Primary Strength Session
Five sets of:
Weighted Box Jump x 3 reps
(use a weighted vest or dumbbell, but keep it light enough so the weight does not affect jumping form or impede fast movement)
immediately followed by…
1-Step Box Jump x 2 reps
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two Sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat Jumps x 5 reps each leg
Rest as needed
In 15 minutes or less, build to today’s “heavy”…
Front Squat x 1 rep
The goal is to establish today’s “heavy” lift. “Heavy” for the day is the load immediately before that at which you would lose proper mechanics and positioning. Stop as soon as you determine that you’ve reached that load.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Power Clean + Power Jerk
*Sets 1-3 = @ 80% of 1-RM Power Clean
*Sets 4-6 = @ 85% of 1-RM Power Clean
Every two minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Front Squat x 3 reps @ 2-4% heavier than last week
(this should be somewhere between 76-85% if you’re just joining)
Primary Conditioning Session
Every 8 minutes, for 32 minutes (4 sets), perform the following for times:
Row 500 Meters
15 Hang Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs)
20 Toes-to-Bar
These should be sprints! Go hard, then try to recover as best as possible before the next interval and then go hard again. Note times for each set, but I want to see full effort for each of the four sets.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 3 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Goal is to perform 5% more than last week.
Three sets of:
20 Dumbbell Skull Crushers
20 Dumbbell Tate Press
20 Dumbbell Floor Press
(perform as a complex laying flat on the floor.)
Rest 90 seconds
Rowing Endurance Option
Four sets for times of:
Row 1550 Meters
Rest 4 minutes
Your goal should be to maintain consistent pacing across the four sets – but all sets should be performed faster than your 1500s from April 2. If you’ve been wearing a heart-rate monitor, you should also be noticing that your heart rate is remaining lower at the same or faster paces during these intervals, and hopefully dropping back to a bit lower beats per minute during your rest intervals.
Running Endurance Option
One set of:
Run 1600 Meters @ 85% of 1-Mile Pace
Run 800 Meters @ 90% of 1-Mile Pace
Run 800 Meters @ 75% of 1-Mile Pace
Run 1600 Meters @ 80-85% of 1-Mile Pace
A) Done with 14# weight vest
B) 265. Failed 275
C) 190/200
D) 205
Primary Cond:
Strength Accessory:
A) 105 B) 20s
Rowing End.:
forgot my HR monitor at home
Started today w/ some glute activation and hip health stuff.
Then did the gymnastics from the 24th.(12 EMOM). Bridge holds were humbling, quite the stretch.
A) Done w/ 20# vest and holding a 10lb plate.
B) 340, dumped 350
C) 230/245
D) Done at 300, did 290 last week.
Primary Condo
3:33/4:10/4:35/4:39 << this didn't look bad on paper but it crushed me on last two rounds.
Prim Str:
A. No Jumping yet
B. 255
C. 170, 185
D. 200
Prim Cond:
4:46, 5:06, 5:11, 5:34
Optional Strength:
A. All sets @ 155#
B. w/ 20# DB’s
Fs: builtto 230# felt good today
Cleans 155-165
Triples FS: 185/190/195/200/205/205
Metcon….whoa forearms. All TTB UB
B. 380. +4 lbs pr.
C. 260×3. 280×3
D. 285
All hang squat cleans unbroken. Grip started to give on t2b.
A. Done
B.205, still felt like I could have gone up, but my knees caved in and I rounded my back a little so I didn’t go heavier
C. 135/135/140/140/145/145
D.175-this was heavy today!
I know you said no conditioning Tino, but it looked fun and I convinced myself it was ok because there was lifting in it
Did the row in 2min, all cleans unbroken, all toes to bar unbroken, I just need to develop a faster rep speed
Strength accessory
A. 90ibs
B. 10ib dbs
A: Done
B (fs): 315lbs
Happy with this. Gone up every week. Getting more comfortable with my back again.
C (pc+pj):
1-3: 220lbs
4-6: 240lbs
D (fs):
1-3: 245lb
4-6: 250lbs
A. Done
B. 325#
C. 245/265
D. 265
Strength accessory
A. 165/170/175/185/185
B. Done with 15lb db’s
Feeling better this week?? Solid start!
Yeah man, definitely! Looking forward to a fun week of fitness! ??
Primary Strength
A. 14# vest 24″ box
C.125X3; 135×3
D. 150×3; 155×3
Strength Accessory
A. 100/95×4
B.10# db
Optional strength
A. 85-95-105-110-115×2
Scaled to 65# hang squat clean & legs to 90
Still going strong, so impressive!
