Workout of the Day
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Every minute, on the minute, for 8 minutes:
20 Double-Unders
Eight sets of:
Sprint 50 Meters Out
Touch the ground with two hands
Sprint 50 Meters Back
Rest 2 minutes
For time:
20 Unbroken Back Squats (135/95 lbs)
10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
20 Pull-Ups
20 Unbroken Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
10 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
20 Pull-Ups
50 Overhead Squats (65/45 lbs)
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Instead of having a rest-day today on the 6th of May I did workout since we had other athletes from another box visting our and I wanted to train with them since they are competing at Regionals as well. We did Diane and I got a new PR finishing on 2:51. – a couple of weeks ago I got 3:17 so this felt really good! Did everything unbroken except for HSPU on the second round where I did 12+3! I am very happy with my result! After this we did 50 pistols + 30 Hang Clean (my legs were really… Read more »
A) Done, all sets in 11-12s
B) Done,finished each sprint in 20-21 s
C) 8:51. Couldn’t do the Front Squats unbroken, my legs felt really tired from the sprints. Did my best, and took a time to rest when I needed to. Pull-ups felt good!
A. 11, 11, 11, 11, 14, 11, 11, 11
B. :13, :13, :13, :13, :13, :13, :13, :13
10 Minute Break
C. 6:59
At work, not the best environment and equipment. But this still absolutely wrecked me! My legs haven’t felt like that since the first time I did “Karen.” STOH still suck, hoping my squats and pullups will give me some room with these…
A.). All sets :11
B.). :14 :14 :13 :14 :15 :15 :15 :15
C.) 6:10 everything unbroken except ohs which were 33-17
Finally a wod not at 6am. Can’t wait for Monday.
A. Tried out the snatch ladder. First attempt got the 165#, failed 175 twice. Did a second run through got the 175, failed 185.
B. 17/ 17/ 17/ 16/ 16/ 16/ 16/ 17
C. 9:14. Unbroken front squats were rough. Second set of s2o was rough, need to work on those more.
Did 10 assuming that I’d get up to 245 🙂
Haven’t done sprints like that since football. Felt good, but rough!
Everything unbroken except the OHS [20-15-15]
SOLID week. Looking forward to a rest day and back to work next week.
A) Done
B) Did Event 2 with the normal class in my box, 7min 40s huge improvement on the db snatches
C)8min 30 unbroken until ohs…
10-11 sec each round.
Did this on approx 40-45m each way. 14-15 sec per round
All UB 🙂 Had my girlfriend there to no-rep me on one pull-up, the rest was good. She told me I had too long breaks between S2OH and pull-ups especially. So, have to work on getting quickly over to the next exercise..
good job on C!