Session One
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 5 reps @ 2111
Built over the course of the five sets.
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Balance x 3 reps
(pause for 2 seconds in the bottom position after each snatch balance)
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Balance x 2 reps
(pause for 2 seconds in the bottom position after each snatch balance)
Build in weight, but don’t go heavier than you can comfortably and safely bring back down to your back rack.
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch x 3 reps @ 50-60%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch @ 60-65%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 70-75%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Pull + Snatch @ 75-80%
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Pull x 3 reps @ 90-95%
Five sets for times of:
20 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
Session Two
Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Bench Press in 10 reps or less
Two sets of:
Bench Press x 5 reps @ 85% of today’s 1-RM
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 reps
Rest as needed
Supinated-Grip Bent Over Barbell Rows x 8-10 reps
Rest as needed
Four sets for max reps of:
45 seconds of Stationary Dips
Rest 15 seconds
45 seconds of Hang Power Cleans (115/75 lbs)
Rest 15 seconds
Session One
Three sets, not for time, of:
50 Double-Unders
10 Alternating Dumbbell Squat Snatches (55/35 lbs)
8/6 Muscle-Ups
Take 3 minutes to draw out your foot work (insert video)
Jump & Lands x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
Tall Jerks in marked footwork x 3 reps
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
Jerk Dip + Jerk with a 2 second hold
(Use jerk blocks)
and then . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes:
Jerk Recovery x 3 reps
(Use jerk blocks)
Three sets for times:
Run 800 Meters
135/95 lb Shoulder to Overhead x 25 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Session Two
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat x 1 rep
Build over the course of the six sets to today’s “heavy” Front Squat.
Every two minutes, for 20 minutes:
Power Clean + Hang Clean + Clean
Let feel dictate loading.
Three sets of:
15 Touch-n-Go Deadlifts
25 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
Keep the loading on the deadlift at a weight that you can perform all reps quick and unbroken. Do not exceed 365/245 lbs for any set – even if able to do so while cycling quickly and comfortably.
Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 reps each @ 3111
Rest as needed
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm @ 2111
Rest as needed
Session 1
Sotts Press #45,55,65,75,75
Snatch Balance x3 #95,125,145
Snatch Balance x2 #165,185,195
HHS x3 #125,140,155
HHS+HS #155,165,165
HS+S #175×2,185
SP+S #190,205×2
SP x3 #230,235,245
Sub 8 Strict Pull Ups
Score: 13:53
Session 2
A) BP #265
B) #225x2x5
DB Incline #55,55,60
Supine Row #115,135,155
Dips #12,8,8,7
HPC #15,16,17,19
Off season – day 2
Session 1
A. 45,55,65,75,75
A.1- 115,135,155
B. 115,135,155,165,205
C. Complete
Session 2
A. 245# – pathetic
B. 205#
C. 50# DB and 115# Row
D. Complete
Session 1
A. Done – kept it light today
1:00,1:11:09,1:05 (Completed 10 Strict pull-ups)
*Waiting for my forearm and lat to be able to handle a dynamic pull up. still babying it for now.