FS. Hit 355. 5lb Pr ??
Cleans up to 275
6×3 @ 265
Fastest 3:48
Slowest 4:12
Yeah dude!! Congrats on he PR!!!! Awesome start to the week!
A. 20# vest to 24”(the rest also had the vest) 10#’s to 30” x2, 15#’s to 30” x2
B. 295
C. 235×3
D. 265×6
3:55/4:17/4:25/4:28 Rx
Did 10/5 for cleans every round. 14/6 first round on T2B and 12/8 for the rest. Happy how I pushed these movements!
Did not due optional conditioning due to school being hectic right now but my gym just got a ski-erg and I’m gonna learn how to use that!
No need for extra conditioning. Lets keep you healthy and get you strong!
Glad to be back after feeling like death last week.
Accessory strength
Weight Box Jumps. ✅
Bulgarian split squat jumps 45# ✅
305 Front squat Single- back felt funky so stayed light
PC + PJ 255×3/265×2
These felt really good after the time off
Front squats 6×3 @285- Back felt fine but kept it light to ease back in after 10 days off
Primary conditioning ✅
Good to see you back feeling good Taylor! Solid start to the week!
A. 40#
B. 295# fail at 315#? Not sure why I couldn’t hit that today
C. 205#, 225#
D. 240#
Primary conditioning
Rd1. 4:15
Rd2. 4:40
Rd3. 5:20
Rd4. 6:26
Strength done
Running done
Long weekend?? Sore from last week?
Felt it in in my hips from last week on the fs. The primary workou was the last thing I did last night, just nothing left, should have scaled the weight to keep the sprint
Session 1: Primary strength A) 20lb vest jumped to 24” and 30” box Bulgarian split squat jumps done B) worked to 300 felt heavy today C) 240/240/240/255/255/255 power cleans felt good today D) all done at 255 Strength accessory A) all sets done at 150 5lbs more than last week B) used 20lbs Session 2: 3:53/4:15/4:19/4:27 got off the rower no later than 1:50 each time and went 6/5/4 on hang squat cleans, tried to limit rest here as best as I could and get on it before I wanted to. Unbroken on toes to bar. This was tough, cycling… Read more »
Good to see you playing and learning how to cycle that barbell. Solid day!
Skipped conditioning: I need to gain some Pounds back.. #lightweight .
Strength accessory:
155-165-175-180×3- 170-170
Session 2 each day should be, amrap of food calories instead of bike or row
A. 10# vest
24/30 – 26/32 – 28/34 – 30/34 x 2
B. 235# motha effin PR again wtf!
C. 1-3: 155 ; 4-6: 165
Session 1: Primary Strength Weighted Box Jumps with 20# dbs on 30″ Box 1-step – 36/40/41/42/43″ Box Bulgarians done Front Squat Heavy – Up to 385! This was my smoothest PR yet. It’s going up 5# a week, and making me very happy. Power Clean and Jerk 255/255/255/265/270/270 Front squat Triples: 270/275/280/285/285/290 Bumped this up a little more in percentage, since my PR seems to have grown quite a bit. But still felt pretty darn fast. Session 2: Strength Accessory: Unsupported Press: 155/160/160/160×2/160×2 Dumbbell Tri goodies: 20# dumbbells. Felt easier than last time with the same weight. would probably move… Read more »
Primary Strength: A. Boxs Jump: 15#DB to 24″ Box Really struggling with the plyo stuff. I think i need to do more of a warm up. I actually had an easier time doing these from seated. 15#DB only to 24″ box. I just felt like my hips don’t ever open. Jumping Bulgarian Split Squats : Done B. Front Squat 210 – tried to skip 215 (what i hit last week) and go to 220 PC+PJ- 135/145 felt snappy Front Squats 3 Reps x 6 sets @175# C. Strength Accessory Seated Press @90# Across (up 5# from last week) DB Complex… Read more »
Strong work Cheryl! Nice job refraining from doing the conditioning. Proud of you!
Thanks Tino! Trying! So hard! I’m trying to trust the process . 🙂
Ski erg x Burpees x Heavy Dubs
Front Squat
Power Clean + Power Jerk
1-3 @ 275
4-6 @ 300
6 sets
Front Squat x 3 @ 325
Solid work today dude. You were consistent on those repeats!
Thanks Tino. Tried to push it. Grip was smoked every time.