Morning Endurance Session
Running Option
Warm Up
3 Minutes of Easy Jogging
Followed by…
A/B/C Skips x 20 meters each
Lateral Skips x 20 meters per side
One Foot Hops x 20 meters per leg
Followed by…
30 seconds of Running @ 60-70%
30 seconds of Jogging
30 seconds of Running @ 70-80%
30 seconds of Jogging
30 seconds of Running @ 80-90%
30 seconds of Jogging
Running Mechanics Drills
Two sets of:
Ideal position (hold for 30 seconds on each side)
Hands behind back drill x 20 meters
Carioca Drill x 20 meters
Eights sets of:
60 Seconds of Running
Rest 3 minutes
The goal of this workout is speed; you have plenty of rest between working intervals, which means we want you to be running these fast. There’s a 1:3 work to rest ratio, which equates to faster pace/higher intensity. You should feel recovered by the time you start your next interval. You will most likely be covering between 300-400 meters per set. Record your distances for each set and try not to drop more than 10 meters per set.
Post distance covered to comments.
Cool Down
3 Minutes of Easy Jogging
10 Minutes of Static Stretching
Rowing Option
2 Minutes of Rowing at 16 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes of Rowing at 18 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes or Rowing at 20 Strokes/Minute
The goal of the warm-up, in addition to getting your blood flowing and body prepared, is to practice perfect movement sequencing and rowing mechanics. Pay attention to your posture and positions throughout this six minute warm-up.
Eight sets for max meters of:
60 Seconds of Rowing
Rest 3 minutes
Please note meters achieved for each working set. Push each working set. We expect to see some drop off throughout the sets. Go hard and test your mental fortitude to repeat the effort at the same intensity and preceived rate of exertion.
Cool Down
3 Minutes of Easy Rowing
10 Minutes of Static Stretching
Session One – Primary Gym Training Session
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3 Snatch Pulls + 3 Power Snatches + 3 Overhead Squats @ 50-55% of 1-RM Snatch
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Snatch Pulls + 2 Power Snatches + 2 Overhead Squats @ 60-65% of 1-RM Snatch
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Power Snatch + 1 Overhead Squat @ 70-75% of 1-RM Snatch
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
*Set 6 – 2 reps @ 85-90%
*Set 7 – 3 reps @ 80-85%
*Set 8 – 4 reps @ 75-80%
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – 4 Power Cleans + 8 Back Squats (155/105 lbs)
Minute 2 – 4 Dumbell Burpee Box Step-Overs (55/35 lb DBs – 20″)
Minute 3 – 20 Double-Unders + 10 Pull-Ups
If you finish your four box step-overs under 30 seconds, add 1-2 muscle-ups each set. Note how many muscle-ups you completed over the course of the workout.
Three sets of:
Piston Pushdowns x 40-60 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Stiff-Legged Deadlift x 8 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Clean
Rest 60-90 seconds
Session Two – Strongman Session
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two Sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Sandbag Squat x 8-10 reps
Rest as needed
Strongman Conditioning Session
Build to today’s 5-RM One-Arm Press
Find your 5-RM press on your non-dominant arm first, and then find it with your dominant arm.
Build to today’s 3-RM One-Arm Snatch
Find your 3-RM snatch on your non-dominant arm first, and then find it with your dominant arm.
Build to today’s 3-RM Sandbag Clean & Jerk
Two sets of:
100-Foot Yoke Carry
(as heavy as possible, goal is max load for 100-feet unbroken)
Rest 3-4 minutes
Two sets of:
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
(goal is max load…you’re only allowed one stop in the 100-feet)
Rest 2-3 minutes
One set of:
300 Meter Sandbag Carry
Rowing done
session 1
a. 70kg across
80kg across
90kg across
b. 122.5/140/147.5/157.5/162.5/150/140/130kg very rushed but hit all %
c. emom done rx without any MU
d. @102.5kg
session 2
modified with the gear I had available
warm up done
a. 30kg both arms, heaviest DBs available but probs ouldnt have gone much heavier.
b. –
c. –
d. –
will try catch up ^^^ over the weekend
e. 70/80kg
finisher done with 100lb deadball
Running Session:
Couldn’t get to the track, but fell off 20-30ft by the last few.
