Workout of the Day
Primary Session
Gymnastics Play Session
Take 15 minutes to mess around with efficiency with any 2-4 gymnastics movements of your choice:
** HSPU, Deficit HSPU, Ring HSPU, Freestanding HSPU, Freestanding Handstand Hold, Handstand Walk
** Ring Muscle-Up, Bar Muscle-Up, Bar Muscle-Up with Roll Over
** Toes to Bar, Knees to Elbows, L-Sit
** Butterfly Pull-Ups, Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, Chin Over Vertical Plane Pull-Ups
** Pistols, Pistols with Weight Overhead
** Rope Climbs
** Ring Dips
** Double-Unders, Backwards Double-Unders, Triple Unders
** Box Jumps (different standards), Box Jump-Overs, Lateral Box Jumps
** etc…
Please choose something that you need work with, or that you believe you could be more efficient with. Note what movements you selected and the rep scheme and sets performed.
For time:
10 Overhead Squats (155/105 lbs)
10 Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
10 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
10 Power cleans (205/125 lbs)
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpee Muscle-Ups
10 Toes to Bar
10 Power cleans (205/125 lbs)
10 Thrusters (155/105 lbs)
10 Box Jump-Overs (24”/20”)
10 Overhead squats (155/105 lbs)
(Essentially the “2012 Games Chipper,” but with a barbell instead of axle thrusters.)
When the clock reaches 15:00, complete the following…
Three rounds for time of:
20 Overhead Walking Lunges (155/105 lbs)
20 GHD Sit-Ups
Optional Session
Five sets for times of:
100-Yard Sled Push (light – 35-50 second effort)
240-Yard Sprint (around the goal posts)
Rest 3 minutes
A. Worked on hand stand walk.
B. 12:18
C. 14:41
A. Worked on deficit hspu + HS walking
Worked to a max deficit for 2 then maxed out Kipping without coming down.
Feeling my rotator muscles really sore from the BMU on Wednesday. BMU are a huge weakness and those just crushed me.
B. 12: 03 – Prob could have gone a bit harder but my shoulders are a mess.
C. 8:45 – very limited on space and had some distance between where I could lunge and the GHD’s.
Looking forward to physical and mental rest.
A: Freestanding HSPUs. Got 5-6 in a row a few times.
B: Around 12. Not there today, and had people move my stuff which threw me off a bit.
C: Around 9. Not good at lunges.
A. Bar muscle up work.
B. 15:42 (way too slow, I’m really feeling this week)
C. Started this at 18:00 on running clock… 10:57. (Again, slow. Quad cramp in first round of lunges that just wouldn’t let go!)
A) Worked on Deficit HSPU and butterfly pull ups (two goats)
B) Got to 4 BJO on the downward end at 15mins (first time doing this WOD)
C) Did this outside in the sun with no timer but finished the work. Lunges were 10/5/5, 8/7/5, 10/10.
A) freestanding hspu – worked on trying to string three together. Mostly doubles.
L- sit rope climbs – 2/15ft ascents after every set of hspu’s
B) skipped chipper today. Knee was bugging me in the squat. Got out of the gym to enjoy the weather and hit the track.
A. Worked on some handstand holds/walking… some planche work
B. 9:51 finally sub 10 on this chipper!
C. 9:02 (turn around every 4 steps ugh)
Additional happening in an hour
A. Worked on butterfly c2bs until i ripped, then freestanding hspu, then OH pistols with a dowel. They felt a lot better than they did on Wednesday.
B. Done – shoulders are absolutely trashed from this past week, looking forward to resting them tomorrow!
C. 8:47 RX. Lunges 20/20/15 +5
A. skipped. not there mentally today
B. 11:18 (pretty sure thats a 2 min pr or so)
C. 9:46
optional, prob going to pass on this one today.
A. Worked on legless rope climbs right into a regular rope climb then 3-5 bar muscle ups and handstand walks we did it 30 ft relay style B.10:07 rx pretty pleased with this C. 12:00 yikes! I could have been a little tougher on these… Had shoulder pain so was smart. Once I was able to find the right grip things got better. Didn’t have a lot of walking room so was forced to drop then my reset was awful. D. 175 on sled… I did it with the boys so it wasn’t “light” for me:-/ but definitely a killer… Read more »
A) Handstand walk, Free Standing HSPU, and Triple Unders
B) 10:50 rx–Burpee Muscle Ups felt super slow
C) 9:00 rx
Oly session: Snatch pulls working between 80-110% (190 lbs). Shoulder still not ready to snatch 🙁 but most other movements are good now. C&Js 4×1 @ 90% (195 lbs). Back squat to 90% (260 lbs) then 3×3 at 75% (210 lbs). A) Skipped, short on time B) 11:30… feeling extremely under-recovered and not myself. I’ll be cutting out some of the optional sessions next week. C) I didn’t realize the second part was 3 rounds until I was leaving and i just did 1 round in 1:59. Generally I am extremely tired and hope next week goes better doing a… Read more »
Hope you can get some rest and feel better next week! Not sure if you’ve tried these before, but I’ve found that epsom salt baths help me a lot with recovery after all this volume.
Thanks girl! I hope this week goes better and I’ll try to pace myself a little more with the optional stuff and see if that helps! Keep up the good work! 🙂
A. Handstand walk and freestanding HSPU
B. 10:48 – almost a minute faster than when we did this back in January
C. 8:14 – 10/10 each round. Not enough room in the gym to go straight through. Also, we had to do weighted sit-ups, since we didn’t have enough GHDs. If you have a better sub for GHDs, I’d love to hear it.
We plan on doing the second session later this afternoon.
Nice work mallory! Did you use one barbell for this workout and just switch out weights?
Yep! The last time we did this we only used one, so we wanted to keep it consistent.