April 7, 2014 – Regionals Groups 1-4

Workout of the Day
Four sets of:
Bench Press x 5 reps
Rest as needed

One set for max reps of:
Bodyweight Bench Press x Max Unbroken Reps in 60 seconds
(Ladies – perform this at 2/3 Bodyweight)

Every 12 minutes, for 48 minutes (4 sets), complete the following for time:
Row 2000 Meters
(Ladies – Row 1800 Meters)
150 Double-Unders

Goal here is to maintain some consistency on each set. I would like to see times for each set within 15 seconds of each other…which is only possible if you are consistent with your rowing pace and double-unders. Breathe calm in transition and maintain focus throughout double-unders.
Programming Note – I would like to get your feedback on the schedule between now and Regionals. In order to help you prepare to perform at your peak potential, I would like to gather some more information about your ability to train on the weekends. I will try to structure training so that it fits the needs of the majority of our group.

My preference is that Regionals-qualified athletes shift their training schedules so that the bulk of the training volume sits on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in a given week. That proposed schedule would be as follows:

  • Monday – Rest and Recover
  • Tuesday – Training (60-90 minutes, single session or broken into two)
  • Wednesday – Training (60-90 minutes, single session or broken into two)
  • Thursday – Active Recovery
  • Friday – Training (60-90 minutes, single session or broken into two)
  • Saturday – Training – Possible Double Session
  • Sunday – Training – Single Session
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If, however, the majority of our athletes following this program do not have gym access or the ability to train on Sundays, I will stick with our standard schedule using Thursday and Sunday as the recovery days.

If you have not already done so, please help us out by answering the following ONE question survey: Regionals Prep Schedule Survey

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Travis Schliesser
Travis Schliesser
April 9, 2014 5:12 pm

a) 210 across
b)9 @192#
c) 9:47/10:40/9:47/9:47 kinda weird

Becky Clark (Southwest)
Becky Clark (Southwest)
April 9, 2014 1:13 pm

Could only fit three rounds in today because of work
8:01 row/3:01 DUs (these were off today): 11:02
7:59 row/2:48 DUs: 10:47
8:08 row/2:53 DUs: 11:01 – this last row killed me….

Brian Maier(Southwest)
Brian Maier(Southwest)
April 8, 2014 10:44 pm

A) 215/225/235/245 – stopped there – left shoulder hurting a bit
B) 200 x 16reps
C) 7:17/9:55

Brian Fogarty
Brian Fogarty
April 8, 2014 3:30 pm

Brian Fogarty (Northwest)

A. 225#, 225#, 230#, 230#

B. 190# x 15 reps

C. A sweaty mess!
1. 7:35 row (11:01 cumulative)
2. 7:56 row (11:22 cumulative)
3. 8:19 row (11:44 cumulative)

4. 8:08 row (11:19 cumulative)

April 8, 2014 2:46 pm



Alanna DeBell
Alanna DeBell
April 8, 2014 1:10 pm

A) previous surgery on left shoulder, bench has always been a struggle for me. I have seen gradual improvements though which I’m happy about! 85, 95, 105, 115
B) 18 @ 85lbs
C) 10:50, 11:12, 11:48, had to stop at 3 rounds and head to work

April 8, 2014 10:03 am

A. 185, 215, 225, 235 (having torn my rotator cuff prior, this is a weak movement, however there was no residual pain)
B. 16 @ 185
C. 10:24, 10:14, 10:07, 10:14

April 8, 2014 10:00 am

A. 105, 115, 115, 125 (assistance on 3 & 5)
B. 12 reps at 100#
C. Got through 135 DU in first one the decided to do the rest for time, #2 was 11:58, #3 the clock stopped at 9:32 during DU, and #4 was 12:36.
The double unders were highly inconsistent, esp as I got more tired! The rowing was 8:30-8:46 each time.

Emily Henderson
Emily Henderson
April 8, 2014 9:47 am

A. 105/1110/110/115
B. 95×15 reps

C. 10:12; 10:13; 10:20; 10:20 (all rows 8:05; broke all DU’s into 75/75)

Andy Buckman
Andy Buckman
April 8, 2014 7:47 am

A) 150, 160, 170, 180, 190
B) 175 x 7
C) 9:55, 9:47, 9:41, 10:05
Bench press has never been my strong suit but I have been seeing small gains since we’ve started doing them lately.
All my rowing sets were 7:39-7:41 but doubleunder consistency was off. Either triped or paused at least 4-5 times every round.

Rhett Chase (So Cal)
Rhett Chase (So Cal)
April 7, 2014 11:02 pm

A. 105, 110,110,115
B. 101 x 14 reps
C. 10:38, 10:51, 11:40 – only time for 3 sets; DU not smooth today

Karla Nicole (NorthWest)
Karla Nicole (NorthWest)
April 7, 2014 10:39 pm

Still battling a rib issue… had x-rays today and there is no fracture… so that is good news!

A.85, 85, 95, 105, 110
B. 110×9
C. 9:45, 9:50, 9:25, 9:50
Row around 7:00-7:10 each round but DUs were not going well for me today.

Jordan Reiley (Asia)
Jordan Reiley (Asia)
April 7, 2014 10:04 pm

A. 205 across
B. 175×15 reps
C. 10:50; 11:10; 10:49; 10:25

April 7, 2014 9:58 pm

A. 115/120/125/130
B. 20@95#
C. DUs were a total mess. It was obvious I hadn’t done them since 14.1. Times were all consistent, I had no rest time between.

I can train on Sundays and take Monday/Thursday off.

Ashley Durschmidt
Ashley Durschmidt
April 7, 2014 9:56 pm

Did mobility and shoulder exercises instead of bench, shoulder has been really bugging me

Sammy D (Aus)
Sammy D (Aus)
April 7, 2014 9:54 pm

A.60,60,60,60 kg

B. Body weight: 75kg, 24 reps @ 50kg

C. 7:26 row- 9:47
7:30 row- 10:05
7:34 row- 10:15
7:36 row- 10:27: Went to hard on the first set of du/rowing.. took it back to sit around the 2:00-2:03 mark felt comfortable.

D. Amrap chicken and salad..

David Schroeder (N. West)
David Schroeder (N. West)
April 7, 2014 9:45 pm

Had the pleasure of re-doing workout 14.4 this afternoon so my video would be accepted by HQ… improved by 1 rep to 200! Later in the evening I did the workout A) sets at 175 185 195 195 195 I’m weak on the bench press and it hurts my shoulder. Not sure how to fix. B) Shoulder bugging me so I dropped to 135 and could only muster 12 reps before my shoulder starting hurting C) Only did 2 round of this since I did 14.4 earlier 1st round 9:35 total time row in 7:25 only did 50 DU then… Read more »

Constantino Montes
Constantino Montes
April 7, 2014 9:42 pm

A: 225/235/235/235

Haven’t bench pressed in at least 4-5 months…needed to so more of this. Kept my hands about 18 in apart.

B: 14 reps@195

C: 9:00/8:51/8:58/8:59

Anywhere from 1-3 misses on the double unders on each set. Rows where paced at about 1:50. This was harder than it looked.

Cheryl Creasey (NW)
Cheryl Creasey (NW)
April 7, 2014 8:59 pm

A. 95/105/115/125
B. 22 reps @ 90 lbs
C. 10:12 (row 8:00)
10:10 ( row 8:00)
10:12 (row 8:10)
10:13 (row 8:10)

April 7, 2014 8:49 pm

A) 4 sets at 195lb.

15 reps at 175lb bodyweight

Row-around 8mins each round

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