June 19, 2021 – Masters Program

Mobility & Activation
Banded Hamstring Pulse x 45 seconds per side
Banded Hip Rotations x 8-10 reps per side

and then …

Two-Three sets of:
400 Meter Run
Hawaiian Squats x 5 reps per side (try to increase the range of motion each rep)
Prone Walkouts

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x 5 reps

Warm-Up Flow

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At increasing intensity:
500 Meter Row
20 Handstand Marching Attempts

500 Meter Row
100 Single Unders
10 Wall Walks

Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.

Build to today’s 2-RM Tempo Back Squat @ 41X1
(same tempo as last week, but your goal should be to go 4-5% heavier this week)

“Fittest in Capetown Event 1 – Masters Version”
3000 Meter Bike Erg*
30 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20″)
2000 Meter Row
30 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20″)
1000 Meter Ski-Erg
30 Burpee Box Jump Over (24/20″)*

*55+: Burpee Box Step-Overs are okay

Timecap: 27:00

*If you don’t have a Bike Erg then please substitute with a 1200 Meter Run”

Athlete Notes:
Show me the burpees! The first thing that might jump out at most people is the 6000 Meters of distance on the Concept 2 machines, but that is not where this workout is won or lost. For most athletes, going hard on the machines will only win them an additional 10-20 seconds per segment – or 30-60 seconds in the full workout. When there are 90 Burpee Box Jump-Overs at play, those 60 seconds are easily made up with a concerted effort to move quickly over the box. Back off just enough on the machines to ensure that you can quickly transition to the box and hammer the burpees with a fast, aggressive pace. Think maintenance pace on the machines and ATTACK the burpees each set to put up your best time on this event.

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strongman Option
For max distance:
15 Minutes of Sled Drag*

*Every 3 minutes, perform 10 Jumping Air Squats

Four sets of:
30 Second Supine GHD Hold
30 Seconds of GHD Sit-Ups
60 Seconds of Rest

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