Click here to access the 2017 Regionals Prep Program!
Primary Strength Session
Back Squat
*Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65-70%
*Set 2 – 3 reps @ 75-80%
*Set 3 – 1 rep @ 85-90%
*Sets 4-6 – 1 rep @ 90-95%
Rest 3 minutes
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps @ 3011
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, (4 sets):
2 Snatch Push Presses + 2 Overhead Squats @ 31X1
Build to today’s heavy…
Snatch with 3-second Tempo Lift-Off
Take 3-seconds to lift the barbell from the floor to the knees, and immediately accellerate the barbell and snatch once the barbell passes the knees.
Primary Conditioning Session
Off-Season Conditioning Option
Three rounds for time of:
10 Overhead Squats (155/105 lbs)
20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Granite Games Qualifier Prep Option
Four sets for times of:
5 Squat Cleans*
25 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
50 Double Unders
Rest 4 minutes
*Set 1: 185/125 lbs
*Set 2: 225/155 lbs
*Set 3: 265/175 lbs
*Set 4: 295/185 lbs
Rest until fully recovered, and then…
Five rounds for time of:
50-Foot Handstand Walk
2/1 Legless Rope Climb (15′)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Every 4 minutes, for 32 minutes (8 sets) for max calories:
45 seconds of Assault Bike
These should be all out efforts!
Aerobic/Gymnastics Skills Option
Every 8 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets):
60/40 Calorie Assault Bike
120-Foot Handstand Walk
6/4 Strict Muscle-Ups
For completion:
Hollow Body Hold + Sit-Up to L-Sit Hold
x 15 reps
followed by…
Tuck Rock to Tuck Press Hold x 30 reps
followed by…
x 40 feet
followed by…
Three sets of:
Hand Plank Shoulder Taps x 60 seconds
(perform at max speed)
Session 2
Back squats 140/160/180 x 4
Sotts press – bar/30/35kg
Snatch push press and OHS complex
Tempo snatch – shithouse today – 80kg
Metcon – 5.00 damn my grip blew up
Session 1
Cals AAB
A. Back Squat *Set 1 – 5 reps @ 95kg *Set 2 – 3 reps @ 105kg *Set 3 – 1 rep @ 120kg *Sets 4-6 – 1 rep @ 125kg Rest 3 minutes B. Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets): Snatch Press from Receiving x 3 reps @ 3011 @40kg Followed by… Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes, (4 sets): 2 Snatch Push Presses + 2 Overhead Squats @ 31X1 @50kg C. Build to today’s heavy… Snatch with 3-second Tempo Lift-Off @75kg D. Three rounds for time of: 10 Overhead Squats @50kg 20 Pull ups 7:38 E.… Read more »
Did you get around to the assault bike work?
Yea mate , horrible !! Ha
Primary Strength:
A. 150×5 (70%) / 170×3 (80%) / 190×1 (90%) / 200×1 (95%) / 200×1 / 200×1
B. 35# barbell for all 3 sets
C. Built to 115#
Off-season Conditioning:
A. 8:25
All sets of OH squats unbroken
C2b = 10/5/5 , 5/5/5/5 , 5/5/5/5
These were kipping, still working on butterfly.
Aerobic Gymnastics skills:
**scaled to 2 sets because I started coming to the realization how tired I was today.
Did 40 cals both sets
Scaled to 60 sec handstand hold against wall set 1, 15 free-standing kick-ups set 2
2 strict muscle ups both sets
Hope you got some good rest and are ready to hit todays work hard!
Primary Strength
A. Back squats 5@125/3@145/1@160/1@162.5/1@165/1@170kg
B. Snatch sotts upto 50kg
2 Sn PP + 2 OHS upto 75kg
C. Tempo snatch upto 100kg
Off season Conditioning
4:01 rxd
Primary Strength :
A. Up to 330#
B. 95# Sotts Press and 185# 2 Sn PP / 2 OHS
C. 207#
GG Conditioning :
A. 1:45/2:04/2:42/3:53 – Weights 185/205/225/245
B. 13:48 Rx
Primary strength:
A. Backsquat 115/130/150/155/155/155#
B. Snatch press from receiving 35/45/55#
2 SPP+2OHS w/ tempo 65/75/85/85#
C. Snatch w/ 3sec tempo lift off 85#
Off season conditioning:
5:58, 65#, 10 c2b per round
Back squat all beltless
Sots Press 45,65,65
Sn PP+OH Sq up to 185
Tempo Snatch up to 235 (first snatches in 3 weeks)
Granite Games Conditioning
Scaled A portion to 185/205/225/245 and 20# WBs
B. HS walk and Rope Climb-9:30 Actually did this before part A.
Good day!
Agreed! Lots of god work today Dusty. Nice job.
Finished up the day with the assault bike conditioning (instead of rowing endurance that I had planned) 8 sets of 45 sec on, every 4 min: 15-11(made a mistake and stoped at 35 sec)-14-11(no mistake, just too much pain)-14-13-13-12. Not sure if the bike is just not getting any better or I am just tired from the rest 3 sessions of workouts today??
Thats a damn lot of work today! I hope your feeling ok today! Remember to be smart and adjust todays work if you feel beat up!
