Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Two sets of:
30 Second Side Plank (left)
30 Second Scapular Circles from Push-Up Position
30 Second Side Plank (right)
30 Second Supinated-Grip Hang from Pull-Up Bar
Rest 30 seconds
6 Kettlebell Windmills (each side)
8 Single Leg Hip Thrusts (each leg)
10 Alternating Cossack Squats
Rest as needed
Gymnastics Skill Session
Ring Hang Warm-Up
and then …
Take 8-10 minutes to work on muscle-up drills. Please choose one-three of the following drills to work on:
Cast Swings
Foam Roll Muscle-Up Transition
Peek A Boo Swings
Pop Swing
Snap Pulls
Shove Pop Swing
Three sets of:
2 Overhead Squats x 60-65% of 1-RM Snatch @ 3311
Rest as needed
Use this as an opportunity to get comfortable in the bottom of your overhead squat and to practice different hand placements for your overhead squat.
For time:
55 Burpees over the Barbell
34 Overhead Squats
21 Muscle-Ups
35-54: 95/65 lbs
55+: 65/45 lbs
Time Cap: 20 minutes
If you don’t have muscle-ups then please substitute with ring-dips or stationary dips.
A. 95# across
B. 9:26, strict stationary dips instead of MUs
Burpees UB
OHSs in 20+14
Dips in 7.7.7
Gymnastics skills: Complete
A) #97 for all sets
B) 11:50
Burpees UB
OHS 20+14
Muscle ups: were a struggle today couple doubles, but mostly singles
Well, that one will wake you up!
Warm up and mobility – done.
10 minutes muscle up practice.
A. 75, 75, 80
B. 9:21 with stationary dips.
Burpees finished at 4:33.
OHS finished at 7:25. Sets 12-12-10.
Dips 5-5-5-3-3.
For warm-up I did optional rowing from 3/25/19: 4x1000m @5K pace, rest 60s between My 5K pace: 2:01.4 1. 4:00.5, pace: 2:00.0 2. 3:59.7, pace: 1:59.8 3. 3:59.0, pace: 1:59.5 4. 3:55.6, pace: 1:57.8 got a little carried away on last one? Then: 3 sets of half kneeling land mine press @2011, 35,40,42.5# (I’ve been doing these to warmup before any overhead movements, I like how it warms up my shoulders) A. 85,90,95# (62%,65%,70%) testing my shoulder, felt fine Ring drills: did some cast swings and peek a boo swings ? then did one ring MU…ouch, and ugly but got… Read more »
Holy fun today!
A. 115 for all sets
B. 18:20
Steady bar facing burpees just over 5:00
OHS 10/10/4/7/7 i don’t know why 4
Mu’s started with singles then stayed with doubles which felt good. Stayed close to rings dropping almost straight down
55+, NQ A) Didn’t spend too much time on OHS because limited to how much time I had available, just worked up to the working weight for the WOD, 45#. B) Total Time: 9:27 Burpees over the bar super slow (lateral burpees), always hesitate before jumping over the bar, thought they were never going to end, just kept a slow steady pace and focused on keep moving – 6:23 I think. OHS – 16 / 8 / 10, bar started to wobble on 16th rep so had to stop, was hoping to do them unbroken since it was a light… Read more »
Class with hubby. 🙂
A. Partner Elizabeth:
power cleans 95
ring dips
100m run between each round
2 mins rest
B. Partner Nancy:
5 rounds
400m run
15 OHS 65
I think it took us about 30 mins to do both. My shoulders were smoked going into it, and they are still smoked afterwards. ? They need some more TLC. 🙂
Happy Saturday, everyone!
B: 10:34
A. 135, 145, 155
B. 7:27 – happy with this. I pushed the pace on the burpees, unbroken on OHS and MU – 7/7/4/2/1
Wanted to go 7/7/7 – but didn’t quite have it and failed when I tried to go 4/3 on the last set.
I think next time I might try 8/7/6.
Great workout!
Gymnastic- I did muscle-ups negatives for a couple of minutes.
A. At 30 kg. Will upload film. Felt good.
B 9:08 min. Ring dips instead of Muscle-ups. Burpees UB but slow pace (might have done a few extra) 3:45 min, OHS as 17/14/3 done after 7:06 min. Ring dips, kipping, as 7/5/5/3.
A: 50kg
B: 15:05. Sub ring MU with bar MU
A. 115
B. 10:50. OHS 18-8-8
Muscle Ups Sets of 2. Last 3 singled.
Garage Workout w/Buddies:
24Min AMRAP Waterfall
20 Cal Bike/Row (alternate after each round)
75 Dubs
12 Bar Facing Burpee Over Bar
9 DLs (225#)
4 Sandbag Ground Over Shoulder (100#)
Barbell Class:
Worked Split Jerk. Built to 255#. Stop there since I havent worked splits in a while. They felt good though.
COMBINED 4/26 & 4/27
OHS X 2 =95/135/155/185
FS X 2 = 135/165/185/205/225/245/275/295
C & J X 1 IN 10 M EMOM= 185 X 10
55 BURPEE OVER BB/ 34 OHS @ 95 + 5 RMU IN 20 MINS
Short on time today and it was beautiful out so I went for an easy 5 mile run instead
A. 40kg
B. 17:53 finished OHS at 7:30, pretty big break before MUs, all singles, only 1 miss, really happy with that
The cast swing video was SO HELPFUL!!!!!