Primary Training Session
Muscle Activation
Two sets of:
100-Foot Pec-Activated Med-Ball Walks
Rest as needed
Followed by. . .
Skill Development
Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes:
2-4 PERFECT Bar Muscle-Ups
Skill-Based Movement Primer
Every 5 minutes, for 15 minutes (3 sets) for times:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
1 Legless Rope Climb + Rope Climb
(IF POSSIBLE – do not touch the ground between the two)
8-10 Strict Handstand Push-Up to 0-2″ Deficit
8 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24/20″)
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 1 rep @ 32X1
Build to today’s 1-RM, strictly following the prescribed tempo.
Immediately followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Tempo Front Squat x 2 reps @ 32X1
*Set 1 – 90% of today’s 1-RM
*Set 2 – 85% of today’s 1-RM
*Set 3 – 80% of today’s 1-RM
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets):
Sotts Press x 3 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Clean Lift-Offs + Power Clean + Jerk @ 70-80%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
1 Clean Lift-Off + Clean + Jerk @ 75-85%
Followed by…
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean & Jerk @ 85-90%
For time:
45 Calories of Rowing on Concept 2
45 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
45 Deadlifts (155/105 lbs)
Athlete Notes:
Today’s workout is a strong mix of high motor and a little bit of skill, and we want this to be fast! For most of you, it will come down to your efficiency in cycling the shoulder to overhead, for which there is two options. Option 1, and the faster of the two is going to be a push press; however, the probability of going unbroken with this method for all 45 reps is not high. Option 2 is to power jerk. While this may not be as fast as the push press, we find it to be more efficient for most athletes in a high volume set. Focus on a strong leg drive and meeting the barbell at the apex in order to preserve your arms as long as you can! The high motor portion of this workout is going to be the row, and the deadlifts. We want you to get uncomfortable on that row, but not so much that you have to rest for long before picking up the barbell. We’d like to see a strong push for the first 25-30 calories, a hard effort until about 40, and then you can throttle back just slightly for the last few calories in order to have a quick transition to the barbell. Once you finish the shoulder to overhead, drop the bar to the ground, pick it up, and don’t drop it again until it falls out of your hands or you reach 45 deadlifts! That part is all grit! Are you willing to push through a little discomfort?
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Emom: Done 3 bar muscle ups
Skill: Done 2 first rounds try Don’t touch the ground, and thats burn 🥴
A: 55, 65, 75, 85 lb
B: build to 285 and then 255, 245, 225
C: 215, 225 and 235 last set
D: 14:32 Rx
A) up to 195
Then 175/165/155 these felt great
B) just the bar- my shoulder has been tweaky today… so I worked positioning overhead
C) 155/160/165
D) 6:52 Rx
Thanks Tino!! Hope you had a great Monday!
Primer/skill/ skill primer ✅
A. Up to 325. Then, % sets at 295, 275, 260
B. 45/65/85
C. 225/245/265
D. 5:42 Rx 1:50 row, 20-15-10, 20-11-14
Getting it done! Nice work
Skill 4 BMU felt great today.
Primer 2:49/2:30/2:28 with strict pull ups.
A. Built to 315 then 285/270/255
B. 75/95/115/125
C. 215/230/265
D. 8:09 Rx (S2OH 10/10/10/10/5, DL 30/15)
Did you win???
Nooo 😢🤣🤣
Cmon! 🙄
Primer – 3:01/2:48/2:43
A. Up to 135Kg
Stopped here. Something in my thoracic spine (T12/T11) was way off and not feeling right. All the muscles in the mid-back seized up. Need to go to Chiro and get it adjusted, then see how I go from there.
You can’t catch a break dude! Whats going on?
Old and broken. I fractured my T12 parachuting in 2000. Since then I have been managing it with a number of different things. All my injuries and broken parts come from 21 years in the USMC. Now just trying to grow old gracefully and stay strong and healthy. This will pass after Chiro adjusts it. May have to take a day off though.
Back from the little holiday at home. Did some this and that, but nothing serious, so today was a challenge. AM get back workout 15 amrap Every 3:00, inc.: 0:00 1 round strict Cindy 10 devil’s presses 50 lbs Result: 50 cal, it got me real hard today haha PM normal session Warm ups and primer done A) 115kg, then all 3 sets at 100kg B) up to 40kg C) 90-100-100kg 105-105-105kg 110-110-110kg D) 9:13 RX The barbell movements just killed me, couldn’t really pushed. Heat is coming back, and still no air conditioning, so sweaty session, but happy to… Read more »
Have you been hitting that reverse hyper???
