Workout of the Day
Primary Session
Every 90 seconds, until you fail to successfully complete the complex:
2 Front Squats + Jerk
(take the weight from the rack…if you drop it after the jerk, strip it, clean it and get it set-up prior to the next 90-second interval)
Men’s Loading (in lbs): 275, 285, 295, 305, 315, 325, 335, 345, 355, 365, 375, 385
Women’s Loading (in lbs): 175, 185, 195, 205, 210, 215, 220, 225, 230, 235, 240, 245
When the clock reaches 18:00, perform the following…
Three rounds for time of:
20 Meter Handstand Walk
10 Muscle-Ups
Three sets, not for time, of:
Chinese Rows x 5 reps @ 21X0
Rest as needed
GHD Hip Extension with Overhead “Y” Hold x 8-10 reps @ 2012
Rest as needed
Weighted Prone Plank x 75 seconds
Rest as needed
Same as last week…increase loading/reps.
Optional Additional Session
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-90%
Build in load from 75-90% throughout the ten sets. (Same as last week…but starting and finishing a little bit heavier.)
Every 4 minutes, for 40 minutes (10 sets):
15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
10 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Similar movements to last week. This week I want you to fly through all the movements as quickly as possible, and then rest until the next 4 minute interval. Please note times for each set. Goal is speed…and consistency.
A: up to 155kg
B: 7.00
C: done
D: some rowing in the sun
A. Started at 155 to get more work in. 155, 165, 175, 185, 190, no jerk on 195
B. 12:02
C. Done and boom!
A. Worked up to 145, felt really good!
B. Only did 5 rds to get the heck outta that gym on a Friday evening!
2:26, 2:06, 2:06, 2:07, 2:17
A) Failed jerk at 315. These are super helpful. Big weakness of mine.
B) 5:45 rx
C) done
Session 2
A) 1-5@185 6-9@195 10@205
B) 2:00/2:13/2:22/2:30/2:27/2:34/2:37/2:37/2:35 all c2b unbroken and kbs unbroken
Optional training session
B) 2:22, 2:19, 2:15, 2:22, 2:23, 2:29, 2:36, 2:39, 2:54, 2:59
Had to break at seven on the last two sets of c2b,
Primary session:
A) unfortunately starting at 275 is a little lofty for me, so started at 205#, missed jerk at 265#.
B) 5:36
Rd 1: unbroken on both
Rd 2: hs walk broke twice mu unbroken
Rd 3: hs walk broke twice mu unbroken ( that hurt so good)
C) rows at 165 for 8 reps
Rest done
A)195 -jerk PR!
B) 11:51
C) done
Snatch 115/115/120/120/125/125/130/135/135/135
Session 2 A. Started at 185, built to 215, failed hang but hit the full at 225.. B. 1:37, 1:42, 1:54, 1:51, 2:07, 2:14, 2:10, 2:18, 2:14, 2:08 Session 1 A. Failed jerk at 295.. Been dealing with a gnarly knot in my scap which is causing me to catch the bar too far forward, going to get it massaged out this weekend. B. 12:11.. My biggest weakness in a workout by far, volume MU’s… Side note.. 6 people from the NW selected teams and I was in 26th so looks like I should be in?! Not going to get… Read more »
A. This felt awful. Got 295 and missed the jerk at 305.
B. 6:04. Fell once on rds 1 & 3. Muscle ups UB, 6/4, 6/4.
C. Done.
A. Based on 245. Got to 215 on the last 2 sets. Missed both hangs. Got the first full attempt.
B. No time.
A. Jerks felt terrible today… hit 295 failed 305 jerk
B. 9:00 half the handstand walk was up and incline, interesting twist
C. Complete
No additional session today unfortunately 🙁 getting together with a training partner tomorrow!!!
I did the snatches first 105(2)-110(2)-115-120(2)-125-130-135 I feel a big snatch PR coming soon my snatches have been so solid and 135 has never felt light A.195 failed jerk I was so mad at myself I could tell shoulders weren’t strong when I was warming up:-/ B.14:00 rx had to move my hsw all over the place due to class. Muscle ups felt off. Not my best performance. Extra Conditioning rx except went 45 sec each round on airdyne since our screen doesn’t work. First 5 sets (2:23/2:21/2:19/2:26/2:35) next 5 sets all around 2:35 didn’t push my last 5 sets… Read more »
A. completed 205#, missed jerk at 210#. having issues adjusting my hands to jerk position after front squats, need to keep practicing that. B. 10:24. scaled this to 8/6/6 MU because of my shoulder. MU were mainly done in sets of 3’s & 2’s. our longest straightaway in the gym is only 52ft so i set up cones and got to practice turning around on my hands to complete the full 60ft 🙂 D. subbed DB rows w/ 40# DBs; GHDs done; planks done with 8kg KB. E. went right into snatches since im not sure if i’ll be back… Read more »
A. 305-315f
B. 7:54, these mu intensive wods are killing me
C. Done
A. 200-200-205-205-210-210-215-215-220f-220f
B. 2:03-2:04-2:09-2:15-2:33-2:46-2:56-2:59-2:59-2:41
Technically speaking…I think they’re making you better and not killing you. 🙂
Team training we did option B but in emom format @5am
6hrs later option A. These were much harder after that emom
Then A. Started @205-220-240-255-f@265 #dead
Only time for 1 session today and have to do tomorrow’s work Sunday night due to a crazy work schedule. Oly session Snatch to 80% = 140lbs 4×1 c&j at 75% = 165lbs BTN push press + jerk at mod weight = 125lbs B) couldn’t really do for accurate time. Lots of people in the gym making handstand walks difficult to stay out of the way. First half of total muscle ups on the rings and second half on the bar. Optional B) completed 5 rounds total. Averaged about 2:30/round with a light KB because my back is still stressed… Read more »
Does the hs walk have to be UB?
Doesn’t have to be unbroken.
A.275lbs fail…