at 80-85%…
Row 500 Meters
5 Strict Muscle-Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups to 6″/4″ Deficit
50 Heavy Rope Double-Unders
Three sets of:
Face Pulls x 30 reps
Rest 60 seconds
Kettlebell Biceps Curls x 8-10 reps @ 2010
Rest as needed
AM: 1: 325 x 4
2: 345 x 3
3: 365 x 2
4: 345 x 4
5: 365 x 3
6: 385 x 2
Muscle Snatch + Drop Snatch + Snatch Push Press
1: 95
2: 105
3: 115
4: 125
5: 135
Snatch Liftoff + Snatch
1: 135
2: 155
3: 175
4: 195
5: 205
6: 210
Snatch @ heaviest weight:
1: 210
2: 210 (failed)
3: 205
4: 210
Metcon: 9:39 (terrible time with legless rope climbs, still a work in progress)
PM Session
Back squats
6:27 scaled thrusters to 95#, back feels ok doing them just being cautious.
Gymnastics part B done
Everything barbell feels so heavy after a couple of week of gymnastics and bike
Primary Strength Session :
A. Up to 115#
B. Up to 215#
C. 215#
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option :
A. 31:57 (1st Round 6″ 2 Round 5″ 3&4 4″… sMU 3/2 and last round all 5)
Row 1:52
B. Purple Rogue Band and 36# KB
Done: 11:07
Subbed 155 shoulder to overhead instead of thrusters. So, this workout f***ed me up, don’t know why, had to lay down for 15 minutes after ?
Face pulls/curls…so swole
Session 1: Primary Strength: A. Snatch Complex – 45/65/75/85/95 (when I get above 95 I lose speed in the drop snatch so kept it low) B. Snatch Lift Off + Snatch – 115/135/145/155/165/170 C. Snatch @ 170 – 3/4 (missed last one) D. Back Squat – 285/305/325/310/330/345 Box Jump for height: 46inches (need to break 50) Aerobic/Gymnastics A. Row @ 2:00 5 Ring PU to Sternum (need to get strength back for strict RMU) 2″ deficit (sets of 5/3/2) 50 DUs (no heavy rope but still need to work on stringing these together, very inconsistent) Session 2: Assault Bike (Schwinn… Read more »
First two sets of bikes must have been your warm-up! 🙂
Yea had to find my groove. Really liking these workouts.
A. Done
B. 225. 235F.
C. 345,375,395,375,395,420
8:29. Thrusters were off today. Fought the weight going to my toes. Planned to go unbroken but they were 15,15. Need to push harder on rope and bike.
Primary Strength Session
D.Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @58%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @65%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 4 reps @ 65%
*Set 5 – 3 reps @75%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @80%
Primary Conditioning Session
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
A. ✅
-5 kipping muscle up
Deficit HSPU 2″
– had no weighted jump rope
B.✅ DB bicep curl 15/20#
Rest as need
Posted my ugly snatch on FB. Tried some new things today. Had a great session but the snatches didn’t go well. Didn’t get in my head like they used too. Back squats based of 385. Use lower % first wave and higher % second wave. A little heavy feeling Conditioning Scaled 20 cal 3 lrc from seated 30 Thrusters at 95lb 14/10/6 3lrc from seated 20cal 6:52 Really happy with my bike improvement. Might have to start bumping up the cals soon haha Sat there staring at the bike to do the ass bike conditioning but told myself more is… Read more »
One long session at the end of the day:
Muscle Snatch Complex: 85, 95, 105, 110, 115
Snatch lift off + Snatch: 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 165
Snatch 4×1 at 165 all done! No misses today.
Back Squat:
250, 267, 287, 270, 290, 305
Conditioning: 6:23Rx – goal was under 6:00 and I was through the Thrusters at 3:00 but needed to take a long rest to make the first al legless. Felt a little heavy after the squat work….
Good Friday after a long day of court appearances, board meetings and conference calls.
Machine!! I don’t know how you do it!
AM Session
Aerobic/Gymnastics skills
27:42 no heavy rope so did 100 DU
Primary Strength
Still keeping the weights light
A. Complex @40kg across
B. Sn lift off + snatch 60/65/70/75/80/85kg
C. 4/4 @85kg
Primary Strength A) 95, 105, 115, 125, 125 B) 135, 155, 165, 175, 185, missed 195. Felt like I am starting to understand some of my deficiencies. C) Missed 185 twice, missed 175 twice. Keep my shoulders over the bar forgot to move my feet. Went to 165 to dial it in. D) 320, 340, 360, 340, 360, 380. Missed 2nd rep at 380. Gymnastics Letting my back work its self out. 3 sets of 10 Strict Ring Dips and 10 strict C2B. Back still feels a bit tight in these movements but much less so. Hoping to start using… Read more »
Worked up to 165 for last 3 sets for muscle snatch, drop snatch push press
B) worked up to 185 for snatch then 4×1 for snatch at 185
C) FS 305,324,345,305,325,345
Primary conditioning felt good
Then every 3 mins for 30 min row
7:48… my biceps were so shot I had to use my legs at the top for the last couple.. that hasn’t happened to me for like a year and my world is spinning right now
AM Session
A) 65, 85, 105, 125, 135
B) 135,155,165,175,185,205
C) 205 I hit 2 of the 4 lifts
D) 335,355,375,355,380,405
Squats went good except when I got to 405 couldn’t stand 1 rep up, my legs were smoked.
PM session
12:04 used a questionable fan bike that I think takes twice as long but at any rate a fun workout
Cheater bike?! ?
Lol yes for sure ?♂️
Rowing and Handstand Push Ups
Lift Off + Snatch
4 x 1
Back Squats
Up to 445 for a double
I felt my rope climbs were pretty slow on the back 3. First 30 cals was 30ish seconds. Thrusters unbroken and I sold out on the last 30 cals for under a minute to finish. First time doing legless in a long time since I really strained my bicep and was out for a month.
Solid work dude!
Bike done
Running from endurance blog dome
S2 4 weeek strength cycle d4 in week 3
Alot of heavy back squat. Snatch and clean and jerk
Primary met con done finished
Strength accessory fro program done
Afternoon session:
5×1 snatch balance + ohs at 225
5×1 P.snatch + snatch balance + ohs 155
Snatch lift off + snatch: up to 240
4×1 snatch at 225
10×5 backsquats at 205
Primary conditioning
6:05rx.. missed my goal by 5 seconds. Legs were tired from lifting
Did you break up thrusters
10-10-10 with 8-10 seconds between
Nice one. Unbroken here ?
Only thing that slowed me down was rope climb
Muscle Snatch Complex: 95-115-125-135-145lbs.
Lift-off + Snatch: up to 185lbs.
Snatch: back and forth from 185-195lbs.
Pretty much everything felt awful today. My legs are still ruined from Bulgarians. Stabby hurty legs.
It’s good for you 🙂
We will see.
Also did facepulls and curls.
Standard Friday pump session
A. 35/55/65/75
B. Went 145
C. 15/155/160/failed 165 2xugh…
D. 215/235/250/235/250/260
C. 7:05
A. Hit 145# for snatch lift off plus snatch.
B. Hit all percentages off of 240#
Conditioning: felt slow! Been a rough week stress wise. Will be a better week next week!
Hope you get to relax a little over the weekend and come back fresh for Mondays work!