Workout of the Day
Gymnastics Play Session
Take 15 minutes to mess around with efficiency with any 2-4 gymnastics movements of your choice:
** HSPU, Deficit HSPU, Ring HSPU, Freestanding HSPU, Freestanding Handstand Hold, Handstand Walk
** Ring Muscle-Up, Bar Muscle-Up, Bar Muscle-Up with Roll Over
** Toes to Bar, Knees to Elbows, L-Sit
** Butterfly Pull-Ups, Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, Chin Over Vertical Plane Pull-Ups
** Pistols, Pistols with Weight Overhead
** Rope Climbs
** Ring Dips
** Double-Unders, Backwards Double-Unders, Triple Unders
** Box Jumps (different standards), Box Jump-Overs, Lateral Box Jumps
** etc…
Please choose something that you need work with, or that you believe you could be more efficient with. Note what movements you selected and the rep scheme and sets performed.
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Split Jerk x 1 rep
Loads per set (by %): 55, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95+, 95+
2015 Masters Qualifier Event 3
Two rounds for time of:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Thrusters (65/45 lbs)
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
After you finish, be sure to compare your scores to those in the Masters divisions.
Three sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds between legs, rest 90 seconds after
Go as heavy as you can while maintaining tempo.
Optional Additional Session
Every two minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
30 seconds of 225/135 lb Banded Deadlift
(drill courtesy of Mark Bell – stand on a band looped around your barbell and complete your reps as quickly as possible)
Three sets of:
Seated Strict Dumbbell Press x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Supine Ring Row x 10 reps @ 2111
(get as horizontal as possible)
Rest 60 seconds
Bar Muscle-Ups x 8 reps
Rest 60 seconds
A. HS-walk and strict MU´s
B. Did six sets up to 125kg (85%). My shoulders did not feel good…
C. 16:28
D. 40kg, 50kg, 60kg
A. Free standing HS practice – anything that doesn’t involve too much grip.
B. Built to a PR at 205! Not sure how this happened when my shoulders feel like theys on fire!
C. 17:57
D. Skipped due to seperate strength cycle
A. 13 all the times
B. Skipped BMU because I ripped my palm (through my grips) on the 2nd one
Ice everywhere.
congrats on the PR! ouchy my palm ripped too :/
B) worked up to 80% for 2, then called it. My shoulder is soooo achey. Pretty sure I’ve got some tendinitis going on. C) 18:25 with front squats instead of thrusters. I figured there’s no need to flare up my shoulders that bad just a few weeks away from regionals. Idk what the hell happened here…. Pretty sad is all I can say. D) Did 3 sets of reverse hyper and super light rows. Are any of you ladies tracking your Macros? If so, how many carbs are you shooting for? Are most of you shooting for the traditional 50g… Read more »
I track macros and you’re welcome to find me on MyFitnessPal if you use that (shannonzimmerman). I eat a TON of carbs with this training volume (right now almost 300g/day). I’d say I have a pretty high carb snack about 2 hrs before my evening workout and eat the majority of my cals during the day, saving a protein shake and a smaller meal for dinner. Everyone is different but upping my carbs and getting them in preworkout was a game changer for me. I’ve also increased my daily intake by about 300 cals a day since regional prep started… Read more »
Do you alter your carb intake on rest days?
A little bit. I end up eating a little less in general. You can see above what I wrote to Andi 🙂
ha whoops andi and i must have written that at the same time because i didnt see that when i posted. sorry, thanks for the info!
no problem girly!
I shoot for 250ish on training days, and cut them In half on rest days….. I try to anyway :/ I go into training with about 100g sometimes 120g? Then get the rest post and at dinner. Im thinkin should shoot for more before?
I guess I personally never think too much about the timing of carbs and feel my body naturally craves them at certain times so I just kinda go with it and try to keep my meals somewhat balanced so I’m never super deficient and having to play catchup later. Last night I went into training with about 250g/carbs in my system. I have an overall “working range” of total cals/day that I usually stay within that I took from a basic macro calculator based on activity level, all with the same balance of fat and carbs but my protein remains… Read more »
My cross country coach would always say some days your the windshield sometimes you’re the bug… I was the bug A. Handstand walks/butterfly pull ups and c2b B. Up to 210 (5# pr) 215f C.17:17 no drive body just stayed in slow mo and I sucked it up on c2b. Not happy at all with this. A. Deadlifts with band 22-18-18-14 I was so fatigued B. 30# db skipped bar muscle ups did 2 and my hands felt they were going rip not worth it right now the two I did were pretty though I am doing nothing tomorrow. I… Read more »
Feel better little bug! Get some rest!
