Every 90 seconds, for 4:30 (3 sets):
Press in Clean (Sots Press)
x 5 reps
Build over the course of the 4 sets. If flexibility in this exercise is tough, scale to a higher receiving position & do not add weight.
Every 2 minutes for 6 minutes (3 sets):
3- Position Clean x 1 rep
The 3 positions we are looking for are: Hip Clean, Mid Hang Clean, & Clean from the floor. Use this as a warm-up/preparation exercise. The focus is on getting warm & prepared, not getting to a heavy weight.
Every 2:30, for 25 minutes (10 sets):
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
*Set 1 = @ 60%
*Set 2 = @ 70%
*Set 3 = @ 80%
*Set 4 = @ 85%
*Set 5 = @ 90%
*Set 6 = @ 94%
*Set 7 = @ 98%
*Sets 8-10 = @ 98%+
(Goal for today is to find a 1-RM Clean & Jerk)
Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Barbell Step-Ups to Parallel Box x 5 reps each leg
Aim for 3 heavy working sets.
Four sets of:
Hip Extension x 6 reps
V-Ups x 30 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Place a barbell on your back for the hip extension if possible.
One Set of Tabata V-Ups:
20 seconds on
10 seconds off
For a total of 8 rounds
*Note: This entire section should take you 4 minutes to complete