Session 2
A. 255lbs
B. 215lbs x 5 reps x 2 sets
55lbs DB’s/100lbs
65lbs DB’s/110lbs
65lbs DB’s/110lbs
D. 25/23/22/18 – hang power clean
30/25/23/20 – stationary dips (strict)
A. 45-85# / SBX3 (135-155) / SBX2 (165-185)f
B. HHSX3 (125-145) / HHS+HS (155-165) / HS+S (175-185) / SN+S (185-200) / SPX3 (225-235)
C. Complete (reduced C2B, due to saturday class workout with 120 C2B)
A. 255
B. 215 / 215
C. 75# / 165-185 (10 reps)
D. Complete
AM Session – CGBP – 95kg (no spotter) biggest weakness I have horizontal pressing Drop Sets 2×5@80 DB Inc Press – 25,26,27kg Sup BOR – 60,65,70kg Dips – 18,10,10,10 (48) HPC – 15 across all 8/7 (60) Judging by other comments needed to push more on this. PM Session – Sotts – 30,40,45,47,50kg (a little bit toey, first time going heavy on this) Sn Bal Triples – 50,70,80kg; Doubles 90,95,100xx HH Sn – 55/60/62 HH + H Sn – 65/70/75 H Sn + Sn – 77/80/82 Sn + Pull – 85/87/90 Pulls – 100/105/105 Couplet – 1:14, 1:28, 1:21, 1:19,… Read more »
Off season
Session 1
60% 135×3
65% 155×3
75% 175×3
80% 185×3
No misses felt really good
Snatch pulls done at 275
C) skip save for weekend
Session 2
A) 335/missed 350 just burnt out
B) 285 (that was rough)
Incline: 80/90/100
Rows: 145/195/195 (10s)
Dips: 35/25/28/26
PC: 15/13/16/14
Regional A. Done B. 6 reps to find heavy FS hit 325 in four C. Power clean+power hang clean+clean and jerk 135/185/201/215/225(f) Called it here. Tweaked my neck (previous injury). Cleaned up and went straight to the chiropractor. Feel ready to tackle tomorrow. About to do some more mobility and RomWod. Also I feel a lot of us just post on here with out really utilizing each other. One of the great things about being an invictus athlete is not just the programming and the invictus staff, but us (the athletes) as well. Hopefully in the next upcoming months we… Read more »
Glad you have such a great vision of what we as a community can be on here! Keep working hard and I hope that your neck stops bugging you!
100% Agree buddy. This is a great platform for all the community to communicate on. Lets try and make the most out of it!
Regional Prep
Session 1
A. Done
Session 2
A. 295, 315, 335, 355, F375, F375
B. 265
C. @295 All sets.
1:50, 2:54, 2:56. Butterfly kip was a mess on 2nd and 3rd sets.
D. Done
Session One A.Done. All MUs UB B. Done, worked up to 140 tall jerks, worked up to 215… body didn’t want to do more than that today. Jerk Recovery x 3 reps- had to do these off our rig… and then perform a partial narrow grip OH squat… built to 245. Could go much heavier with jerk blocks. C. Three sets for times: The run was cold and windy up in Minnesota! 4:49 (read it wrong and only rested 2 minutes) 4:57 4:56 All shoulder to OH were done UB Session Two A. FS 220, knees felt like crap after… Read more »
Regionals Prep – one big session: A. E2M – Front Squat – 185-195-205-215-225-235 B. E2M – Clean Complex – 125—>160. Did 160 for 4 sets. C. 3 Sets NFT – DU/DB Snatch/ MU – done – MU felt good, all sets UB. This is getting easier! D. 3 sets for times – 800m run/ 25 S2OH 4:41 (3:55 run)/ 4:39 (3:53 run)/ 4:48(3:59 run) – all S2OH were UB – so slow on the runs..geez E. Jerk work – Footwork – done Tall Jerks – done (just used the bar, 1st time doing these) Dip + Jerk – 125-145-155-165-175-175 –… Read more »
Just making sure you’re ready for all the volume at Regionals 🙂
Sneaky volume!! Upon first glance, you’re like “I got this” then about halfway through, you’re like “help me!!!!” 😀
Pressing snatch bar,40,45,50,55 love these. Really warm me up for snatching.
Snatch balance..85/95/105,115/125/130
All snatch work done based off of high end percentages and 1rm of 150. No misses.
Bench press-150. Previous pr was 145.
