Primary Training Session
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
followed by…
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions
x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Two sets of:
Landmine Rows x 6 reps each arm
Rest as needed
Tempo Sandbag Squat x 8-10 reps @ 32X1
Rest as needed
Three rounds, not for time, of:
50 Double Unders
2 Legless Rope Climbs
25-Foot Handstand Walk
25-Foot Handstand Walk
There are a few special things you can practice with this.
1. Heavy Rope Double Unders
2. Quick Descent on Rope Climbs
3. Handstand Walk for Speed
4. Try walking backwards if you would like. It is not for time.
Three sets of:
Tempo Bench Press x 10 reps @ 21X1
(slow and controlled descent, then pause for one second in the bottom position, then explode the barbell up as quickly as you can)
Rest 90 seconds
Front Racked Double Kettlebell or Dumbbell Squat x 12 reps @ 31X1
Rest 90 seconds
Both of these movements should be loaded HEAVY. As in, I would rather you fail the tenth rep than have the ability to complete an 11th rep if your life depended on it.
Followed by…
One set of:
Bench Press x Max reps @ today’s 10-rep working weight (no tempo)
Rest 90 seconds
Front Racked Double Kettlebell or Dumbbell Squat x 40 reps @ 10X0 with 60% of today’s working weight
Rest 90 seconds
Three rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row or 1000 Meter Bike Erg
40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35 lbs)
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Dumbbell Box Step-Overs (50/35 lbs to 24″/20″)
10 Muscle-Ups
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Four sets of:
Max Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups
100-Foot Plate Pinch Walk (35/25 lbs)
20 GHD Sit-Ups
100-Foot D-Ball or Sandbag Bearhug Carry (HEAVY)
Rest 90 seconds
For time:
200 Meter Sled Push
Simple rule…no stopping or walking. Load the sled light and commit to moving it without stopping.
Running Endurance Option
10 minute Run @ 65-70% effort
Followed by. . .
Ten sets of:
30 second Hill Sprint
Rest 2-3 minutes (walk down)
Gotta start posting again cuz I miss it 🙂 just so many places to write things down! AM – conditioning with row 25:50… muscle ups were the hard part even with trying to break purposely on the toes to bar and dB step ups PM rope climb/doubles/ hswalk – worked legless up and down since I feel pretty confident with my rope climb technique but I would like to get more efficient at legless. HS walks with a turn around Then hit the bench/squat 105# on bench- conservative/smart I subbed a 70# goblet squat for 16 reps at that tempo…… Read more »
Warm up done
A. done
B. Bench 90kg 10/10/7-3
Squats 2 x 22.5kg
C. Bench 8 reps
Squats 2 x 14kg 30/10
Strength accessory
A. pull ups 12-10-10-8
B. did 10 min on assault bike
176 cal not happy with this, got some work to do
Did you do the 30 min max cal test? You should do the Assault bike option to follow this!
Not this year, wanted to do something quick. Goal was around 200 but the push wasn’t there today (hence I skipped the conditioning as I didn’t feel like it)
Heavy rope DUs and focused on quick descent rope climbs. Lots of progress and improvement. Bench up to 125lbs with tempo being smart on pec/shoulder, 20kg tempo KG FS. 19 max reps and 40 UB at 12kg. Jumped in for a Team of 3 workout with class since they had a weird number and did the work of two people: wreck bag runs (I added a vest), a lot of box jump overs, I subbed in DB Snatches and bar MUs. Great workout, was actually pretty challenging, and had a blast with some of my gym community. Was a better… Read more »
Openers done
B. 135-145-155, 44lb KBs
C. 19 reps @ 155, 26lb KBs
D. 31:22, forearm burn
A. Pull ups 8-10-11-11, Sandbag 150lb
A. Done, speed on HSW and obstacle
B. 155-165-165×9
45lbs KB
C.Then 165x11reps
25lbs KB
D. 31:20
1:55/2:02/2:02 on rowing
16-14-10/4x10reps/4x10reps On Snatch
10-8-6-6/10-8-6-6/10-6-6-6-2 on t2b
Sets on 5 on step over
5-5/5-3-2/4-3-3 on muscle up
Then the core EMOM from yesterday. Man it sucks having tree trunks for legs on V-ups and hollow rocks…lol
*Weighted v-ups 🙂
Enjoy your rest day dude! Solid first week!
