April 20, 2018 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Strength Session
Four sets of:
Weighted Seated Box Jump x 3 reps*
immediately followed by…
Seated Box Jump x 2 reps

Followed by…

Four sets of:
Broad Jump x 5 reps

*Use a weighted vest or DBs, but keep it light enough so the weight does not affect jumping form and allows for fast, explosive movement.

Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 4 reps @ 32X1

Build to today’s heavy 4 rep set, but stay on prescribed tempo.

Build to today’s 1-RM Snatch

Make jumps of 5-10 lbs as you build loads. The goal should be to accumulate volume of PERFECT repetitions as you build to your heaviest loads. Please understand that “today’s 1-RM” may not mean your lifetime PR. The purpose is productive training, so keep the focus on good mechanics, and push only when it feels good to do so. If your mechanics start to breakdown, you have achieved “heavy” for the day.

Primary Conditioning Session
For time:
40/30 Calorie Row
30 Chest-to-bar Pull-Ups
20 Hang Squat Snatches (135/95 lbs)

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option

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Three sets of:
Romanian Deadlift x 8 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Single-Leg Glute Bridge x 30 seconds each leg
Rest 60 seconds

Three sets of:
Right Side Suitcase Carry x 50ft
Rest 30 seconds
Single Arm Ring Row (right) x 15
Rest 30 seconds
Left Side Suitcase Carry x 50ft
Rest 30 seconds
Single Arm Ring Row (left) x 15
Rest 60 seconds

Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Twelve sets of:
60 seconds of Assault Bike @ 75-80%
Rest 30 seconds

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Stefan Dresevic
Stefan Dresevic
April 22, 2018 6:28 pm

Started w/ Thursday’s Rowing Option 650m x 8 w/ 90 rest. Averaged about 2:17 at 1:46 pace. Didn’t have my phone with me that day so don’t have the summary.
A) Done with 20# vest
B) Worked up to 260.. did this in my metcons w/ out knee sleeves to change it up also knowing I’d be snatching in metcons for the metcon. More posterior activation without lifters which was good.
C) Worked up to 230, everything felt heavy today.


Ashleigh Moe
Ashleigh Moe
April 21, 2018 8:33 pm

Tempo…built to 185
Snatches built to 155
Metcon 5:58…my lungs. ?

Lara Erlank
Lara Erlank
April 20, 2018 9:29 pm

B. 145/155/165/170/175/170
C. 125 (I feel like my snatches keep getting weaker ?)

D. 6:58 (I’m disappointed, I hoped it would have been sub 6)

Strength accessory
175 rom dl

70ib farmer carry
40ib row

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 21, 2018 4:03 am
Reply to  Lara Erlank

What was the limiter on your conditioning?

Lara Erlank
Lara Erlank
April 21, 2018 8:35 am
Reply to  Tino Marini

The snatches, did the row in about 1:35, finished the chest to bar at 3:30, and then I just could not snatch today. 95 is not usually difficult. I did them as 5/4/3/4/4

Mike Douglas
Mike Douglas
April 20, 2018 9:17 pm

A. Done
B. 155/185/205/225/235/245
C. Worked up to 245 with no misses. Wasnt feeling great though so I stopped there.

A.225 for rdl’s
B. Done with 100# farmer carry.5)-5 got gnarly! The arm pump was real. Lol

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 21, 2018 4:03 am
Reply to  Mike Douglas

245 is solid considering you weren’t feeling to good. Nice work!

Mike Douglas
Mike Douglas
April 21, 2018 11:48 am
Reply to  Tino Marini

Yeah, I was at the gym for 16 hours yesterday. Haha gym owner life. Good thing I love what I do 😉

Tyler Weber
Tyler Weber
April 20, 2018 7:43 pm

B. 225,240,255,275,290,305
C. Pr snatch 266. 1 lbs. confident I can hit 270.
4:49. Two failed snatches. Lost grip. 10,9,1.

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 21, 2018 4:02 am
Reply to  Tyler Weber

Congrats on the PR Tyler!! 270 by the end of this cycle for sure!

Caroline Essex
Caroline Essex
April 20, 2018 7:19 pm

Scaled to pullups & 95# OHS

Did the deadlifts then ran out of time. ??‍♀️

Lindsay Siolka
Lindsay Siolka
April 20, 2018 6:16 pm

Weighted jumps in 14lbs vest. Seated and Broad Jumps Done.

4RM Front Squat at Tempo At 220lbs.

Built to 180lbs Snatch. Still 12lbs away from my 1RM but happy to be closer to my normal numbers. Registered for weightlifting nationals today so I’ve got that to train for!

5:29 on the conditioning. Was just sluggish and couldn’t get start from the get go – 2:00 row, 3:10 C2B (22-8), Hang Squat Snatches 9-5-6.

Strength Accessory Work done: RDLs, S/L Glute Bridges; S/A Farmer Carry & Ring Rows.