A. 275/315/355/355/365/375. The easiest 375 of my life b B. Up to 85 and then up to 215 for the other C. Failed 230 twice so close both times. It’s finals week so I’ve been studying a lot and pretty tired. But to get 225, I’m happy about it Off-season conditioning A. 3:30. Last set of chest to bars were painful. Shoulders were fatigued. Need to get better at dropping off the better and jumping back up. Chest to bars ub besides last round 8+6+6. Did nothing else and I feel guilty and feel like a bum about it. I’ll… Read more »
Definitely no reason to feel guilty. I think this is a pretty damn good session considering you have to study. At this point training should be a place to have fun and get your head away from school. Don’t stress as I’m sure once school is a little lighter you’ll be able to hit training hard again.
This week was just rough with traveling to New Jersey and missing all of Wednesday’s work because of the flight and driving back home and working 12 hours until 4 in the morning lastnight. But it was just this week. I’ll be back at it starting tomorrow so it’s all good!! ????
Surfed and climbed for a few hours in the morning and early afternoon, and then went to the gym… probably not my best day of training ever. Primary strength: A) 140-160-185-195-195,fail at 205 B) up to 75 C) up to 125 D)up to 105, felt hard today Off season:6:34RX. OHS: First set unbroken. Second set I failed on the first snatch so I took a while to get the bar overhead. Then did 9 reps and had to drop!!! Same happened at the third set:( CTB: unbroken,12-8, 10-4-6. I got a lot of no reps at the last set of… Read more »
Sounds like a pretty fun day outside of training!! I bet all the climbing hurt those CTB but I would never take the fun of being outdoors away! Nice work!
Primary Strength Session A. Back Squat *Set 1 – 5 reps @ 70%✅ *Set 2 – 3 reps @ 80%✅ *Set 3 – 1 rep @ 90%✅ *Sets 4-6 – 1 rep @ 90%✅ B. 3 Snatch Press from Receiving 55/65/75 2 Snatch Push Presses + 2 Overhead Squats 85/105/125/135 C. Snatch with 3-second Tempo Lift-Off 135✅ 140❌ Its the same mistake like always when the bar passes my knees my toes come off the floor, as concequence the bar is always in fromt of me in the bottom position. ? Its hard to correct bec i dont feel it… Read more »
So you didn’t do the assault bike or handstand walk? Adjust the reps to suit but the whole purpose is to move through all movements. Work on transitions out with training and not against a clock.
Session two
Have been in denial that I’m sick (happens every finals week) the bike made me realize otherwise
21 (got bit by a dog…not kidding haha)
216 total
Look after yourself Jake. You don’t want to be digging yourself into a hole during a busy time at school!
Primary strength: A. 265/295/335/355/365/375 That 375 felt really really smooth. So excited for big improvement there. B. Snatch presses at 65 feeling better than ever Snatch Push Press and Overhead squat up to 135 C. Up to 225. Not quite 3 seconds, but Snatch is moving along nicely since the wrist injury. All the extra strength work is paying off tenfold. Then did some accessory upper stuff for fun. Session 2 Off season condo: 4:34 All ohs unbroken, pretty slow transitions tho. C2B 20/12+8/8+5+4+3 Altered the aerobic work: 3 rounds of: 40 cal row 50ft HSW (unbroken on two sets)… Read more »
Love seeing the improvements. Its all down to hard work and attention to detail. Keep it coming!
Primary Strength
A) 280×5, 320×3, 360, 370, 375, 380
B) 45, 65, 75 & 95, 135, 155, 170
C)165. Snatches felt so good coming into the hip and launching, but missing over head a lot today. 1 missing step down, now refining others.
Primary Conditioning
Off-Season 6:05. Felt good. C2B feel off hard on the last round but stayed focus and kept pushing through.
Assault Bike
Progress! Keep up the good work Jordan!
Assault Bike
Back Squats
355 x 5
405 x 3
425 x 1
445 x 1 (3 sets)
Everything felt super heavy today
3 second tempo Snatch
This was really tough for me today.
GG conditioning
185 – 1:44
225 – 1:44
275 – 2:13
305 – 3:02
You totally saw my bike sets and decided to crush my dreams. You are such a meanie head !!!
The benefits of being from California.
Ok I have to ask: how does one get 43 calories in 45 sec of bike???? I get less than 1/3 of that and I am toast…. ?
Haha. You have to go as hard as you can for the first 15-20 seconds then hold on for dear life. A majority of those calories come early on and then you’re just trying to add to the initial burst.
You can try and join me in the 220 pound weight class too. I’m sure that helps.
Primary Strength Session
A: 5@285,3@320,365,385,395,385
B: 45,55,65
C:up to 215. Not the best snatch day. Need get some coaching, that is going to be a mission from now on.
Primary Conditioning Session
GG Qualifier
1:57,1:58,2:45,4:03 Rx’d. Unbroken wall balls and one trip on ge doubles. Those weight started to get heavy!
Assault bike conditioning
35,31,26,22,23,22,22,23. Total-204. Death.
A little more later in my garage.
Damn, You pushed the first two sets on the bike!!
I would like to have those numbers all the way thru!
Soon 🙂
Primary conditioning:
Off-season: 3:31. UB
A. 320,365,395,410,420,430
B1) 55,65,75
2) 135,155,175,185
C. 230
Granite games prep
A. Set 1: 1:58
Set 2: 2:15
Set 3: 2:49
Set 4: 5:30. Two early avoidable failed reps at 295 cost me.
All wall balls and dubs were UB.
B. Skipped for right arm recovery.
Additional Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Calories: 20,20,20,20,20,21,22,22
Consistent on the bike! Nice work!
Session 1
B. 35-45-55/85-95-105-115
C. 125-135-145-150f
Off Season Metcon: 5:16
Snatched into 10 UB OHS each time.
C2B: 20, 12-8, 8-6-6.
Fell off pretty hard on those.