Openers done
A) Done, used a Zeus rope and did 25’ forwards, 25’ backwards – quick descent is a work in progress
B) severely underestimated how much the FS would take out of my shoulders, 185 (9+1)/175 (8+2)/ 165 for bench, 53s for squats
C) 165×12, 35# kbs x 32
D) 28:55, this was very rough
A) Done with 190# bag
B) Done with 45# on the sled, died
Really enjoyed this first week!
Great to hear you’ve enjoyed the first week! Excited for that to continue ??
I’m glad YOU said that conditioning was rough! I felt the same way! I tend to think it’s just “me” haha… looks like this one got many of us!
Bicep opener ✅
Tricep opener ✅
Land mines ✅
Sand bag squats (150lb) ✅
A. Done ✅
Played around with the jump rope.
50 dubs in 20 secs, and 29 UB triples
Bench done at 135
KB FS at 53lbs
135 x 23
30lbs x 40
Resting only 10 mins and going strait into the conditioning is the hardest thing I’ve done in a while. So physically drained..
D. 33:40
Exhausted ?
Way to grind out the conditioning! It’s was a mental battle today for sure!
warm ups done A. enjoyed this. I did 25ft HS walk backwards and then 25ft HS walk forwards. My backwards walks are getting better and faster B. 125# bench and 53# kb’s C. got 12 reps no tempo bench and used 35# kb’s for the 40 reps D. 36:24 This was amazing my muscle ups felt the best they ever have today!! First set did them as 3/3/3/1. last 2 sets did them as 4/3/3. for whatever reason I really liked this workout even though it was brutal No accessory today feeling pretty fatigued after this week going to enjoy… Read more »
Great to see you finished the week strong and you’re looking more like your normal self! Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks Tino!
Really gnarly day. In a good way.
Make-shifted a little at my home gym.
Tempo bench at 205
80 lbs dumbbells for front squats
40 reps of front squats at 45 lbs dumbbells
Subbed 35 cal bike for 500m Row
did 15 string ring dips for muscle ups
This was brutal!!!
Somewhere in the park around 25 minutes.
My hands were pretty jacked from that row yesterday.
Sometimes they just get a little loose!
Really great week tho! Thank you!
Putting in the work Kenny! Saturdays are definitely a mental grinder! Great session and solid way to round off a good first week!
I have knee pain (especially on squat and any impact movement )from a fall at work .any sub idea for all the squat ?
Sorry to hear about your knee Nicholas. Perform movements that don’t cause any pain and mainly stick to low impact, low intensity and high reps. Good mornings, Romanian Deadlifts, reverse hyper, banded march, death march…
Hope you get back to full health soon!
32:55 that was so sick ! UB snatches first round then 22-18 24-18. 40 was biggest set ever ! Stoked. T2B first round 5 sets couldn’t get a good grip. 2nd round 3 sets felt real good. 3rd round 3s 2s then singles. So so sweaty and slippery. BSO 4 sets first round. 2nd round. 12/8 3rd round UB. Now I know I can do 20 without dropping the 50s lol. Did pullups instead of MU and kinda were shit today after yesterday. Bike all around 1:55
Pretty sure I just PRd my fitness with that workout lol
Looks like you had quite a journey on today’s fun! Great work and solid finish to the week! Enjoy your rest day!
Woke up early and decided to start the day with Wednesday’s Extra work:
30 SHSPU for time: :28 UB
Run, AB, Row + Max Burpees over Rower: 10, 7, 11, 12.
Suitcase Deadlifts and Supine GHD holds done.
Second breakfast and will come back for today’s primary around noon.