The Complete Snatch Warm-Up
Burgener Warm-Up x 2-3 sets
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets) of:
Snatch x 1.1
(rest 5-7 seconds between singles)
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
9 Strict Pull-Ups
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3 Snatches (135/95 lbs)
A) 40-50-60-70-2×80-85-2×90-95
B) 6 Rounds+2 Strict pull ups
A) 115lbs
B) 4 rounds
75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 95, 105, 110, 110 x1 failed 2nd, 95 got in my head.
B. 4 + 13. Pull ups with feet on box, HSPU with 2” mat under head. Wanted five but I just moved too slowly.
A. 125, 135, 145, 155, 160, 165(1,x), 165, 170(x,1), 170, 170
B. 5+7 w/ power snatch
Found myself in Boston last 2 days for work. Was able to hit up crossfit invictus there today. Kind of fun and odd to be in the brick and mortar. Very cool location.
Push press work. Might of hit a PR. Not sure have to check my board at home. Hit 160lb
4 rft
500 meter row
20 kb hang clean and PJ. 10 left then 10 right [44lb]
20 v ups
Felt goot to be in a group setting. Def got me to push to the next level that is not always hit alone.
Subbed due to back pain last two days.
A. For time:
30 Strict pull ups
40 push ups
50 echo bike calories (2:31)
40 push ups
30 strict pull ups
10 strict ring dip + 10 ring row
Looks fun. Nice time on the 50 cals in the middle.
Been following blog but forgetting to post!!
Warm up done.
A. 95-215
B. 5+4 pull ups.
A. 55#/65/75/80/85/90/95/100/105/105
B.5+4 Done with khspu with one mat underhead. Pull-ups were SLOW! Oh, and did power snatches.
OH Press / MetCon / Core (home/Sean) WU A. OH press 3×5+ 1.115 2.125 3.135 x13 P1RM 5×10 75/115/115/125/125 B. 9 min AMRAP 9 strict pullups/ Jumping pullups 6 HSPU /HSPU variation 3 Snatches (115/75) Results: 6 rds ea. Rest 2 min C. Core Blast 30-20-10 Situps Hollow rocks Side crunches V-Up leg levers Results: 6:20 Sean: 8:40 These were goid burns even in the cold weather. Pullup bar and barbell felt like fire everytime we touched them just adding to the workout struggle. Feel like i could have pushed more,but happy with results. “Fix your thoughts on what is… Read more »
A. Power Snatch 1.1 as Rx
125, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175 (1.f)
… checking my journal apparently 175 is a 5# PR … tada.
B. As Rx: 5 rounds + 3
… pull-ups were the gate keeper, UB SHSPU, PS 1.1.1
Surprise PR’s are fun 🙂 Congrats!
A. Snatch as prescribed
45/50/50/55/55/55/55/55/60/60 kg
Focused on moving explosive under the bar. Kept the weight accordingly low to stay fast.
B. Amrap 9 min
6 strict pull ups
12 KBS 32 kg