June 19, 2020 – Competition

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Clean Grip Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3231

Build over the course of the 5 sets. If flexibility is an issue, stay with the empty bar & work to achieve a lower position as you go. Please note the tempo on these. Its a controlled 3 second decent followed by a 2 second hold at the bottom followed by a 3 second ascent. Lets build some time under tension and overhead stability.

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
3 Front Squats + Jerk @ 90% of 1-RM C&J

Every 3 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – 40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
Station 2 – 20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg) + 30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Station 3 – Run 400 Meters
Station 4 – 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 20/15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

Four sets of:
Dumbbell Floor Press x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 30 seconds
French Press x 15 reps @ 2011
Rest 30 seconds
Dumbbell Lateral Raises x 15 reps @ 2011
Rest 2-3 minutes

Three sets of:
Pallof Press x 10 reps @ 2020
Rest 30-45 seconds
Side Plank x 45 seconds each side
Rest 30-45 seconds
Ab-Wheel Rollouts x 6 reps
(slow and controlled…the slower, the better)
Rest as needed

At-Home Workout (No Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

When the clock starts, perform…

Two sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 Seconds of Sampson Pulses per Leg

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Immediately followed by…

Two sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 Seconds of Pigeon Pulses per Leg

Immediately followed by…
Two sets of:
30 Seconds of Air Squats
30 Seconds of Bent Over Bat Wing Hold
30 Seconds of Single Leg Deadlifts per Leg
60 Seconds of Prone Plank Hold

When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following:

Four rounds for time of:
400 meter Run OR 50 Mountain Climbers

followed by…

Two rounds of:
3 Back Pack Devils Press
6 Strict Pull Ups OR Backpack Bent Over Rows
9 Backpack Thrusters

TIME CAP = 22 Minutes

*One round consists of the bike or row PLUS two rounds of the 3/6/9. Therefore, you will complete 4 bike/row/run, and 8 rounds of the 3/6/9.

When the running clock reaches 45:00, perform the following:

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 5 minutes of:
10 Alternating Biceps Curls
10 Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions
20 Weighted Lateral Flys

Followed by…

5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.

Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.

Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.

Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to work through an 8 round workout that is broken up by a monostructural piece. Try to hit that portion hard and then work through the three rounds as quickly as possible. The monostructural piece gives your body a change of stimulus in order to continuously hit the three rounds hard.

At-Home Workout (Limited Equipment)
For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

When the clock starts, perform…

Two sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 Seconds of Sampson Pulses per Leg

Immediately followed by…

Two sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row/Jumping Jacks
60 Seconds of Pigeon Pulses per Leg

Immediately followed by…
Two sets of:
30 Seconds of Air Squats
30 Seconds of Bent Over Bat Wing Hold
30 Seconds of Single Leg Deadlifts per Leg
60 Seconds of Prone Plank Hold

When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following:

Four rounds for time of:
40/30 Calorie Bike or Row OR 400 meter Run

followed by…

Two rounds of:
3 Devils Press
6 Strict Pull Ups OR Bent Over Rows
9 Dumbbell Thrusters

TIME CAP = 22 Minutes

*One round consists of the bike or row PLUS two rounds of the 3/6/9. Therefore, you will complete 4 bike/row/run, and 8 rounds of the 3/6/9.

When the running clock reaches 45:00, perform the following:

Complete as many rounds and reps possible in 5 minutes of:
10 Alternating Biceps Curls
10 Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions
20 Weighted Lateral Flys

Followed by…

5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.

Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.

Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.

Coaches Note:
Today’s intention is to work through an 8 round workout that is broken up by a monostructural piece. Try to hit that portion hard and then work through the three rounds as quickly as possible. The monostructural piece gives your body a change of stimulus in order to continuously hit the three rounds hard.

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Tim Coffield
Tim Coffield
June 20, 2020 12:22 pm

C. Done with
40 row / 20 kbs 32kg + 30 wb 30# / 400m run / 20 pu + 20 def pushups, 5 rounds

Drake Webster
Drake Webster
June 20, 2020 9:21 am

A. Done(lighter weight)
B. 225lbs, about 25lbs off the weight prescribed but my legs had no drive so decided to stay here.
D. Done
E. Done
Had to choose b/t accessories or conditioning today and went with a more strength/accessories focused day.

Johan Lee
Johan Lee
June 19, 2020 11:40 pm

A. Done
B. Up to 225#
C. Scale
Station 1 – 30 Burpee Box Jumps
Station 2 – 15 KBS + 20 Wallball
Station 3 – 120 DU
Station 4 – 10 C2B + 5 strict pull ups + 10 sHSPU
D, E. Ran out of time.

Taking it easy on my first session back in gym. ?