Haha thanks:)) my massage will hopefully help:-) good job tonight!!!!
Hope you’re able to sleep better tonight and recover!
Thanks girl!! Same to tho sounds like you’ve been feeling icky too:-/
A) Did 30 burpee muscle ups for time. Finished at 4:35. Worked on fshspu.
B) Completed all sets at percentages off of #330
C) 14:25. Could have dug a little deeper on this one. Little disappointed in myself.
D) Done.
A: Played with ring skills like iron cross, back/front levers, planche inverted strict MUs etc. with the Ring Thing we just got 🙂
B: 80,100,120,130,140,145,150,160,165,170kg. That’s a PR 🙂
C: Around 17.30. Not motivated today, just did something to get moving. Will try to get my head back in the game.
A. Freestanding handstand. .. and cobra press
B. 185/215/230/250/265/280/300/315/335PR went up really easy, went for 345 and just missed
C. 16:10 goddammit!
Additional session
A. 12/12/12/12 quite a thick band
B. Complete (45/55/65’s dumbells) Rest ub
A. Free standing HS holds. and L sit work
B. 165/185/205/215/225/240/255/285/315PR/325PR!!!
C. 12:58RX everything UB. This is my ideal WOD. Love PUs, and Thrusters.
Row was about 1:40-50 pace
D. Done. wasnt sure if it was 4reps each leg for a total of 8 or 8 each leg. did 4 each leg @ 135# all sets.
Session 2 tonight
still under the weather today. stickin with strength-based stuff rather than metcons. planning to do session I from yesterday this morning, then certain parts of todays workout this afternoon if im up for it. Session I. A. EMOM 20 snatch (based off 143#): 100 x 2; 105 x 2; 110 x 2; 115 x 2; 120 x 2; 123 x 2; 125 x 2; 128 x 2; 130 x 2; 135 x 2 B. back squats (based off 300#): 4 x 120; 3 x 150; 2 x 195; 1 x 225; 1 x 255; 1 x 270; 2 x 255;… Read more »
A- 205/240/275/295/315/340/355/365/375PR! And had no misses Which is another pr. Then my bursitis started being an angry elf
B- subbed rowing for an 800m run and did regular pull ups. 18:37. Pull ups and thrusters hurt like crazy because of my shoulder. But I dug through it
31-19/ 10-10-10
Going to stretch and rehab like crazy today and tomorrow
will probably hit theauxiliaries tomorrow as active recovery. Last week the swim hurt pretty bad, and swimming isn’t a weakness
A. skipped. still have this nagging pulled low back muscle.
B. 17:39. went into this just to keep moving and breathe. taking it a little easy still to get healthy but i usually feel better doing something.
Will likely do optional B later but thats it.
A. More HS Walking practice! Seeing a gymnastics coach Monday morning . Pretty excited!
B. Trying out a new wider grip, so decided to stay at 80%.
C. 17:28. Wow!
D. Done at 85lbs.
A. 20/20/19/20. Ouch.
Decided to call it a day and give my shoulder a break. Feeling right.
A. In afternoon, short on time
B. 185-205-220-245-255-270-290-305-325f-345f-345f- 350 pr (+10#), knew what I was messing up on on the misses. Double bw jerk again!
C. 14:20, didn’t want Shawn Ramirez to beat me lol
1:55 ish
Killin’ it on the jerk buddy! I love it!
Morning Session
After a night of foam rolling my legs plus more rolling with my morning classes I coached, I decided to try my back squats from last night again and my knee felt normal. Thank God!!!
3 @ 75%, 2 @ 80%, 1 @ 85%, 1 @ 90%, 1 @ 95% = 260lbs, then 3 sets of 1 paused squat + squat btwn 75-85% = 210, 225, 235lbs
Optional A) I’m a dummy and did E4M accidentally…. 19/19/18/18
A- later
B- up to 325 no misses
C- 13:44 rx, rowing is a weakness of mine so I tried to make up for it on the other movements.
D- later
A2-15 reps each set
B2- later
Very solid Jeremy.