Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 5 minutes mashing your shoulder
and then . . .
Two sets of:
T-Spine Hold on Foam Roller x 30 seconds
Banded Pass Thrus in a Squat x 10 reps
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 3 minutes, complete:
Weighted Supinated Grip Pull-Up x 2-3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes, complete (6 sets):
Snatch Pull + Snatch
*Work up to a heavy
and then . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
Snatch Pull + Power Snatch @ 85% of todays heavy complex
Every minute, on the minute, for 21 minutes:
Minute 1 – Assault Bike x 15/12 calories
Minute 2 – Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps
Minute 3 – Burpees to Pull-Up Bar x 6 reps + Toes-to-Bar x 5 reps
Assault Bike x 12/9 calories
Push-Press x 10 reps (95/65 lbs)
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (4 sets) of:
Candlestick Roll to Pistol Squat or Pistol Squat Balance x 4 reps (alternate feet)
Followed by. . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 5 minutes (5 sets) of:
Alternating Pistol Squat Negative to Pistol Balance x 4 reps @ 45A1 (use Kettlebell in a Goblet Hold for more difficulty)
55+: Hold onto a rack as you lower yourself down
Followed by. . .
Every 90 seconds, for 3 minutes (2 sets) of:
Single Leg Balance Hold (3 position) x 30 seconds (each position)
Four sets of:
Row 500 Meters @ +6-8 seconds of your 500 Meter best
Rest 2-3 minutes
Mobility done.
Weighted PU up to 40lbs 3reps each round.
A. Shoulders not feeling good, did a few snatch balances and stopped.
B. Skipped
C. Done. AB 11 to 13 cal/round; HSPU to 1 ab-mat, decreasing reps each round, shoulders really jacked; burpee/T2B went fine. First 3 round of AB were 80-85 rpm, last 4 were ~75 rpm, this was good for me as I usually drop down to 65-70.
Mob Done
Weighted PU W/18lb KB
B. worked on power snatch plus OH squats. Getting closer to OH position. Feeling impatient.
C. 55
C scaled HSPU ,strict PU and ttb
A. Done
B. 2:04/2:05/2:05/2:06
A. Done
B. Snatch bal to 225
C. 185, then pwr complex at 165
D. Done emom21
Pull ups 3x 35, 35, 50lbs
B1. Up to 160
B2. Up to 135
B3. 115
Class wod 30-20-10 thrusters 55lb (bar), T2B 6:49
10km bike to work
Weighted pull-up 25-30#
S/B and OHS Up to 95#
Pull and Snatch up to 85#
Pull and power 78#
Mid back and rib area a bit tender so holding barbell overheard was a challenge
C. Done, 10 cals/8 hspu–subbed last 3 bike sections with shuttle runs–knee was getting sore on down stroke–weird
A. 175/185/195/205/215/225 SB and OHS
B. 135/145/155/165/175/185 snatch pull + snatch
power snatch complex 155×6 160/165
C. EMOM done –
Mobility done
Weighted strict supinated pull-ups : 30-35-40# x 3 reps
A. 95-105-115-125-135-145# (kept this lighter today, making sure back responds ok)
B1. 105-115-125-130-135-140# (kept this under 85%)
B2. 120# all sets
C. EMOM Done (bike in :28-:32, hspu in :15-:16, BPU+T2B in :29-:32)
A. Did candlestick rolls but the alternating pistol squat negatives hurt my bad knee skipped them and then did the single leg balance holds.
B. Started this, only did 1 set 500m…could feel my back lighting up so stopped.
You’re body feeling a little beat up Cheryl?
Strained my back last Wednesday on the last set of 225# deads…I think it will be OK… It’s just sore right now and a little compromised!
Look after yourself. A little deload this week may be a good idea
dry/mob. Done
weighted PU: 3rps each:
B1). 65×2,75×3,80×2
2) SP+snatch: 80x1x1 fail,80,80×1 fail, 83,88x1x1fail
3) SP+P/S: 75×2,83xPS-fail,83×2
C). Red /7rds
shoulders (left) stayed light to get work in
also had to skip Optional work. 🙁 – will be making later in the later in the week! 🙂
Mob Done
PU’s with 50’s
SB + OHS – 205
SP+ Snatch -175
SP+ Power -145
EMOM- done- enjoyed this one.
