Primary Training Session
Mobility, Activation & Warm-Up
Banded Hamstring Pulse x 45 seconds per side
Banded Hip Rotations x 8-10 reps per side
and then …
Two-Three sets of:
400 Meter Run
Hawaiian Squats x 5 reps per side (try to increase the range of motion each rep)
Prone Walkouts x 5 reps
Warm-Up Flow
For activation with increasing intensity:
1000 Meter Run (Assault Runner if possible)
50/35 Calories of Assault Bike
500 Meter Row
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
For time:
21 Ground to Overhead (185/125 lbs)
21 Muscle-Ups
Time Cap: 8 minutes
Rest 12 minutes, and when the running clock reaches 20:00…
“Granite Games – Thruster Run 3.0 🔥”
18 Dumbbell Thrusters (70/50 lbs)
200 Meter Run
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
200 Meter Run
12 Dumbbell Thrusters
200 Meter Run
9 Dumbbell Thrusters
200 Meter Run
6 Dumbbell Thrusters
200 Meter Run
3 Dumbbell Thrusters
Time Cap: 12 minutes
Athlete Notes:
Use the aerobic primer as a good opportunity to break a sweat and lean into the intensity of the coming session. The first portion of the conditioning is going to require your focus and discipline to stay on the barbell with good efficient technique on the ground to overhead so that you can move confidently into the muscle-ups knowing that you will be able to perform well. Don’t take reckless chances in the first 15 or so muscle-ups, but as you approach the end of your 21 muscle-ups, trust your training and see if you can grind out the last few reps and stop the clock. You’ll get a good long rest before you have to tackle the Granite Games Thruster Run 3.0…but you’ll appreciate that rest once you start moving the 70/50 lb dumbbells. Those dumbbells are going to feel heavy, but if you can really push the rounds of 18 and 15 reps, then you are already over halfway done. Many people will ignore the running as the priority, but there is a lot of time to be made up there. This has 1000 meters of running, which means you can easily lose a whole 1-2 minutes just by pacing too conservatively. Especially after the set of the 15 thrusters, you need to start pushing the pace of the runs and trusting your ability to knock out the smaller sets of thrusters.
Warmup done
A. 6:53 Rx
G2O – PC/PJ singles as fast and steady as I could go. Got faster as I went.
MU – 5/4/3/3/3/3; rested ~:10 between sets.
B. 18:17 Rx. This was a wild one. Finished rnd of 21 then the baby woke up. Went in and changed her, got her dressed, put her in her jogger, and she finished with me. So runs were while pushing a jogger with a 14 month old and she watched me do the thrusters. 👶🏼👍🏼
DB Thrusters – 7.7.7/6.6.6/5.5.5/6.6/5.4/UB/UB
Runs – :50-:60.
😂 now that sounds like a real workout! Super dad! 🦸♂️
Ella certainly enjoyed it. She laughed and giggled all the way. It made the suffering a little easier.
A. 4:55 Rx
B. 9:45. Subbed 145lb barbell thrusters and 15 cal assault bike. Didn’t have 70s and it’s pouring out.
A little rain never hurt anyone 🌧 😅
Mobility and warmup nailed it
A: 9 min w/ C2B so probably hit cap w/ 6 to go
250 row w/ 25 DB (but I did convince myself to go up 5# each round)
12:30, row was consistently 60-70 secs DB transitions needed work
I didn’t think I’d end up so close to time caps so I’m pleased with that effort.
Great finish to a solid week!
Warm up done
A. RX 5:26
Single clean and jerk
9/5/4/3 MU
B. RX 10:49
The runs were slow
How’s your body feeling after the first week of the new cycle?
Feeling good overall..shoulders slightly achey and biceps sore but overall I’m good plus I’ve learned to just adjust better when needed.
medial epicondylitis has been acting up horribly for the past couple months, I’ve doing mobility, shoulder strengthening, isometrics etc but just not getting much better
I think I have the same thing going on with my elbow. Any suggestions for making it go away?
Typically elbow pain will come from something going on in the shoulder or wrist so mobility and strengthening those areas is a good place to start. Isometrics and slow negatives also help (negative bicep curls or supinated grip pull ups). I have been dealing with it for a long time it has gone away and come back but recently it’s been back with a vengeance. I just do a little extra shoulder/wrist mobility/isometrics first but there’s always pain so comes down to tolerance…unless you’re willing to adjust anything that bothers it and just focus on that ..
No access to gym today, so had to do the Murph in a street workout park 🤷🏻♂️ But the weather was really nice, so it was fun
1 mile run (not the smoothest route tho)
5 rounds
5 pull ups
20 push ups
5 pull ups
30 air squats
10 rounds Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 asq)
1 mile run
Don’t own a vest unfortunately, but did strict pull ups instead.
Time: 29:25
Thats moving dude even without a vest! Nice work!
Thanks, it felt actually good as well. Had to go obviously ub everywhere, the only rest wast the couple reps of walk between stations.
Probably will do some fun modifications on Monday and do as so.
Have a great weekend!
Your rep partition is interesting… curious if this is the first time you’ve positioned this way? Thinking I may try this way this year. I usually do 20 rounds of Cindy but this sounds interesting.
Yep, first time. Always did the 20 Rounds Cindy or the classic way. During this week, when we did the Murph prep wod, the 20 push ups felt easy and fast, so i thought maybe i could win a few sec/min on the transition this way. Couldn’t do 10 ub strict pull ups for this many sets with this less rest, so tought a “rest” station between the 5-5’s would be good and enough (it was), and the air squat is obviously a whatever station. Everything considered, it worked really fast and great after 5 rounds, but then the fatigue… Read more »
Yeah, I was definitely surprised at how much we haven’t been training with a vest in months, made the prep WOD seem “easy” when I put it on. Monday will probably be a different story🤣
Well i don’t know about that, i wish i would have a vest…😔 That could definitely changed the whole dynamic here, but have to give it a shot 🔥 In the end, it’s all about how well you know your body and how much you want it 😀