Session One:
A. 105
B. 245 x 4
280 x 3
300 x 2
315 x 1
330 x 1
300 x 2
280 x 3
260 x 4
C. Done, used #40 DBs and this was terrible. No muscle ups.
D. Skipped, ran out of time
Session Two
Warm up: Done
A. 55 both arms
B. L 75/ R 85
C. 120
D1. 380
D2. 410
E. 110
F. 120, put on back and jogged the whole time
A1. Done @ 60kg
A2. Done @ 71 kg
A3. Done @ 82.5 kg
B. 130/148/157.5/166/175/166/157.5/140kg
C.EMOM rx’d – Did 2 strict muscle ups after 4x Burpee box over, 20 total , felt smooth. Burpee box over is annoying.
D. stiffies @ 110kg
Tricep pumpers @ yellow band x40reps
Rowing – 323,317,318,318,314,317,317,316,317,315m
Sesh 1: Started with Strongman Warm-up since I like it so much. I/Y/Ts done wtih 2.5s and Bicep/Tricep done with 8s Landmine rows done with 33# bar ad 25# plate. Sandbag squat done with 80#. A. Snatches: Done at percentages and did not go up from last week. Did one-arm snatch next. 55# and done with barbell. Is this suppose to be barbell or DB? B. Back Squats, done at percentages and stayed on lighter end. Done from a 225# back squat. Did one are 5-RM shoulder press with barbell. This was tough. No more than 38#. Again, DB or… Read more »
Session 1:
A1. 75/80/85
A2. 95/100/100
A3. 110/115/115
B. 235/270/285/300/320/300/285/270
C. EMOM – 24″ box (thought 20″ was women only), got as many squats as possible per minute, no pull ups didn’t want to rip hands
D. N/A
All 1 big banger..
3s – 60kg
2s – 71kg
1s – 82.5
Back squats 130/148/157.5/166/175/166/157.5/140kg
EMOM Rx- all around 30seconds, did 2x strict muscle ups each round. So total of 20 completed. burpee box step overs annoying as usual.
Stiff legs – 100kg
Pistons with yellow band x40
Rowing 3mins rest was nice – 323/317/318/318/314/317/317/316/317/315m
Session One – Primary Gym Training Session A1. Done @ 50 – 55 kg A2. Done @ 60 – 65 kg A3. Done @70 – 75 kg B. 70/ 90/ 100/ 110/ 110 kg – stoped, C.EMOM rx’d – scaled up the Step overs to 24 “, D. No time left – had a PT client, Session Two – Strongman Session Rear Delt Warm Up Done Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm: 45 kg Sandbag Squat 10 reps: 50 kg Strongman Conditioning Session A. 30 / 30 kg each arm B. 45 / 45 kg C. 50 kg D.… Read more »
Solid day Leif!
Session 1: A. 65/75/85 85/85/95 95/95/105 B. I tend to be a little shy on Back Squats.. but decided to go for it today. 145/175/185/195/205 /195/185/180 C. And then I felt the back squats during the EMOM. Holy mental fortitude testing! Did everything RX but missed one minute at the 15 min mark. Hardest part was the DB Burpee Box overs! Darn these short legs! Was around 34-40 sec so no MU. D. Done Rowing Session: 249/250/267/267/263/274 (I may have almost cried after this one…)/269/274 (and then I told myself I got this far so no holding back now haha)… Read more »
Great work today Sammie! Squatting is coming along!
Session 2
Warm ups done
A. 60lbs barbells on left and right
B. 75lbs on each was all I could get today. Usually can get around 95-105, just wasn’t happening today
C. 100lb bag
D. 455lbs, 500lbs no drops
E. 145lbs loaded onto sled, 145lbs loaded onto sled. 2″ rope
100lb bag for 300m carry no drops
Snatch up 5 lb from last week on all
Backsquat done at prescribed weight
Wod done
Scaled to 4 back squats first round for whole wod
Got 5 mu through out
Axillary done and strong man done
Didnt have time to do whole running wod so just ran a mile
Conditioning is getting better
This stuff challenges me. I like it
Session 2:
Just did Bodybuilding
Shoulder openers from strongman
3×10 each t-y-I raise
3 sets
12 DB flat bench w/40lbs
10 Ring Rows
3 sets
8 DB z-press
10 Bent over DB rows w/40lbs
3 sets:
DB curl( elbow feels weird tried to flush blood in there)
Skull crushers
Jacked and tanned session!
redid my qualifyer workout and then just the primary session today. Sleep schedule has been off this week and I feel it
Session 1
A. 65/75/90
B. 115/130/149/150/155/140/140/135
C. I thought I was dying for 30 minutes here
75# for pc/bs-also cut the reps to 4 for bs. Used 20# db and went 10 pull-ups for several rounds and found my butterflies! Then I got a blood blister and cut the reps down to 5 and kipped them to make sure I didn’t tear
I’m sure the 30 minute mom wasn’t fun after the qualifier!
