Empty Barbell Movement Primer
Three sets of:
Overhead Squat x 5 reps
(use a progressively narrower grip for every set)
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Front squat x 5 reps @ 2210
Rest as needed
Followed by…
Two sets of:
1+1/4 Front Squat x 5 reps
Rest as needed
Every 3 minutes, for 15 minutes (5 sets):
Clean + 2 Front Squats
*Sets 1-3 = 1 rep @ 75-80% of 1-RM Clean
*Sets 4-5 = 1 rep @ 80-82.5%
*Set 1 – 8 reps @ 50%
*Set 2 – 6 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 4 reps @ 70%
*Sets 4-6 – 3 reps @ 80%
Rest as needed
Every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes:
Minute 1 – 10 Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
(if you can’t get 10, work through the whole period and get as many as possible)
Minute 2 – 20 Alternating Front-Racked Kettlbell Reverse Lunges (24/16 kg)
Minute 3 – 10 Burpees Over the Barbell + 20 Double-Unders
Elongated version of last week…grind through this one as we’re developing a foundation on which we can layer some of the sexier movements in future weeks.
A. 145-165
B. 165/205/225/255 for triples all beltless
C. Done with only 5 strict pull-ups and regular burpees. The same way I did it last week. Was so hard and I’m proud of my efforts and doing it alone and in 30 degeee heat lol
A. Up to 65kg
B. Up to 3 reps for 3 sets @100kg
C. This was sooo tough for me. Had to scale a lot. 4-8 strict pull-ups/round. Mostly 5-6.
Scaled the weight in the lunges to 2x14kg and did 14-20 reps.
Only 10 burpees over bar, no DU’s.
Happy to complete the workout ?
A. 245/265
B. 250/300/350/400/400/400
C. Did 8 C2B for the first half then down to 6, lunges unbroken, and du/burpee were good to go.
throw back wensday here we go
a)1-2 @175, 3-4 @185, 5 @205
b)1×8@185, 1×6 @225, 1×4 @285, 3×3 @315
c) as last week but x30 minutes
10 ct pull-ups
12 front rack double kb reverse lunges @55
10 burpees over the bar
this time i feel better than the last week
*cash out 200 dubs
So easy you still had energy to hit some double unders 🙂
Tino i said that i felt better during the wod but the wod it wasn’t easy.? I can see the progress and i like it. thanks Tino
A: 225/235/245/255/265
B: 265/315/365/415×3
C: did all 30 mins – 10 C2B each round, Lunges went to unweighted after round 6 or 7, burpees went to 8 in a few of the middle rounds.
Traveling for work and a wedding the last week, training has been spotty so felt good to move some weight and move around, but everything felt heavy and slow today
Give yourself a few days and you’ll be back in track! ??
Short on time did
C. Done with 10 reg pullups / 16kg / 8 burpee + 20 du
Try to get the clean complex tomorrow!
Great workout thanks Tino!
Got the fun stuff in ?
Warmup done, been loving this to start.
A. 235/235/245/255/265
B. 250/300/350/405 – felt good.
C. 8 sc2b – 20/16/16/16/16/16/16/16/16/20 w 45# kbs – 10+20. Huge mental win to complete and stay in the fight. Round 8 did lunge steps no weight, round 9 held goblet position, but got it done.
Tino, I missed yesterday due to work travel, and will miss the next 2 Tuesday’s because of work travel as well. Should I make up Tuesdays session tomorrow? Rest tomorrow and pick back up normal Friday? Curious how I should adjust.
Great work on the conditioning John!
Really depends how you feel. I would suggest the skill work, lifting and maybe accessory work? I don’t want you feeling smashed going into Friday particularly after today.
Thanks Tino. I’ll see how I feel and adjust accordingly from there. Brutal month of travel but I’ll continue getting in what I can when I can. Feeling great lately!
EBMP: Completed
A. 90/95/100/105/110kg
B. 120/140/160/185/185/185kg
C. 10 Strict Pull-ups; 20 Alt FR KB Rev Lunge @ 24kgs; 30 Double Unders (big time grind on this… felt more challenging mechanically than last week, less challenging cardiovascularly)
Ps. Legs are now non-functional
Thank you and Have a great day!