June 20, 2020 3:11 am
Reply to  Johan Lee

Wooohooo! Great to see you’re able to get back on the gym!

Ease yourself back in, be smart and have fun.

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
June 19, 2020 7:52 pm

A) 3 sets with just BB the 2@ 55#

B) 140/140/140/135/135/135
Felt heavy in the jerk shoulders are a bit taxed from this week so lowered in weight it was already lower than my 90% ?

C) 30 cal ass bike 1:50/1:55/2:00
So slow on these legs are feeling this week ?
20 kb swings 24kg + 30 wb 14# 1:35/1:40/1:40
400 m run 1:17/1:18/1:17
20 CTB + 10 Shspu to 1 abmat 1:36/1:27/1:40

D) Floor press 35#
French press ez curl bar
Lateral raises 10#/5/5

E) ✅

June 19, 2020 8:29 pm
Reply to  Elena Ingoglia

Good to see you adjusting and going based on feel. Lots of extra mobility this weekend. It’s been another challenging week!

Nice work!

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
June 19, 2020 7:47 pm

A. 40/50/60/70/70Kg
B. 96Kg(80%) across all. Jerks felt heavy today.
C. Rx
Echo – 1:48/1:38/1:52; Died on the last one?
KBS/WB – 1:19/1:25/1:25; all UB/UB
Run – 1:36/1:35/1:32
C2B/HSPU – 2:48/2:45/2:52; all C2B UB in :20-:23 then 5×4 HSPU. Got the HSPU so happy with that but they took forever.
D. Done
E. Done

June 19, 2020 8:27 pm
Reply to  Wilson Hopkins

Today was a fun mix of different energy systems and modalities. Solid work!

Wilson Hopkins
Wilson Hopkins
June 19, 2020 8:57 pm
Reply to  tino

Definitely liked the mix today. Overall felt good moving through today’s workout.

Jessica Uehlin
Jessica Uehlin
June 19, 2020 7:40 pm

A) up to 75, these feel so good
B) 165 that jerk tho. Felt good
C) done Rx but w 20# WB (all I have) and echo
D) done
E) done

Thanks Tino! Hope your day was awesome

June 19, 2020 8:26 pm
Reply to  Jessica Uehlin


Sam Dellis
Sam Dellis
June 19, 2020 5:37 pm

A- done
B- 110-120kg felt heavy
C- done! Subbed row for AB.
D- done
E- done

June 19, 2020 6:00 pm
Reply to  Sam Dellis

Peter Bristotte
Peter Bristotte
June 19, 2020 4:57 pm


A. Up to 40 kg.
B. Up to 105 kg.
C. Done. Dead, but done.
D. Done with 60-60-30 lb DBs
E. Done.

Have a great day!

June 19, 2020 5:10 pm

? ? ?

David Bunce
David Bunce
June 19, 2020 4:34 pm

A. Up to 135
B. 225/245/255/255/265/275 felt good so built across
20 burpees+200m run
20 swings with 70# DB and 20 single DB thruster 50#
400m run
Park was busy so a mix of strict pullups, pullups and muscle ups +20 SHSPU
Hot one today but got it done!
D. Done with 50#s
E. Done

June 19, 2020 5:10 pm
Reply to  David Bunce

Love the adaptations and variations. Your tan must be in point I just hope your hydration is too!

June 19, 2020 4:32 pm

Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Clean Grip Overhead Squat x 3 reps @ 3231

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (6 sets):
3 Front Squats + Jerk @ 90% of 1-RM C&J 80 kg
Every 3 minutes, for 36 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1 – 30 Calories of Assault Bike
Station 2 – 20 Kettlebell Swings (24kg) + 30 Wall Ball Shots (20 lbs)
Station 3 – Run 400 Meters
Station 4 – 20 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups + 15 Kipping Hand Stand Push Ups

June 19, 2020 5:08 pm

Be safe kipping! We don’t recommend ramming you’re head into the floor unnecessarily unless you’re prepping for a competition. Switch to strict to a riser or l seated dumbbell press.

Patrick Benson
Patrick Benson
June 19, 2020 4:01 pm

A) 45/65/75/85/95
B) Done at 205 (78%), not comfortable going heavy on jerks with the metal plates
C) RX except 40 cal Bike Erg and 10 Strict Pull Ups… that round of KBS and WBS was nasty… solid sweat sesh
D) 50s/25s/10s
E) Done

June 19, 2020 4:03 pm
Reply to  Patrick Benson

? ? ?