Pistol work done, used 35#’s
Row done at 1:48 per 500
Off to hike throug Zions National Park.
Mobility done
A. 3repX 20lbs.
B1. 115/120/125/130/135/140 – Solid. Got smoother as went up.
B2. 95/105/115/125/130/135x (failed Sn)
B3. 110 (questionable whether they were “power”, but as high as I could catch, prob @ parallel)
D. DONE.. Subbed 50 dubs for 12 cal bike b/c strong on bike and really weak at consistent dubs. HSPU= kipping and mostly UB.
Did COS and DMA, plus perfect stretch and some additional stuff as needed. Then I had: A. 3×10 back squats, building B. 4 rounds of Every 10 mins: 70 cals assault bike A. Worked at 140, 155 and 170. The first set was a primer, the second got tough towards the end, and the last set was REALLY tough. 🙂 B. Done! This was tiring but didn’t hurt as much as I thought it might. It was a great mental challenge though. Kept the watts above 200 and times were a range between 7:30 and 7:50. After a break, I… Read more »
I recognize that assault bike workout 🙂
Lol. 🙂
Mobility done
A. PU with 10lbs. Shoulder not feeling good at all.
B. 55/75/105/110/115/120-missed. I can usually get these easily. Getting overhead lately is really hard since shoulder started hurting a few months ago. I feel like a lot of i is mental, though.
C. 65/70/75/80/85/90 then at 75lbs.
D. got 9-10 cals each round/ 10 unbroken HSPUs each round / 6Burppes+5 unb t2b
Afternoon WOD soon…
If your shoulder has been hurting for that long it may be time to get it checked out.
Hi Tino – sorry, I didn’t know how to see replies to comments! I have been seeing a chiro/ART doc for a while – it’s just wonkety. I have hyper mobile shoulders and have been having issues for months – although it is getting better.
BTW – I’m John Mariotti’s business partner – met you a couple of times via skype 🙂
A. Pull ups done with 25#
B. 115,135,155,166,175, 185#
C1. Worked up to 175#, then everything fell apart
C2. 145#
D. Completed, scaled to strict HSPU from 30′ box
Mobility Done
A: PU done with 20, 25, 30#
B: 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185#
C1: Worked up to 190#
C2: Used 165#
D: 21min WMOM Done
Doing Optional Session later today, gonna sub Running for Row.
A.Mobility done + chinups 3X3 with 20lbs
B.1 Up to 49
B.2 Up to 51, failed 53kg, having a very off day, feel sore from Saturday
B.3 All at 45kg
C. 12 cals/only 7 HSPU (shoulders felt tired, HSPU felt awful and hard today)/ 6 burpees + 5TTB
I found the EMOM really challenging!
A. Will do tomorrow
B. 1:54/1:55/1:56/1:58
Mobility done/pull-ups 45# plate (3 reps)
Snatch balance/OHS: up to 175#
Pull/Snatch: up to 200# (5# PR)
Pull/Power snatch: 170#
EMOM: Was a struggle on the HSPU (always is for me). Had to cut reps eventually. Last few rounds were rough!
Session 2:
A1. As RX
A2. Used 16kg KB
A3. 45 secs each
B. 1:34, 1:30, 1:33, 1:36
Candlestick Pistol ✅
Row 1:32/1:33/1:36/1:37 this beat me mentally today
SB+OHS up to 215
Snatch up to 185
Power Snatch 155
A: pull-ups x3 25#
B1: 145#
B3: 120#
WoD with Class today…not feeling very motivated.
Always good to have a mental reset and jump into a class. Hope you had fun!
Mobility: done
A: pull-ups x3 with 16kg kettle bell
B1: up to 130lb
B2: up to 130lb
B3: 4x115lb, 2x120lb
Snatch really is my nemesis. Will post videos. These didn’t feel great.
Min 1: 15 cal row throughout
Min 2: 10 seated DB press w/ 35lb. Only managed 5 rounds 4-7!
Min 3: as prescribed throughout
only managed 2 workouts since 17.5 with travel and being under the weather. And sore from a workout I did on Saturday. Need to get in groove.
Hopefully this is the week you get back on track!