Still have no access to it. If it’s in the program, usually doing it reverse on the GHD with bands. Why?
I thought your back was giving you issues?
Oh i see. No, back was actually quite good, but as always, I’m trying to do it super carefully.
It was just a tough day and that was all i could get today 🤷🏻♂️
Golfed earlier today ⛳️
A1. Tempo FS @ 32X1: 185×1, 205×1, 225×1, 235×1, 245×1, 255#x1.
A2. Tempo FS @ 32X1: 230×2, 215×2, 205#x2
B. Sotts Press: 75×3, 80×3, 85×3, 88#x3
C1. 2 Cl LOs + PC + J: 135, 140, 147#
C2. 1 Cl LO + Cl + J: 152, 157, 163#
C3. C&J: 170, 176, 182(failed Jerk). Glad I hit the Clean tho.
D. 10:56 using 95# on BB.
Really proud of my efforts today!
Double session! Looks like some golf warmed you up well! Nice work!
EMOM: 4 bar MU
Skill based: 2:58/2:43/2:52
A1: 225/245/275/295/305/315 lbs
Then: 285/270/255 lbs
B: 45/65/75/80 lbs
C1: 185/195/205
C2: 195/205/215
C3: 225/230/235 lbs
D. 10:14
Looks like a good start to the week!
A)245/270/295/320/345 form broke down here/335
C)220/235/255/235/255/270/275/280 failed jerk/280
D) 8:48 S2OH 16/10/10/9 DL 25/20
Good work today!
Warm up
3 Rounds
20 Lateral Band Steps (each way)
50 Seated Banded Hamstring Curls
A. Tried to squat light but no go on the knee today
B. Done
C. First time cleaning in weeks went power clean and power jerks for everything and stayed lighter
D. RX 6:00
Row: 1:24
S2oh: 16/28/39/45
Had to cry through the last few deadlifts
Sounds like the perfect amount of deadlifts:)
Great job 👏
Thank you! 👊
Crushed that row! Nice work
Thanks dude! I’m sure you’ll be smashing this one!
A1. Hit 305, failed 325
A2. 275/265/245
C. 205 then 225 then 245
Hit some low ring body saws for quick accessory work, going hiking this afternoon for cardio. I’m on vacation this week so just doing what feels good 🤷🏼♀️
Enjoy your vacation!
Primer 4 min per round
A: built to 215; 200, 190, 180
B: training bar (I am so bad)
C: 145, 160, 175 (some were ugly adjacent)
D: 10:30 (died on S2O)
The presses are hard! Just keep at them
Outside 😎
Skill work 4bmu’s & primer done, subd rc for 8tpu, 10shspu @ 10cm deficit, 3.20/3.00/3.30 💪
A. Up to 150kg, then 135/125/120kg
B. 20/30/40/50kg
C. Up to 120kg (92%)
D. Subd row to aab (no rower outside), 13.06. More cumulated than for time, trying to keep the intensity a bit lower.
Good stuff 🤙
Starting the week off right!
A) Built up to 299#, then 269/259/245#
B) Up to 95#
C) Switched to 3,2,1 push jerk practice instead. Keeping it light
Up to 115/135/159#
D)Sub to 1k Run, barbell 115#
Good job this morning!
Heeey, my knee is feeling better so I did some squats but modified it little bit🤙 I’ve added some time under tension but lowered weight. Muscle Activation Done with Pec Stick Skill Development Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes: 4 PERFECT Bar Muscle-Ups Skill-Based Movement Primer Done w/ 10 s. HSPU w/o deficit 2:55-3:05 each set A. 5 sets: Tempo Front Squats x5 reps @5111 Rest 2 minutes 50/60/70/80/85kgs B. 20/ 25/ 25/ 25kgs C. Done but with power cleans to prevent any uncontrolled squatting… D. 7:51 but scaled S2OH to 60kgs Barbell… Row: 1:50 S2OH: 13/ 9/… Read more »
Awesome to see your knee is feeling better! Continue to be smart and adjust accordingly!