Corey Reutlinger
Corey Reutlinger
June 19, 2020 2:28 pm

Did Wednesday’s yesterday:
B1. Clean: Built to 180#
B2. C + 3 FS: 160#x8
D. Bulgarian Split Squats: 75#x20/20×2

A. Clean-grip OHS @ 3231: 95×3, 105×3, 115×3, 125×3, 135#x3
B. 3 FS + J: 175#x6
E. 3 sets done of Pallof Press, Side Planks, and Ab-wheel rollouts

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
June 19, 2020 3:28 pm

Some good work with the barbell in the front rack the past couple days

June 19, 2020 4:03 pm

? ?

Ezequiel Gonçalves
Ezequiel Gonçalves
June 19, 2020 2:01 pm

Only 10 shspu

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
June 19, 2020 3:28 pm

Great way to head into the weekend!

Sabrina Quintão Pereira
Sabrina Quintão Pereira
June 19, 2020 12:55 pm


A) Up to 60lb
B) Done @ 103lb
C) Scaled to:
Station 1: 30cal Echo Bike
Station 2: 20 KBs (16kg) + 30 WB (14lb)
Station 3: 400m Run
Station 4: 15 C2b/PU + 12 SHSPU (1,5” raise).
Super fun! ❤️ ?!
D) Done with 25 / 30 / 5lb
E) Done

Have a great day ??!

June 19, 2020 2:11 pm

Todays was a fun mix of ? and ?‍♂️

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
June 19, 2020 9:35 am

On C just to clarify we are hitting each station in the 3 minutes then moving on to the next?

Simon Lehtimäki
Simon Lehtimäki
June 19, 2020 9:39 am
Reply to  Elena Ingoglia

Yup, 3mins for each station for a total of 36 mins ?

Elena Ingoglia
Elena Ingoglia
June 19, 2020 10:28 am

Cool thanks Simon

Hunter Britt
Hunter Britt
June 19, 2020 11:23 am
Reply to  Elena Ingoglia

Have fun!

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
June 19, 2020 9:20 am

A. 95/115/135/155×2
B. 285 across slightly lighter than 90%
Bike: 1:59/1:40/1:35 – Second 2 sets sprinted the first 15-18 Cals
Swings and WB: Unbroken in roughly 1:42-1:45
Runs: 1:45-1:50
C2B/SHSPU: UB/UB UB/UB UB/19+1 failed that last hspu just had nothing left!
1:02/1:02/1:29 – didn’t rush to finish that last hspu
D. Done with slight variation
E. Doing now

Corey Talbott
Corey Talbott
June 19, 2020 10:20 am
Reply to  Bobby Wallum

Apparently youre the someone i want to be some day! Nice work!

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
June 19, 2020 10:25 am
Reply to  Corey Talbott

I appreciate it! There’s plenty of great athletes on this blog always good to have people push you!

June 19, 2020 10:53 am
Reply to  Corey Talbott

Pretty good for an old dude 🙂

Bobby Wallum
Bobby Wallum
June 19, 2020 11:02 am
Reply to  tino

That’s what I like to tell myself

Simon Lehtimäki
Simon Lehtimäki
June 19, 2020 11:00 am
Reply to  Bobby Wallum

Lol ? we all want to catch Bobby ☺️ absolute beast ??

Pedro Mendoza
Pedro Mendoza
June 19, 2020 9:01 am

A) kept it light 55-60-65-70
B) Did ascending weight for this 125-130-135#
C) ✅ Cardio central … only had 20# wall ball so modified station 3 to 20 wall balls … station 4 kept 20 C2B + 5 strict HSPU only (modified based on working time to allow for rest)
D) ✅ did with 25# DB’s
E) ✅ just did side plank holds

^ Pedro’s wifey

June 19, 2020 10:52 am
Reply to  Pedro Mendoza


David Bunce
David Bunce
June 19, 2020 8:15 am

A second 400m or a certain number of burpees in place of the bike? ?

June 19, 2020 10:52 am
Reply to  David Bunce

How about 20 burpees + a 200 run?? 🙂

Benjamin Ransom
Benjamin Ransom
June 19, 2020 8:08 am

A. 95/135/155/185/205#
B. 300# all sets
C. Rx- complete, my lungs aren’t loving the Carolina humidity but this felt good haha
D. Done

June 19, 2020 10:50 am

Stay safe in the heat ?

Lacy Baumgart
Lacy Baumgart
June 19, 2020 7:07 am

Oh boy… today it hit! Headache the whole session definitely have to start working on nutrition and hydration now!
A. Just built 125/145/155/165×2/175 the last one felt the best lol
B. I made it through subbed run for 500 row and had a minute rest each round the KBS/WB had 1:15 rest each round and c2b/hspu had 2+ minutes each round

I might rest tomorrow or do something light light I’m straight up tired.

June 19, 2020 10:50 am
Reply to  Lacy Baumgart

Control the things you can control Lacy!! You’ve been training well amongst the craziness of your life let’s not spoil it through poor life choices that you know you can control 🙂

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