Incline bench done with 45’s
Bobbrow-105 supinated grip
Dip and hang clean
20 hang cleans every round
20 Russian kbs
20 c2b
4 rounds for splits
:53 all unbroken :55 all unbroken
1:28 ub kb/c2b 10/10
1:35 ub kb/ c2b 10/5/4/1
A. 1rm Bench press – 255
B. Slingshot max reps at 225 – 8, 4
C. Snatch press/ balances – 65/75/85/95/105, 135/155/175, 185/205/215
D. All other SN work – 120/130/140, 145/150/155, 165/170/175, 180/185/190, 215×3
No misses! Great snatch work
E. Incline DB bench – 60lbs, 80,80
BB rows – 135 x 10,8,8
*Called it after this. The snatches wore me out!
SBx3 95-115-135
SBx2 155-175-175
Hi-Hang 135-135-145
Hi-hang+ hang 145-145-155
hang + snatch 155-165-165
SP+Snatch 175-175-185
snatch pulls @215
a] 235 (PR 255)
c]55kb’s/135 row
d]dips 18-15-12-12
hpc 24-19-19-17
Solid work on the PR!
Session 2:
Dips: 12/9/8/9
Hpc: 18/17/18/23
3 sets of: 10 tuck up to V-up complex
Rough 2nd session, body is feeling it
A. Worked up to 275; no spotter
B. 2×5 at 235
C. Incline close grip bench at 135-155-175
Bentover Row at 135-155-175 x10 reps each
D. did face pulls instead of hang cleans 🙁 lost track of reps it was a lot
–Great bro pump doe!
Does anyone on hear follow ROMWOD?
Yes, I’ve been following it for the past two months and have noticed a tremendous increase in flexibility.
You do it after/before training or some other time?
Been following it for a while now. It really helps with the discipline of doing it. It’s been huge for me. I do it whenever I have the time, but I prefer doing it right when I wake up. Go into the day more open, and greatly increases recovery.
wanted to know when others thought the best time to do it was. Going to start doing early in the morning now
Session 1 A.I. 45/55/65/70 All of the shoulder stability and mobility work through this program has paid off. Can definitely feel it here. And RomWod on the hips! II. 95/115/135 III.155/175/185 B.I. 125/125/130 II. 140/145/145 III. 175/175/175 Kept everything on the light side so that mechanics stay sound, leaving more room for steady progression. C. C2B was a little off today… 1:22/2:03/2:25/2:37/2:45 eeek Session 2 A. Hmmm… 255 was pretty gnarly. Not close to 1rm. But certainly was today. Need some work on mechanics here as well. B. 215/215 C. Flat bench DB’s 65s/75s/80s BOBBR – 115/135/135 D. Dips 11/9/7/9… Read more »
We will get that bench game up to par 🙂
Thaaaank you, sir. Kinda shocked me today!
Making up Mondays programming…always going to be a day off with my schedule A. 3 pos snatch- 50,53,53,55,58kg no misses B. OTM sn doubles- 58kg , 1 miss C. lift off/pull 68kg D. squat 5@80, 3@90, 1@103; 10 min E2m 85% at 100kg E. G2OH/ HSPU 8:27 – not on my A game for the hspu, they’ve been better F. 15 min rest then 20 min emom thruster/mu- started with 58kg, the 135# was not the easiest, need thruster work, or legs just dead from squats, mu were easy Second session will be accessory work and row… I am very… Read more »
Welcome Laura!!
Off Season: A. Finally got these presses behind the neck. I’ve never been able to do stoked! Only went up to 50# Snatch Bal: 85 x 3/95-100# x 2 B. Stuck with percentages off of 160#. My hands are not use to all the lifting again…thumbs and palms are raw! Love it. Bench Press: I chose to do bench press at this point because for my second session I wouldn’t have a spotter. I got 140# which is a 10# PR! Love it. C. All sets under 2 minutes, fastest set was under 90 seconds. Only got four sets… Read more »
Regionals prep session 1
A. Done
B. Done
Tall jerks 55-85
Jerks 125-155
Recovery was new to me so kept it light 85-105, no blocks
C. 5:09/5:22/5:38