It was so terrible hahaha
Session 1)
A) just did snatch positions due to wrist.
B) 305-345-365-385-390-375-365-345
C) EMOM done. 2 MU per round.
D) done
A. For snatching, I stayed at low weights, focusing on Tino’s suggestions from my posted snatch video. 3’s at 65 2’s at 75 1’s at 85 B. Back Squat *Set 1 – 4 reps @ 70% 165 *Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80% 190 *Set 3 – 2 reps @ 85% 200 *Set 4 – 1 rep @ 90% 210 *Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90-95% 210 *Set 6 – 2 reps @ 85-90% 200 *Set 7 – 3 reps @ 80-85% 195 *Set 8 – 4 reps @ 75-80% 175 Rest 2 minutes between sets. C. This… Read more »
Good day of learning today always try and get the most out of each workout.
Session 1.
A1. All at 125 (55%)
A2. All at 150 (65%)
A3. 170/175/175 (75%)
B. 285/325/345/365/375/345/325/295
C. Completed took 1 min off in round 8 then jumped back on the next min. Otherwise everything as rx. Didn’t add muscle ups not quite there just yet.
D. Done.
Session 2.
Warm ups done.
A. Both left and right arm 70lbs
B. These were funny used a barbell, first time doing this. Left arm 85, right arm 95 did split snatches.
C. N/A
D. Did BB with kettlebells and bands
E. N/A
F. Did the optional rowing.
never got to test my 5k the other day so did that instead today so I would have a baseline. Not the most ideal running trail but I will retest it the same way. 27:40
Session one:
A. 75
B. 180/205/215/230/230/215/205/190. stuck with lighter end of percentages
C. all done RX with the exception of having to use 35# KB’s instead of DB’s. 7 MUs.
no time for accessory stuff today.
Missed quite a few session over the last weekend due to my brothers bachelor party ?
Am Session – running option
320-350 meters on sets 1-7. 8th set I gave up mentally. Can tell I haven’t ran in a week.
PM session
A. 145 for all 3
180,190, 200
B. Nanos, no belt.
315×4, 360×3, 385×2, 405×1, 420×1, 405×2, 385×3, 375×4
C. All RX 14MUs – 2 each 1-6, held on for dear life 7,8,9 and got 2 MUs on 10.
Solid first day back!
Session one. A. 65kg, 75kg, 85kg (5 kilos heavier on all sets from last week) B. 115kg, 130kg, 137.5, 145kg, 152.5kg, 145kg, 137kg, 130kg. All done based on 160kg C. Done and was happy with how I moved on te power leans and backsquat. Did not do the accessory work, have to make sure to finish it next week. Session 2 T-raises done with fraction weight, biceps and triceps opening done with 8kg dumbbells. landmine rows and sanbag squats done, dont have sandbags so used 32kg kettlebell. A. 25kg as we dont have any dumbbells heavier. B. Built and managed… Read more »
Session 1: A. 95/95/100 110/115/120 130/135/140 B. 210/240/255/270/280/265/240/225 C. Done RX plus 6 muscle ups. Got through the work in around 30 seconds each time (except when I added in the muscle up), but I really struggled with the heat today. It. Is. Freaking. HOT right now in Houston! Gotta be really diligent about my water intake… Felt myself getting chills at the end of this. D. (Did this with session 2) 50/50/40 on the push downs, 170# deadlift Session 2: A. Left = 60#, right = 65# B. 80# each arm. Still working on balancing the barbell without killing… Read more »
I’m coming over!!! 🙂
Take care in the heat ladies. makes sure you staying on top of your hydration.
I’ve also been feeling very beat up by the heat…today I made myself take a sip of powerade between each set of 3 stations. It seemed to help a little bit, didn’t feel as out of by the end.
Nice work Teresa! Heat can be crushing there this time of year.
Did some assault bike to get some blood flow and mobilized.
3s – 185
2s – 215
1s – 245
Back Squats
335 – 365 – 395 – 415 – 435 – 385 – 365 – 355
EMOM done.
Minute 1 and 3 sub 30s
Minutes was between 28-35.
Accessory done.
No muscle-ups on EMOM? 🙂
Yea I did lol. I just edited to make it make sense. Those were 28-35s. I couldn’t keep those under 30s