Primary Training Session
Spend time working on kicking up to a handstand and hitting a balanced position. Refer to the video for guidance.
Four sets of:
Snatch Lift-Off + Power Snatch @ 70-80%
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Three sets of:
Snatch Lift-Off + Snatch @ 75-85%
Rest as needed
For the snatch lift-off, pause for 2 seconds at mid-patella before returning the barbell to the ground and performing either the power snatch or the full snatch.
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets):
600 Meter Bike Erg or 300 Meter Row
20 Back Squats (115/75 lbs)
15 Hang Clean & Jerks (115/75 lbs)
10 Muscle-Ups
Four sets of:
Front-Racked Alternating Reverse Lunges x 16 reps (8 each)
Rest 90 seconds
Weighted Stationary Dip x 4-6 reps @ 21X0
Rest 90 seconds
Two sets of:
30 Dumbbell Tate Presses
30 Band Pull-Aparts
Rest as needed
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strongman Accessory Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
5 Supinated-Grip Bent Over Row (Heavy)
5 Tall Box Jumps
(jump as high as you can and land as softly as possible, then step down)
Against a 3-minute running clock…
60 second Sandbag or D-Ball Bearhug Hold (150/100 lbs)
20/15 Calorie Row
Max Reps of Sandbag or D-Ball Cleans (150/100 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds and repeat for a total of FOUR sets.
Three sets of:
100-Foot Overhead Yoke Carry
Immediately followed by. . .
100-Foot Hand-Over-Hand Rope Pull
Rest as needed
Assault Bike Conditioning Option
Thirty sets for max calories of:
30 seconds of Assault Bike
Rest 30 seconds
Goal is to maintain the same pace as you did for October 8, 2019 for the 3×10 minute repeats.
Mixed-Modal Accessory Option
Against a 3-minute running clock…
25/18 Calorie Assault Bike
20 Front-Racked Dumbbell Reverse Lunges (50/35 lb DBs)
Max Rep Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (50/35 lb DBs)
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for SIX sets.
A. Done
B. Powers at: 145/157/157/167 Squat at: 177/177/177. Felt nice and snappy today
C. Done w/ row. 5:08 / 5:18 / 5:27.
Row + squats took ~2:20 each round. Broke HCjk in sets of 5 to save myself for the MU, finished HCjK around 3:50 mark every time. Mu felt ok did 5/5. Should have just hung onto the freakin c&j’s and trust in my MUs ….next time would try sets of 10/5
D. done. Alternated front rack w/ barbell (155#) and KB (54)
E. Done
Push the pace and trust yourself. Use training as a place to experiment and test that redline!
A. Done
B. @95/105
C. Done with run instead of rowing and did 5-10-5 bar MU
D. Done @75
E. Done
Pm 40 min amrap (just working on longer conditioning)
2min bike @47-50 rpm
10 down ups
50 DU
15 sit-ups
1min rest
Lots of mobility ?
Still feeling 20.3?
Yeessss my shoulders lol! I am honestly pretty stoked on rest day tomorrow!
PM Session:
Six sets of:
4-Second Snatch Deadlift + Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-80% – 165 for all sets
Rest as needed
Two sets for times:
10 Burpee Box Jumps (30″/24″)
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
20 Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
300 Meter Row
Rest 4 minutes
Planning on doing the aerobic capacity tomorrow and that has DB snatches in it so I swapped the DB snatches today for 30 Russian KB swings (32 kg). All else same as written though.
Set 1: 5:25
Set 2: 5:47
Everything unbroken on both sets
Three pretty high volume days. Body feeling good?
So far so good. I think my quads might be a tad sore tomorrow from the thrusters. If my back is tight tomorrow the plan will be to skip the dumbbell snatch portion and just extend the monostructual portion of the workout.
A. Retired
Powers: 185/195/205/210
Full: 205/215/225
Did bike erg.
Squats unbroken
HPCJ: 10+5x 2/5+5+5
RMU: unbroken
Happy to go unbroken on rings especially at this weight
D. 145 for lunges. 6 dips @ 53/60/65#
E. Done with 20# DBs
You a little heavier just now?
2018 Open I was at my peak physically and weighed 193. I’m 205 now ??♂️??♂️
But now stronger ?
Thicc boi
Worked on Press to Handstands.
Powers: 115, 125, 135, 145, Snatches: 155, 165, 175
Conditioning: 4:23, 3:57, 4:15. MUs: 7-3, 7-3, 4-3-3. Everything else UB. Hit the MUs at 3:00 or less each round. Happy with the consistency.
Lunges done, weighted vest dips.
20lb Tate Press/Blue Band Pull Aparts.
Solid week so far.
Back on track! Keep up the good work and most importantly let’s keep you healthy!
AM Session: Fifteen sets of: 30 seconds of Assault Bike Rest 30 seconds At the 15 minute mark, rest two minutes then repeat. Set 1 = 151.8 Set 2 = 154.6 Total = 306.4 Last week I was 101.6 / 107.0 / 96.4 (Total = 305). So looks like I kept pace compared to last week – although it was probably only because I wussed out on the last 10 min interval last week lol. Two sets of: Strict Pull Ups (+15/10 lbs) x Max Unbroken Reps Rest 60 seconds Ring Muscle-Ups x Max Unbroken Reps Rest 2 minutes *Did… Read more »
Let’s get that pulling strength up! These gymnastics pieces will be good for you.
A) Stayed on brand and did the ski/bike nasal breathing thing instead
B) 175/185/195×2 for powers, 195/205/210 for full, these felt really good today
C) 4:02/4:00/4:05, each thing took roughly a minute
D) 165/185/195/205, 35# for dips
E) 30# dbs for the tates, red band
A little short on time today so will do the strongman stuff tomorrow
Have you started doing some nose breathing out with your workouts? You should