Sean Cather
Sean Cather
April 20, 2018 5:52 pm

A. Complete
B. 185-205-225-245-265-275(3) could not get out of the whole for the 4th rep

C. Built up to 195lb snatch. 10lb PR post surgery!

D. Primary conditioning.
7:00 had to misses on the Hang squat snatches.

Adam Gladstone
Adam Gladstone
April 20, 2018 4:51 pm

A. Vest
B. 275/285/295/305/315/325 (that last one got spicey)
C. Up to 235

Primary conditioning – 5:46 (should have done hip snatches, too slow)

Strength accessory
A. RDLs at 205 across

Kenny Provost
Kenny Provost
April 20, 2018 3:15 pm

Session 1: A. 15# Dumbbells in each hand with 30″ Box No weight: 36″ 40″ 42″x2 Broad Jump. Around 9′. B. Was programmed to retest the 5-rep Deadstop Hit 315 today. Only had that for a triple last time. C. Worked up by 10# starting at 135# up. Put in good time here. Hit a previous best of 265#. Near Miss twice on 270. Its there. And I’m encouraged by it. Session 2: Strength Accessory: A. RDL @ 225/255/255 Bridges done. B. Suitcase Carries @ 150/150/170 (Last one was very tough to stay square.) Ring Rows were a great stimulus.… Read more »

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 20, 2018 4:31 pm
Reply to  Kenny Provost

Wooohooo!!! Let the fun begin!! You’re going to love it and see the benefits of incorporating it into your training.

Leilani Lopes
Leilani Lopes
April 20, 2018 3:09 pm

5:15 – dang I really wanted sub 5 couldn’t hold on to the bar. Oh well I’ll be proud of that!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 20, 2018 4:29 pm
Reply to  Leilani Lopes

Those damn flutes…:P

Solid day of work!

Andrew Malek-Zadeh
Andrew Malek-Zadeh
April 20, 2018 3:03 pm

Coffee run 🙂

Front Squat x 4
Built to 325. The last rep was super hard

Snatch @ 265. Nothing felt good here.
Dropped back down and hit 5 singles at 245

I’ve always felt better lifting against a short clock. Long breaks I always feel off like I’m not as aggressive which sounds backwards


Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 20, 2018 4:29 pm

I hope it was an actual “run” and not a run in a car…:)

Crossfitter problems on your lifts, you and the majority of others!

Ryan Reilly
Ryan Reilly
April 20, 2018 2:14 pm

A. All with vest + 20# DB’s/25/30/35
Broad jumps done
B. 185/195×2/205×2/215
C. 215
D. 6:39 Rx
Assault bike conditioning:
205.5 calories 67-68rpm

Abby Jorgensen
Abby Jorgensen
April 20, 2018 1:54 pm

A. Did the jumping, this is my favorite part
B. Front squat 32X1 (105/115/125/130/135)
C. Snatch 120
Primary Conditioning:
Subbed in class wod we did
Max bench at bodyweight (120)
Max pullups (subbed in the C2B that we had today – did 5 sets of 6 to get 30

Strength Accessory: Did all of these

Bike Conditioning:
150 cals
Avg HR 141
Max HR 167
This was good for me to avg around 12 cals a min and maintain it.

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 20, 2018 4:28 pm
Reply to  Abby Jorgensen

Solid work on the bike Abby!

Geoff Turke
Geoff Turke
April 20, 2018 1:32 pm

Prim Str:
A. No Jumping
B. 225
C. 165
Prim Cond:
A. 9:53 @ 115- Old tendonitis activated in elbow. Think this could be a good bit faster if I didn’t have to do singles.

AirBike Cond.:
12 sets @ 70-75 RPM each. 18-20 cals each set.

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 20, 2018 4:27 pm
Reply to  Geoff Turke

Heat and ice on that elbow along with flossing. I hope it feels better for tomorrows fun!

Leilani Lopes
Leilani Lopes
April 20, 2018 1:17 pm

A. 20# vest to 24/26/28/30”
B. 135/155/175/185/195/205(2)
C. Up to 155# missed 162# couple times which woulda been a PR
Assault bike
178 total cal
Rounds 1-3 and 12 were between 65 and 70 RPM
Rounds 4-11:60-65 RPM

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 20, 2018 4:27 pm
Reply to  Leilani Lopes

Just don’t get skinny! I just want to see gains!!

Leilani Lopes
Leilani Lopes
April 20, 2018 7:24 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

I just doubled my food intake – so no getting skinny for me ??‍♀️

Parker Gloden
Parker Gloden
April 20, 2018 12:56 pm

Primary strength:
A) used a 20lb vest and jump to 30”
Broad jumps done with vest as well
B) 155/185/205/225/235/245
C) got to 225 which is my max. Felt heavy off the ground but happy I was able to get under it
Strength accessory
A) 185 for rdls
B) 80lbs for suitcase carries
Tested the last workout for my friends in Lubbock putting on a competition, back on the invictus conditioning tomorrow!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 20, 2018 1:08 pm
Reply to  Parker Gloden

You should enter the Comp now 🙂

Parker Gloden
Parker Gloden
April 20, 2018 2:00 pm
Reply to  Tino Marini

Haha I would if it wasnt 6 hours away!

Petr Krejci (6.4", 225lb)
Petr Krejci (6.4", 225lb)
April 20, 2018 12:52 pm

Second session
Bike option
276 cal (75rpm)
Max heart rate 169

Jacob Garrison
Jacob Garrison
April 20, 2018 12:13 pm

Just some light aerobic and ROMWOD work for me today. Local partner Comp tomorrow. Will pick back up on everything Monday!

Tino Marini
Tino Marini
April 20, 2018 12:23 pm
Reply to  Jacob Garrison

Kick ass, be safe and have fun! Let us know how it goes!

Ashlee Finch
Ashlee Finch
April 20, 2018 12:11 pm

Primary strength:
A. Done
B. Tempo front squats x4s @65/75/85/95/105/115
C. Today’s 1rm snatch @95

Strength accessory:
A. Romanian deads @95/105/105
Single leg glute bridges done
B. Suitcase carries done
Single arm ring rows done

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