Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Band Assisted Hip Flexor Stretch
x 30 seconds per leg
Band Assisted Perfect Stretch x 30 seconds per leg
Banded Hip Rotations x 30 seconds per leg
Five rounds at increasing intensity of:
30 Double-Unders
15 Air Squats
5 Wall Walks
Take 10-15 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Dead-Stop Front Squat
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Clean & Power Jerk x 2 reps
*Sets 1-2 = @ 60%
*Sets 3-4 = @ 65%
*Sets 5-6 = @ 70%
Complete rounds of 15, 12 and 9 reps for time of:
Calorie Row
Thruster (95/65 lbs)
Rest until the running clock reaches 12:00, and then…
For time:
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (50/35 lbs)
9 Muscle-Ups
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Dumbbell Thrusters
5 Muscle-Ups
Athlete Notes:
Today we have some shorter pieces that are meant to burn. The first workout is going to be movements that will not fatigue you to failure. Some of you may have noticed on 21.3/21.4 that it is difficult to gauge how hard you can allow yourself to go and still have energy for a heavy lift. This is going to be similar except you will be testing gymnastics skill in a fatigued state. Use this as an opportunity to test yourself. Push this first workout like it is a main event. Your lungs are going to get fired up, but since this piece is pretty balanced, you’ll just be overall fatigued going into part two rather than having a certain muscle group blown up.
Part two will take some strategy. Use as much leg drive as possible for your dumbbell thrusters so your arms just act as ropes connecting your hands to the dumbbells. The more you can relax and save your shoulders with the dumbbell thrusters the more you will have in the tank for your muscle-ups. Every athlete will be different when it comes to the muscle-ups. If you are a muscle-up king/queen then try and go unbroken. If you feel comfortable with muscle-up accumulation but struggle with big sets then try breaking them up like 3/3/3; 4/3 or 3/2/2 and 3/2 or 2/2/1. If muscle-ups are a weakness, try for doubles and singles and watch the clock so you can stay diligent at jumping back up to the rings (for example: complete 1 muscle-up every 15 seconds).
If muscle-ups are not an option for you then please substitute with burpee chest-to-bar pull-ups.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Engine Accessory Option
For time:
300/215 Calorie Assault Bike*
*Perform this as 60 seconds on, followed by 60 seconds of rest. Do not continue pedaling during the 60-second rest period.
Strongman Option
Three sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Carry x 100 Feet Each Arm
(these should be performed with the heaviest DB you can handle)
Rest 60 seconds
Single-Arm Front-Rack Kettlebell Carry x 100 Feet Each Arm
(be sure to maintain perfect posture – do not collapse on the side supporting the kettlebell)
Rest 60 seconds
Every 8 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets) for times:
30/22 Calories of Assault Bike
20 Goblet Squats (32/24 kg)
100 Meter Sled Sprint (unloaded)*
Two sets of:
25-Meter Farmer’s Carry (100/70lb.)
25-Meter Handstand Walk
25-Meter Sandbag Carry (Heavy)*
25-Meter Farmer’s Carry (100/70lb.)
25-Meter Handstand Walk
25-Meter Meter Sandbag Carry (Heavy)
Rest 3-4 minutes
*If you do not have access to a sandbag perform with heavy kettlebells held in the front rack position.
– warm up done with DUs air squats
– dead stop up to 140k
– PC + PJ 80 85 90k
– condo 1 : 4’34 all UB
Condo 2 : 3’54 with Bar MU, I need to work on that. All UB, but slow transitions as usually due to grip… No excuses.
Now to make sure you apply that learning going forward. Start 5 seconds before you want too!
A done
B 150kg could gone higher but was enough for today
C 100/110/120kg
D 4:27
Thrusters and ttb unb
9 unb
5 unb
Legs felt a bit slow from yesterdays work
Today was just move and feel good! Some aerobic work tomorrow ready to attack quarterfinals!
Warm Up Done. We did three rounds instead of five. Anyone else PTSD on the wall walks?! Dead Stop Front Squat: 265lbs and called it there. Only 5lbs away from my lifetime PR. Knee isn’t 100% though so didn’t want to make any PR attempts today. PC & Power Jerks: 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175 Conditioning – As Adjusted: 21-15-9 Cal Row T2B SHSPU 6:15 Went 11-10, 8-7, 9 on the T2B Went 11-10, 15, 9 on the SHSPU Rested until 12 and then subbed in Bar MUs instead of Ring: 3:01 – UB Thrusters, Bar MUs: 9, 4-3,… Read more »
Hahaha just means we need to do more of those wall walks 🙂
265lb. is tricking awesome!! Pumped to see your strength numbers still up there!
Set the clock for 10 minutes with an empty barbell and just built slowly. Recently dead stop’s have been bugging my hip a bit so I stayed on the lighter side.
Part 1 = 5:33
Rows = 41.6 / 34.4 / 27.7
Thrusters & T2B unbroken
Part 2 = 3:46
**Bar MU instead of ring**
Everything unbroken. Tough on the grip!
Is it a certain height or just in general?
I have had a kind of nagging hip thing for years. It bugs me when I squat heavy (more back squatting than front) and actually I have noticed that it seems to get worse if I take too much time off from sqatting. I sit at a desk all day for my job, so that certainly doesn’t help things. Over the last year it has gotten a lot better but sometimes going from the dead stop position and when I fire my muscles to start to stand up aggrevates it. It has never been bad enough to stop me from… Read more »
Have you ever though of getting an MRI? Maybe something going on with your labrum?
Yeah – at this point thats probably the only thing that could help. I have tried resting it and that was counter productive lol. I squat heavy with floss bands around the top of my legs and the pressure on that muscle group has helped make it feel better. I don’t have too many issues with it nowadays, but I am cautious with certain things so I dont re-aggrevate it.
135 kg
80-80-85-85-90-90 kg
All. Unbroken
6-3/3-3-1/2(1 no Rep)-2-1
No happy for MU I lost a lot of ease in gymnastics during this time
In the afternoon A. Bike
Lost your muscle-ups in a week?
in 6 months I went from 88 kg to 94 kg of body weight
Poor nutrition?
Yes. Bad last period
A: done
B: worked up to 150 kg.
Normally i get around 160kg. Foot placement was a bit off because i worked a lot with my calves. My elbows were also caving in today.
C: 80,80,85,85,90,90
D: had to do strict t2b finished in 6.29
Second part i did hspu instead bmu because my pull up station falls over if i kip to much.
Finished in 3.45
Im still contemplating if i should enter the quarterfinals. Im still nurturing a few injuries and i feel tired all the time the last 2 weeks.
If you can afford it I would pay then base your decision on the workouts. It would be fun for you to compete after a crazy year and not much opportunity to test your fitness!