Your legs will be fine after tomorrows rest day 🙂
A. 225/245
B. 225/255/305/340
C. 6 S. C2B, 16 FR Lunges 16kg, 10 BOB/20 DU
A. 135/145
B. 145/175/205/3 sets at 235
C. SO much better than last week!! Felt totally under control the entire time, not one trip on DU (after last week’s debacle, I’m very happy about this), lunges were easy peasy, and C2B were fine. Kept C2B at 8 each time since you said to keep reps the same.
Great to see you learned from last weeks experience. Solid days work Kryssie!
A. Handstand hold
B. 135
C. 88 calories? Fell off pace at 3 mins
D. 3 rounds at 115 and 2” after first round
Not bad for the “unconditioned” Nice work Jake!
A. 215 x3, 235 x2
B. DL: finished w/ 176kg
C. Scaled to 8 pull ups 16 front rear step lunges ( 16kg) 6 burpees over bar + 15 DU finished all rounds during EMOM
A. 255/275 worked on over exaggerating the pull.
C.10,8,8,6,6,6,6,6,6,10 Strict C2B
44lb KB front racked 20,15,20
20DB U, 10 Burpees
Was finally able to pace myself and constantly move through the entire piece. I know I could’ve done the prescribed weight but I wanted to push the pace and keep good energy throughout. Great mental fight the entire time.
Good day of learning. Nice work buddy!
A. 255/275
B. 245/315/365/415 3×3
C. 7 Strict C2B
44lb KBs x20
20 DU + 8 BOB (Swapped the order)
Huge mental victory in C, it’s the first time I’ve properly scaled an EMOM from the get go and been able to maintain throughout.
Yes! Awesome work Maxwell! Love seeing your progress both from a physical and mental aspect. Awesome work!
Thanks Tino!!
A. 160/165/170/180/180
B. 160/195/230/260
C. 8/7/7/7/7/7/6/5/5/5 c2b, 20 lunges, 8burpees/20 du man I never want to see this emom again
So we should definitely do it again then 🙂
Warm up done
A. 260/275×2
B. 250/300/350/405×3 all double overhand hook no belt
C. RX 8 rounds done… then lost it mentally 7 sc2b in 9 and then only a few DU and round 10 7 c2b finished everything else probably could have done singles to finish but may not have picked KBs up
You did the hard work Bobby! ?
I know I got mentally weak ?
Warm up. done, moving the hands in gradually is getting easier
A. 110/115/115/120/120
B. 130/140/165/185/190/190
C. Scaled-
Minute 1: 10 T2B, did a 7minute pull up competition with friends, pre-workout
Minute 15 RKB Lunges w/25lb KBs
Minute 3: 6 Burpees OTB+20 DBU
I felt like my pacing was on point today, I probably could have added 1 more burpee to the set, if Im being honest. Most rest times ere 10-20 seconds each round. Great workout!!
Great days work Amy!
A) substituted with 5:30 am class
B) 235/275/325/375
C) done (was very tough)
AJ is that you??!!
Been awhile since I’ve posted, still been putting in the work tho. Had a pretty bad shoulder separation in mid March snowboarding… still scaling some things when needed.
Primer) Done
A) 215/220/225/230/235
B) 225/275/320/365
C) RX except the KB weight was 44 for the first half then 35 for last half…. out of all the EMOMs you’ve programmed this is at the top for the love/hate relationship! My lunge speed is a still a work in progress.
Haha I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂
Please post so I can track your progress. Nice work Justin!
A. Clean complex @ 140-140-145-150-155lbs
B. Deadlifts at 180-220-255-275-275-275
C. Challenging EMOM but amazed I got through it.
Min 1- scaled to 6 strict c2b after the first interval
Min 2- scaled to 25lb DBs x 20 reps — would like to be able to do this rx someday ?
Min 3- 10 bar-facing burpees + 20 DU; as prescribed
Awesome work on the EMOM Caitlin!