Click here for the 2017 Regionals Prep Program!
Primary Training Session
Build to today’s heavy…
Clean + 2 Front Squats
“2017 Age Group Qualifier Event 1”
For time:
100 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
80 Calories of Rowing
60 Bar-Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
40 Muscle-Ups
Please post your time and any notes you’d like to share with the masters athletes who follow Invictus Athlete.
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Training Option
Two sets, for max weight, of:
150-Foot Yoke Carry
Place your hands on the sides of the yoke so that you can press the yoke forward like a bench press, creating pec engagement (and internal torque). Place the yoke as far back on your back as possible (back…not low) so that the weight stays centered over your hips. Take short, quick steps keeping your hips square and legs slightly bent. This is the best structural exercise for the barbell squat, and one of the best exercises overall. It strengthens the thoracic structure (lats, pecs, etc…), the erectors (isometrically, in accordance with their primary function) and obliques.
Two sets for max weight of:
75-Foot Reverse Sled Drags
Rest 2-3 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
5 Sandbag Front Squats
50-Foot Sandbag Carry
Two sets for max weight of:
75-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 5 minutes
This is a strength session, not a conditioning session. Most of the weight should be on your hands as you bear-crawl your way forward with short, fast, choppy steps. Put the absolute most weight you can on the sled, move your feet fast and get it moving. Go heavy!
Rest 3 minutes, and then…
Every minute, on the minute, for as long as possible…
120-Foot Sled Sprints
Your first sprint should take 10-12 seconds. The workout is over when you cannot finish your sprint in under 15 seconds.
Running Endurance Option
Five sets of:
5 Minutes of Running @ as close to your mile pace as possible
Rest 3 minutes
A. 210
B. Just did the 100/80/60 took 17:00 can’t do MUs in my garage. Plan on fixing that soon
A. 325. F340
B. 17 muscle ups into this one. Did this workout at a different gym. Had to readjust the rings during the workout. Only had a 70 lbs DB. Did 66 DB snatches. Unable to do hand to hand transitions with 70 lbs DB.
Running option. 20 meters short of 3.5 miles.
Primary Session
A. Clean + 2 FS upto 135kg PR FS double. Cleaned 140kg but missed squats
B. Conditioning
Had a bit of a crew so did this as a partner wod 13.25 then did 10 leg less rc.
Clean PR or front squat double PR or both?
Just the front squat dounle PR
Need to get yoirlegs stronger! You should be able to front squat your clean for at least 3 🙂
Yeah I can stand the clean up fairly easy but I have always struggled with front squats but I’ve found the tempo work helps a lot.
Primary Session A) stopped at 245 and drilled getting the knees back and the hips through. Felt good and satisfied with the growth here. B)44:58. Should have pushed the work early on, but I knew that I had never completed 40 MU’s in a day and paced for that. Had to take a break after 21, but rounded it out. New growth! Strongman A) 380, 500. My space I have to turn around every 50ft. Today i did all my turns loaded and that was such a different(and enjoyable) experience! Felt my legs like I haven’t before B) 180, 250.… Read more »
That was a long workout! Solid work pushing through but maybe next time make a judgement call around 30 minutes. We don’t want you causing yourself any injury.
Age Group Qualifier Notes Event 1: had 4 MU’s at 20minute marker. Took a short break after my 21st MU at 27:20 and took my time rounding out the forty. I definitely should have pushed the burpees harder, though I was surprised at how tired my legs felt during each jump over the bar. DB Snatches weren’t nearly as bad as I thought, however they could’ve made the burps feel hard on the legs. Definitely felt all parts weren’t as bad in execution as they were in pre-game consideration. DB’s had me afraid because I remember how tight my back… Read more »
Primary Training Session
A. Clean + 2 front squat 195#✅ 200#❌
B. For time: 29:40
Great work hitting 195!
A: hit 310 for complex, got 320 clean plus 1 FS for new clean PR
B: got roped into regionals team training, involved a lot of synchro T2B and OHS at 165, no grip remaining for qualifier 1
Did you just relax and have fun? Great work dude!!
Clean and front squats 295
26 m u and 20 min
Snatches I went hard cause it hurts more when you stop 50 then 5 x 10
Rowing and burpees held a good pace and don’t redline cause i wanted to be able to hit the mu. Just stayed moving.
I think I could go faster for sure. Not sure if I could get done though…
Then the yoke carry
Session two
Ankle mobility
5×5 min on/3 min off row (focus on good technique)
1199 20
1238 21
1226 20
1198 19
1219 19
Was able to get off the erg without my back feeling tight haha
Solid week of training ?
Great to see you for and healthy Jake!
Running session done on track
Only did 3 sets, it’s a windy day and I’m wheezing anyway, and this was a more fitting progression from last week. Kept :23/100m pace which would be a 6:08 mile but got pretty difficult on the third set
Some great work today Torey!
