Click here to access the 2017 Regionals Prep Program!
Primary Strength Session
Five sets of:
Tempo Front Squat x 3-4 reps @ 4111
(MUST move up in weight from last week by 4-6%)
Rest 3 minutes
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Clean from Mid-Patella x 1 rep
(pause 2 seconds at mid-patella, then snatch)
Build from approximately 70-75% to today’s heavy. Same rules as last week, but with reduced pause length, the expectation is that you will build to a heavier load.
Three sets of:
8-Second Clean Deadlift x 1 rep @ 8181
Rest as needed
Start with approximately 65% or lighter and keep your focus on maintaining proper positions and weight distribution. Use the 8-second ascent to feel the weight shift from the forefoot into the mid-foot as the barbell passes the knee; keep your chest over the barbell and stay patient in that position as the barbell ascends up the thighs; feel you hips coming up and under the barbell to elevate it – not kick it out. One the way down, maintain that same controlled 8-second tempo and hit all positions again in reverse. Use straps for this!
Primary Conditioning Session
Off-Season Conditioning Option
For time:
15 Ground-to-Overhead (165/115 lbs)
30 Toes to Bar
15 Thrusters (165/115 lbs)
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Overhead Squats (165/115 lbs)
Granite Games Qualifier Prep Option
For time:
15/12 Muscle-Ups
20 Snatches (95/65 lbs)
12/9 Muscle-Ups
15 Snatches (145/105 lbs)
9/6 Muscle-Ups
10 Snatches (195/135 lbs)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Four sets of:
Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x 16 reps (8 each)
Rest 90 seconds
Weighted Stationary Dip x 4-6 reps @ 21X0
Rest 90 seconds
Three sets of:
Landmine Rows
x 6 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Two sets of:
200-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
(drop every 50-feet, and immediately turn and come back – go as heavy as possible)
Rest as needed
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Eight sets for max calories of:
2 minutes of Assault Bike
Rest 90 seconds
Running Endurance Option
Every 5 minutes for 20 minutes (4 sets)
500 Meter Sprint
Rest the remainder of the time.
Followed by 500 Meter Sprint sprint all out effort. Record your time.
Tempo Front squats +4% for all sets
Paused low hang clean up to 115kg (2.5kg from last week)
Tempo Clean deadlift
80/90/110kg – can finally feel tension in hammies in this movement
Off season conditioning 9.45 rx
OHS were a challenge at the end under fatigue
First day back in 3 weeks
Took today pretty easy, worked out with the class first
3RM DB Press 75#
100 burpee pull ups to 8′ bar 9:37
Primary Strength:
A. 225 felt so good just to squat
B. Up to 260 for two sets
C. Up to 295
4 sets
FR Reverse lunges with 135×16
1 Strict MUP+10 Strict Dips
Primary Strength: A. 140×4 / 145×4 / 145×4 / 145×4 / 145×4 **even with all sets 5# heavier, I was able to maintain the same amount of reps as last week! ?? B. 120/125/130/135/140/142.5/145/150 **Built to 10# heavier than last week! C. 110/120/130 Off-Season Conditioning: 11:58 *scaled barbell to 105# — g2oh done in singles, t2b = 10/8/7/5 , thrusters in sets of 5, c2b = sets of 5, OH squats = 10/5 (failed my second power snatch trying to finish the last 5 reps) Strength Accessory: A. Front racked reverse lunges done w/ 95# (These were brutal after the… Read more »
Strong work Kalynne!
A: all set sets at 264
B: 154/198/220/242/264/286/297(f)/300
C: 198/220/242
Off season: 10:12, took too long of breaks but went ub on OHS which was a big mental victory
Anyone else’s legs not wanna come out to play today?
Have you switched up your macros?
I’ve been adding more carbs to my afternoon shake and doubled up on my intra workout carbs. That leg comment was more of just a little jest at my legs being sore.
Primary Strength:
A. 245#
B.205# -> 265#
C. 205# (65%)
GG Conditioning :
Made it to the 195# bar at 11:45 and hit one snatch. Time capped myself at 20min because I had way too many fails and I was basically recovered again. Wanted to hang with the big dawgs today with the weight but i probably should’ve scaled the last bar a little bit.
Strength Accessory:
A. 135# Lunges and 20# Vest for 6 Dips
B. 70#
What’s your max snatch?
just hit 235# about three weeks ago. I’m only at 169# bodyweight so i’m trying to put on a little weight to make these metcons a little easier.
195 was pretty damn aggressive 🙂
A. 260,265,270,275,280. All 4 reps.
B. 235,245,255,265,275,285,295,305
C. 220
Granite games prep
14:54. Plate transfer was slow because I didn’t have enough 25s. Muscle ups were smooth.
Assault bike cal. 39,36,36,37,38,38,37,38.
Primary Strength
A. Tempo Front Squat – 200×3
B. Clean from Knee – 170/180/190/195/200/205/210/215(f)
C. 8-Second Clean Deadlift – 230/245/245
Strength Accessory (Monday Work)
A. 1-Arm DB Row – 3×8 @ 60
B. BB Loaded Glute Bridges & Calf Raises – 95/95/115, Cable Pull Thrus w/ Green Band
C. Bench Press – 195×8/220×6/235×4/235×4
Primary Strength
A. Tempo FS @100kg
B. Pause clean upto 130kg, up 5kg from last week
C. 8 sec clean DL 100/105/110kg
A. 8:36 rxd
A. weighted dips 3×6@ 12kg 1×6@16kg
Skipped lunges, knee is a bit sore will get treatment later in the week
B. Land mine rows done
C. Improvised yoke done 60kg
Look after that knee dude.
