Workout of the Day
Primary Session
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes:
Tempo Front Squat x 1 rep @ 22X1
Start at around 70% of your 1-RM Front Squat and build every minute to today’s heaviest single…but stay strict about the 2-second pause at the bottom.
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Hang Clean + Push Press + Jerk
Build to today’s heavy over the course of the ten minutes.
“Heavy Amanda”
Complete rounds of 9, 7 and 5 reps for time of:
185/135 lb Squat Snatch
Four sets for max reps of:
30 seconds of 225/135 lb Banded Deadlift
(drill courtesy of Mark Bell – stand on a band looped around your barbell and complete your reps as quickly as possible)
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Toes to Bar
Rest 90 seconds
Optional Additional Session
Three sets for times of:
3/2 Legless Rope Climbs (15′)
20 Meter Handstand Walk
40 Double-Unders
Rest 3 minutes
Every 3 minutes, for 24 minutes (8 sets) for times:
Row 15/12 Calories
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
8 Dumbbell Burpee Box Step-Overs (55/35 lb DBs)
“Heavy Amanda”
Complete rounds of 9, 7 and 5 reps for time of:
185/135 lb Squat Snatch
Session 1:
A. Started at 120kg and ended up at 140kg for two sets.
B. Started at 70kg and ended up at 110kg.
C. 9:25. MU’s UB and no misses on snatch. Could have been a bit more aggressive.
DL: 12, 12, 11, 10
T2B: 17, 14, 13, 13
Session 2:
A. 2:15, 2:29, 2:17
B. 2:07, 2:18, 2:34, 3:23, skip, 3:08, skip, 3:12.
Ripped my hand on MU´s earlier, so did poorly on C2B…
A) 240#
B) 170#
C) having some shoulder and wrist issues so used 125#, 9.03min MUs were great.
D) DL about 12-14 each set
T2B 13-15 each
Did this today , had to fly to Indiana suddenly for a sick family member unfortunately, just got back this AM. A) up to 200 B) up to 155 C) this got frustrating…MUs as 5/4, 4/3, 5…snatches were up, and fail, up , and fail. Went to 125 to hit a few then back to 35. I kept dumping it forward barely.. I would like to try this again. Stay focused and breathe easy. I don’t have an exact time as I lost track of the clock and jus tried to finish without kicking the bar …12-15? I’d like to… Read more »
I got married on April 10th, so I’ve been on my honeymoon for about a week. I did the best I could with the relatively decent gym I had access to :/
A) 220
B) 175
C) 9:30 – bummed about this. Missed 4 snatches and they are usually a strength for me. Just felt off. But muscle ups are just awful all the time. Still trying to work on being efficient.
Skipped optional :/ worked 11 hours yesterday and didn’t have the time . Legs are pretty sore from walking lunges.
A) Built up to #355. Felt great.
B) Failed 10th set at 260 lbs.
C) 7:55 Needed this big time. Working the weaknesses.
D) 21/24, 18/23, 15/19, 16/16
A) 1:25, 1:33, 1:52. All HS walks unbroken. Felt good.
B) Done. Gut check towards the end with the DB Burpee BSO
A. Built to 190, 195 almost. Holding tempo was brutal!
B. Built to 160 and felt great!!!
C. Whooa. 13:12. Needed to warm my snatch more so first round felt like a warm up. Muscle ups feeling good these days – finally!!
D. Skipped due to strength cycle + it’s accessories
A. 2:57 – hs walk went to shit, luckily it got better, 2:24, 2:26
B. 2:32, 2:30, 2:21, 2:23, 2:30, 2:48 – Could only squeeze in 6 rds before running into class. What do ya know, rowing and DB’s for them….
4:30 am A. Up to 185# felt easy then failed 190 B.125(2)-135(2)-140-145(2)-150-155-160 Had to split it up weird in order to get it in with work and then coaching track team Pm C.20:20 rx I know this isn’t an impressive time at all but this is a milestone in my Crossfit career. Snatch is my nemesis I have successfully snatched 140 twice in my life and rarely consistant with 135#. I figured id start tonight and then have to scale the weight… I had some misses but the snatches were solid and not ugly: I didn’t run across the gym… Read more »
congrats on making it through C! im right there with ya on the snatches, they’re my weakest lift by FAR and i know 135# would have been a struggle for me. also, major kudos for gettin to the gym at 430am.