Primary Session:
A. Built to 160# (94%)
B. Qualifier Event 1: 251 reps at time cap (11 muscle-ups)
DB snatches in sets of 20s: finished around 5:30
Finished row at 11:00 on running clock
Finished bar-facing burpees at 17:00 on running clock.
Only was able to hit doubles on muscle-ups today.
Strongman Training:
B. Reverse drags done w/ 210#
D. Harnessed pull done w/ 300#
E. Finished 13 minutes
First 10 min w/ 120#
Min 11 done w/ 130#
Min 12&13 done w/ 145#
Warm Up 2X
800m Bike
8 Shspu
265 clean+2FS
Did 5 sets of 20 with 20/20/15/10/5 rest and finished around 4
Row was at 950 per pull and took about 4 min
Burpees I never stopped and I also didn’t feel tired so I think push the pace more than I did
MU 10X4 emom
Yesterdays Core
The man with no name! ?
A) 265- my legs feel absolutely shot after this week so my mind thought I could go heavier than my legs did. B) 19:53 Snuck in the last muscle up with 7 seconds to spare. 4ish minutes on the snatches doing sets of 20 with 5 seconds rest between sets. The row took 4 minutes on the dot and the BFBs took a little over 4 minutes. Muscle Ups were done is sets of 2. Push the pace to those muscle ups because that’s where you’re gonna spend the most time and separate yourself from the pack. Strength Work: Done… Read more »
Great work Kidd!
Clean + 2 Front Squat
Qualifier 1
30 muscle ups at 20 minutes. I stuck to the cap.
I went 80/20 on the Snatches. I think 4 minutes here.
Row was 4 minutes
Bar Facing is not great for me I think this took around 5 ish minutes for me.
Muscle Ups started 5/5/4/3/3 and then all 2s.
Hard workout for me with these movements so I don’t think my notes will be super helpful. It came down to the pace of the Burpees and muscle ups for me.
Solid work dude! That’s not a big man workout!
I wanted to tackle the regional prep workout way more than this one today lol.
A. Hit 295# for the complex and then hit a 305# clean (5# PR) and tried for 315# but couldn’t stand it up
B. 27:15 Rx. 12 MU at 20min. Muscle ups took 9:45
I’ll do some strength accessory later.
Yeah Alec! Congrats on the PR!!
72.5kg for my clean complex which is .5kg under my squat clean PR. I must say, I feel more confident in my lifts. Yesterday I PR by 1kg in my snatch with a pause hold at 55kg ?
AGOQ 1: DB snatch felt easy. The row got the best of me. Didn’t get to the MU finished 54 BFB. Need to work on working on high intensity and moving faster ?
Nice work on the clean dude! Lifting has been going great the last two days!
Build to today’s heavy…
Clean + 2 Front Squats @95kg
For time:
100 Alternating Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatches 17.5kg
80 Calories of Rowing
60 Bar-Facing Burpees Over the Barbell
40 pull-ups
C. Running 5min @85% 1 mile pace – 3 min rest x5
a.) 275#, nothing felt light! b.) 1rd + 11 snatches, this was tough. I stayed two sets on snatches 68/32 because it slipped out of my hand I planned for unbroken. I switch hands mid air and do more of a KB swing version (DB touches near my heels) to engage more hammies/glutes and use more hips as i finish the rep. This also allows me to breathe better and keeps the pressure off of my back. Paced on the rower around an 1130 and then steady burpees. Had 6min to do muscle-ups, started with a set of 7 and… Read more »
Crushed it dude awesome work! You didn’t have to do those extra snatches as it was just “for time” 🙂
Ohhhh ??♂️??♂️ Haha will read better next time.
Session 1 A. Up to 280, my max clean is 285 so this was great to hit with the complex B. 20:35 with 37 MU at 20:00 5:14 on DB snatches, set it on the ground each rep but didn’t stop moving. 3:59 row, kept above 1200cal/hr. 4:30 on burpees. Started first set of MUs at 15:02. 10+5+5+5+5+3+3+1+2+1. Only thing I would change is pushing a little faster on snatches and burpees which would’ve allowed me to finish. Only reason I stayed a little conservative on the snatch pace is because I really didn’t want my entire back to be… Read more »
Great day Torey! Strong work all round!
*as close to your mile pace as possible. Be aggressive but don’t kill yourself
Thanks Tino, definitely happy with today’s sessions! Its always a good day when I can get myself to resist the urge to go until I fail a few times!
A) 235# – this is tremendously weak for me. My legs, hips, and lower back felt off today. This was extremely frustrating for me. I was thinking I would work to a smooth 270#. B) 12 MU at 20:00 cap I went in to this one knowing my lower back and legs were in a knot. This was a mental struggle for me just to not quit. I did the snatches 50-15-15-10-10 and finished around 5:45. This finished my lower back off… I struggled to keep the row at 1000 cal/hr which is sad considering I’m 6’5″. Did my first… Read more »
Lots of solid work this week. Understandable your tired. Time to rest up and get ready to hit Monday hard.