April 27-May 3, 2020 – Invictus Gymnastics Core Workouts

Welcome everybody to our Core Workouts!

Many of you around the world may be stuck in your homes or with limited equipment due to gyms closing. This is happening EVERYWHERE, but I want to make sure that you are still getting as much out of this program as absolutely possible, so I present to you the first three Core Workouts, specifically designed for little to no equipment, so there is NO EXCUSE for not putting in the work or staying on track to your goals!

In time I will be doing my absolute best to make the entire Invictus Gymnastics Program more “home friendly”, with options to supplement skills that would normally require equipment. There will be no perfect replacement for the equipment in the gym, but together, with hard work and creativity, we will test ourselves in these difficult times and come out of these circumstances stronger, braver, unconquered, unbowed and unbroken.

I would also love to invite you to read the Invictus Poem, written by William Ernest Henley

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. This poem was the inspiration for the name of our gym, and under the circumstances, if you haven’t read it yet I would recommend that you do!

Core Workout #4 –

3 sets of:

L-Sit Lifts on Box x 10/15/20 reps
Hand Plank Cross Knee-To-Elbow x 10 reps
Straight Body Crunch x 10/15/20 reps
Straddle Lifts on Box x 10/15/20 reps
Hand Plank Cross Knee-To-Elbow x 10 reps
Straight Body Crunch x 10/15/20 reps

Rest as needed.

Core Workout #5 –

3 sets of:

Seated Piked Double Leg Lifts x 10/15/20 reps
Tuck-Up to V-Up Complex x 5/10/15 reps
Side Hand Plank w/ Hip Circles x 5/10/15 reps
Superman Open/Close x 10/15/20

Rest 2 minutes

Core Workout #6 –

3 sets of:

Alternating Single Leg V-Up x 10/20/30 reps
Straight Leg Bottom Balance x 30/45/60 seconds
Elbow Plank x 30/45/60 seconds
Elbow Jack x 10/20/30 reps

Rest 2 minutes


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