Aush fell in love with CrossFit back in 2005, and quickly realized the potency of the burgeoning program. He holds numerous CrossFit Certifications and, in addition, is one of an exclusive few inaugural Gymnastic Bodies trainees under renowned Coach Chris Sommer.
His love for CrossFit culminated in his ownership of the affiliate CrossFit San Diego. When the opportunity came to combine forces with CJ and the family of Invictus, he could NOT pass that up.
Aush’s passion for coaching comes from seeing the transformation that is attainable to anyone willing to be consistent – primarily the internal transformation that comes as a client becomes comfortable in their own skin. Watching someone’s confidence take shape and develop is why Aush will coach for life.
Aush has a lovely wife, Megan, who is his true backbone and three adorable children who are already showing signs of being better athletes and (a lot) smarter than he could ever dream of being.