Thanks girl! Hope your shoulder starts feeling better!
Get some rest girl!!!
A) Worked up to 275lbs…FS is my weakest lift…but making some steady progression with the Programming
B) Hit 245 for the complex, missed 255 PP, hit the Jerk
C) 12:35…Muscle ups unbroken, Snatches in Singles…..185 beat my A#$ today….crazy sore from some Team training on Saturday.
Didn’t have time for anything else…Onto tomorrow
modifying a lot of the workouts this week. when i went into train on saturday, i started working on part A and my right shoulder absolutely lit up during one of my c2bs. hard to even hold my arm up straight overhead afterwards. OH work (jerks, push press, MU) seem to aggravate it the most so am gonna stay away from those this week. started with part A from session II: 9:37. splits were 1:46/3:24/4:27. took ~1 min break between rope climbs after the first round. i do well with the first 2 then my grip is totally gone. dubs,… Read more »
A. Built up to 315#
B. 265# failed push press at 275#
C. 7:10
D. 15/20-15/20-14/20-15/20
Morning Session A & B) Skipped for separate program. I made up some of Saturday’s work yesterday, as well as my Oly programming of a heavy C&J and finally put my 215lbs jerk and clean together for a full, successful lift! 🙂 Video is on my Instagram (shannonzim). Snatched successfully to 165lbs yesterday also and stopped because my shoulder started acting up again. C) Shoulder not feeling great after yesterday. Subbed back squats and bar muscle ups and it turned more into a sprint workout. Time – 3:57. Evening Session D) Used fairly strong bands on the deads. Deadlift sets:… Read more »
nice work on those lifts, super strong!
Thanks, girl, and you’re pretty dang strong yourself!
A. 245/265/275/285/295/305/315/325/335/345f/345
B. 185/195/205/215/225/235/245/255/265 fail pp/265fpp
C. 7:36 (9:20 last time)
D. Deadlifts 16/14/15/17
Toe 2bar 19/16/14/15
Additional in about 2 hours
A. 295, 305, 315, 325, 335, 335, 335, 335, 345, 335, 345, 355
B. 135-185-205-225-235-245(pp fail)-255(pp fail)-255(pp fail)-245
so my strength feels way down. ive done the B complex with a full clean at 275. im down some in weight but i have been sleeping HORRIBLY for almost 2 weeks.
A. fs- 215-270
B. complex – 185-225
C. 17:53 missed soo many snatches, back tired from b.s. team training yesterday. MU were ub n fast
D. skipped due to deads yesterday (will make up)
A: Up to 160kg
B: Only up to 120kg.. My shoulder is an issue atm
C: 8:30 (I think).. MU UB, snatches as singles – which took a while..
D: 1.: 13+20, 2.: 13+15, 3: 14+14, 4.: 13+10
Did Additional in same session.
A: My rounds were about 2:15 each + the total of 9min rest.
B: I couldn’t manage more than 3 rounds.. It killed me!
Session 1 A. Up to 355, was way too far forward in my toes so I stayed here for a couple sets (1RM is 395)… My glutes are still feeling it big time from Saturday, anyone else still feeling those lunges or am I just a baby haha?? B. Did these with hang power cleans because my power cleans aren’t so hot so I wanted to work them a bit.. Up to 245, 255 failed the push press.. C. 7:58.. No muscle up misses which is a big enough win for me haha D. 18/19, 12/19, 14/15, 15/16.. Energy was… Read more »
A: Up to 155kg.
B: Skipped because I had a National WL meet yesterday. Haven’t really maxed out since knee injury last year, but did this day. Almost got a 130kg snatch and hit a 160kg CnJ PR. Great day!
C: 8.20
D: Done.
I just received official confirmation that I’m going to the Meridian Regional as an individual competitor, stoked 🙂
Congrats buddy!
First time commenting, been following invictus now since last august, love the program, I have seen alot of improvement 🙂
coach 1 question what is the height of the box for DB burpee box overs?
I did the optional with 24 inch, thought I would die, but finished 8 rounds, needed to dig deep haha 🙂
A. 295-305-315-325-335-345-355-365-375-385-395-405 FAIL
B. 225-235-245-255-265-275-285-295-305
C. 10:35- Squat snatches felt really heavy. had very little time between B and C. all muscle ups were unbroken, but squat snatches were very slow with about 6 misses….
D. doing on my lunch break with the rest of the “optional” work….