Primary Strength Session
A. 3 Tempo Front Squat @155 (+4%)
B. Clean from mid patella 2sec pause 190✅ (+5#)
C.✅ 8-Second Clean Deadlift @65
Primary Conditioning Session
Off-Season Conditioning Option
For time: 8min
Strength Accessory Option
Front-Racked Alter. Reverse lunges @115#
4 Weighted Stationary @10%
Good to see this numbers coming up Lea!
Primary strength:
A. Tempo front squats 115#
B. Clean from mid patella built to 140# that’s 5lb under my full clean max! Pretty stoked
C. 8 second clean deadlift 95#
Off season conditioning:
8:07, @65#, cut the c2b to 15
Great work hitting 140 Ashlee!
Thanks Tino!
One session
Ankle mobility and some pause squats to warm up
Cleans done between 70-80%
Deadlifts done at 70%
No conditioning…absolutely exhausted from last night. Gonna try and get some extra sleep tonight!
Rest up Jake. Hope the studies are going well!
Session Two
12 MU 6(PR match)/3/3
20 DB snatch, 20#
9 MU 4/2/2/1
15 DB Snatch, 35#
6 MU 2/3/1 I think lol
10 DB Snatch, 50#
So gymnasty! Nice job!
Dude, I know!!! At GG last year I could barely do one muscle up?
A. Up to 265 B. Up to 285 (squat is feeling better than ever) C. 225 across. Found this super helpful. Strength: Land mine rows done Dips with a 14kg kb x5-6 Lunges done @155/165/165/175 Did some makeshift overhead barbell carries. Put my mobile squat rack on boxes so that I don’t have to press, and put fat grips on the BB haha. It was actually pretty awesome. Condo: Off season – 9:40 As prescribed. Got the confidence back in the OHS. Took heavy reps off for seemingly forever when I was injured. Thrusters were phew! Did some short hill… Read more »
Genius! Just be careful ?
Awesome to hear training is going well and you hard work is paying off. Keep it up!
Thanks, Coach. Having a blast. Feelin good.
You guys are incredible athletes!!
A. FS #245
B. Worked up to #275
C. Stayed at #315 all 3 sets
A. 65/75/85/95/100 .. I’ll take it! I can’t wait to lift heavy again
B. 75/85/85/95/105/115/125/135
75-105 I did power plus full
105-135 I just did power
C. Done at like 125# lol from the blocks cause I still can’t pull from the ground comfortably
Strength Accessory
Four sets
Lunges done at 65#?
Assault Bike – 2 min max
Tempo Front Squat
Hoping this is the last week of these lol
8 second Deadlift done
Off Season
Ground to Overhead – 9/6
Toes to Bar – 15/9/6
Thrusters – 10/5
Chest to Bars – 20/10
Overhead Squats unbroken
You not like the tempo front squats? 😛
They’re actually not bad after the first set. For some reason I dread starting them. First and second set are the hardest then they feel ok.
Primary strength
C)done light. Back to basics
Primary condit
Off season – 6:35
A. 295 for 3! Not too shabby. Front squats feeling strong B. Got 300! And it wasn’t toooo bad either. Pretty sure this is a PR for a pause below the knee. Felt strong today C. 275, 295, 315. All felt great Off-season conditioning A. 7:33. This workout got hard realllllll quick. Heart spiked so bad after the chest to bars. Thrusters were in 5. Sooo much fun on the thrusters ?. Was a wuss on the ttb and did small sets after 10. Oh squats were kinda hard.. shoulders felt really fatigued. Did all this in one session. Will… Read more »
Awesome job hitting 300 Ryan! Strong day all round.
It wasn’t bad either! Ran out of sets though. I can probably take 315 for a ride. Thanks though Tino!
went turkey hunting this morning so hiked around for like 3 miles with 30lbs of gear that was my morning aerboic. One session today: A. front squats at 165 ( activation for metcon) B. pause power clean up to 305 ( 5lbs heavier than last week, felt pretty weak today though). C. tempo clean deadlifts at 255. OFf-season conditioning: 6:58rx. first time doing thrusters since the open, they were hard. Singles on g20h-15/15 t2b- 5/5/5 thruster- 15-10-5 c2b- UB OHS ( cant feel my wrists) Rest 15 mins then E2MOM for 10. 20 walking lunges in front rack with… Read more »
A.) 245# across, up 20#
b.) 275#, up 15#
c.) 205# across, loved these
d.) Off season- 7:04, those thrusters were poopy
A.) 135# across for lunges + 6 dips w/20# DB across
b.) Landmine rows w/70/90/90#
c.) Quickly worked on some KB OH stability presses + holds
d.) Assault Bike: 34/33/31/31/31/31/32/31 cals. Trying to not be such a pansy on this thing.
Nice job on the assault bike Jon!
Thanks sir!