Banded Lat Stretch x 30-60 seconds per side
Banded Sampson Stretch x 30-60 seconds per side
Lateral Banded Walks x 30 seconds each direction
Scapular Pull-Ups x 10-15 reps
Followed by…
Three Sets:
1 Cluster* + 2-3 Thrusters
*Squat Clean straight into Thruster – this is to practice going straight into your first rep each set of the thrusters.
Rest as needed
Followed by…
30 seconds Assault Bike
3 Pull-Ups (or Burpees if you are saving your pull-ups)
20 seconds Assault Bike
3 Pull-Ups
10 seconds Assault Bike
3 Pull-Ups
Rounds of 21, 15, and 9 reps of:
95/65 lbs Thrusters
Compare your results to May 20, 2019.
Rest until relatively recovered, and then…
Two sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 reps @ 3010
immediately followed by…
Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squats x 12 reps @ 10X0
Rest 60 seconds, the perform the same on the other leg; then rest 60 seconds before moving on to the rollouts
Ab Wheel Rollouts x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
For the Split Squats…you’ll perform the first 8 reps holding kettlebells or dumbbells in a farmer’s carry position, then after the 8th repetition, you’ll drop the weights and perform 12 more reps unloaded, trying to jump as high as possible each rep.
A. 11.35 @ 40 kgs, Strict Pull Ups
A. 2:04
B. 50#
AM: 1 mile incline walk
2 rds tabata
KBS @30# 15 reps all rds
Sit ups no abmat 21 all rds
Fran @55# right knee is angry
Thrusters 21-UB; 9-6; 9UB
Pullups all over the damn place
Blister ready to rip last round
A. Fran RX – 4:18 – 7 sec off lifetime PR. It hurt waaayyyy to much today.
Thrusters – 12/9, 9/6, 9
Pull ups – 14/7, ? , 6/3 – my grip gave up at 6 pull ups and I dropped. I have no memory of what I did on the middle round. I think I broke it up but was in the pain cave and my mind blanked to protect me from the trauma ?
B. Done with 25# DBs.
A. Fran – RX – 4:50 (20s slower than PR)
Thrusters – UB, 9/6, UB
Pull Ups -kipping 15/6, 5/3/3/2/2, 4/3/2
***Pull ups broken WAY to much….just couldn’t stay on the bar
B. 2 Sets
BSS @ 35# DBs (no tempo) x 8
Dynamic BSS x 12
Truck Drivers (instead of wheel rollouts) x 10 – THESE ARE HARD!!!
Way to go Candy!
A. 6:28- was not going well from the get-go. Broke on everything! Ugghh…
B. Done with 35# dbs
A. 3:35
I really hate this workout
B. Done at 24 kg kb’s then 20 kg kb’s
What…which part do you hate?? Cuz you smashed FRAN!!
I totally HATE Fran! I groaned when I saw it programmed for today. Great job getting it done 🙂
OH press / Fran + (home /Sean/ LT) WU 500 m row 2 min Bike 2 rds 10 AS x30 sec hold 5 PU x3-5 sec hold T/B Band series stretches PVC passthroughs High Knees dbl tap (drive) Deadhang x 30 sec A1. OH press 1.125x 5 2. 145x 5 3. 165×9 A2. 5×10 95/105/116/125/135 B1. 1 min Row 3 pull ups 45 sec row 3 pull ups 30 sec 3 pullups B2. “Fran” 21-15-9 Thruster (95/65/45) Pullups Sean: 7:48 LT: 11:55 Results: 3:48 30-20-10 Cal row Air squats Situps Results: 9:00 LT: 12:17 First time for Sean and LT… Read more »
Super fast Fran!
Not going to claim a RXd Fran. I used 65 lbs. body was beat up from squats and OH presses. With 65 it still hurt really bad.
Next time I will go RXd.
… been fighting through a cough/cold – as much as I love Fran cough decided to tackled yesterday’s WOD.
A. Every 8 minutes for 32 minutes (4 sets):
500m Row | 3 – 135# Power Snatch | 400m Run | 3 – 135# Power Snatch
4:34, 4:25, 4:25, 4:23
… +/- 1:50 row, 1:30 run, UB PS – fun.
Great work Chris…I would have picked yesterday’s too!!
A. EMOM 10m
2 – 3” deficit clean pulls #325
45 sec handstand hold
B. Every 90 seconds (6rounds) for heavy complex
Clean pull + power clean + low hang power clean
C. The Chief
25+8 (3 rounds short of best score)
A. Rx. 6:37
This was slower than my pr. I’m still overcoming my cold and I ran out of gas quickly.
Thrusters: UB, 5,5,5, UB
Pull-ups 7 or 8 to start each round broken up from there.
B. BSS done with 88 lb
Hope you feel better soon Mike…even attempting Fran while sick is CRAZY!!
A. 20 min snatch x3 up to 60 kg ~70%
B. 1000 m rowing nasal breathing 3:42
C. 2 rounds @tempo
Bulgarian split squat x8 28 kg
Bulgarian split squat x12
Ab Wheel roll outs x8
4:44 (My PR is 3:57 so I’m well off)
Terribke effort tonight.
Thrusters UB
Pullups – Broke up WAY too much
I didn’t even want to work out tonight but glad I did something at least.
Great work for someone that didn’t want to workout to start with….my pull ups did not come together today either…but remember Shaun tomorrow is another opportunity for GREATNESS!!!
Lol ouai nous c’est gratuit… Bande de putes! Il faut toujours que vous fassiez payez les gens au bout d’un moment… Go fuck off!
C‘est pas vrai! Je ne doix pas payer! Qu‘est ton problème?!?!
La programmation compétition est maintenant payante…