This week will look a bit different than a typical week. It’s an opportunity for you to reset after our last cycle. Then on August 15th, we will start our off-season cycle. If you are interested in knowing why we program transition weeks this check out this article HERE.
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Distracted Ankle Pulse x 45 seconds per side
into …
Band Distracted Perfect Stretch x 45 seconds per side
into …
Banded Scarecrow x 2-3 minutes depending on how tight you feel
and finish with …
60 seconds Hawaiian Squats (30 seconds per side)
30 seconds Banded Pass Thrus in Squat
30 seconds Band Pull Aparts
30 seconds Plate Presses
30 seconds Kang Squat
Five sets of:
Dumbbell Bench Press x 6-8 reps @ 20X1
Rest 45 seconds
Prone Plank Hold x 45-60 seconds
Rest 45 seconds
Three sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6-8 reps each side @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
Landmine Reverse Lunges x 6-8 reps each side @ 20X1
Rest 30 seconds
Ab Wheel Roll-Outs x 45-60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
For time:
30 Devils Press
35-54: 50/35 lbs
55+: 35/20 lbs
Athlete Notes:
Hitting a transition week doesn’t mean you are necessarily taking the week off but it just means your training will look a little different. For the primary session, everyone will be hitting up some hypertrophy work with pressing, pulling, and midline stabilization. Then you’ll do a short and sweet workout with just one movement … devils press. Approach this with intensity OR view it as volume accumulation with the devil’s press (and feel free to lower the weight if this movement fires up your shoulders and not in a good way).
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Rowing Option
Three rounds for time:
1000 Meter Row
400 Meter Run
60-Meter Farmer’s Carry**
40 Double-Unders
10 Strict Pull-Ups
**Weight up to the athlete
Scaling Options for Double-Unders (choose one of the following):
Reduce the reps by 1/2
Single Unders x double the reps
Running Single-Unders in place