Dynamic Mobility, Activation and Warm-Up
Spend 5 minutes mashing the hamstrings with a softball.
Two sets of:
Band Assisted Hamstring Pulse
x 30 seconds per side
Leg Reach x 30 seconds
Two sets of:
30 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Palloff Hold (Right)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Left)
30 seconds of Banded Lateral Monster Walk (Right)
30 seconds of Donkey Kicks
30 seconds of Jumping Lunges or Mountain Climbers
Six sets of:
Pause Deadlift x 3-4 reps @ 70-75%
Rest as needed
Please pause for 3 seconds at your sticking point in your deadlift.
Six sets of:
Unsupported Seated Press x 3-4 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Build in weight over the course of the 6 sets.
Three rounds of:
1000 Meter Bike Erg
30 Toes-to-Bar
20 Toes-to-Bar
and then …
Three rounds
500 Concept 2 Row
50 Double-Unders
20 Handstand Push-Ups
55+: 15 Handstand Push-Ups
Time Cap: 30:00
Three sets of:
GHD Sit-Ups x 15-20 reps
Rest 15 seconds
Supine Plank Hold x 45-60 seconds
Rest 15 seconds
Bottoms Up KB Carry x 25 feet
Rest 60 seconds
Did this Thursday Morning
DMA – complete
A. All complete at 365 – used double overhand grip with straps
B. 95, 115, 125, 135, 140, 145 (2)
C. Did not do – hadn’t taken rest day so far
D. Completed
DMA done
Went out of order today…
A. Subbed with 4 sets:
Single leg hip bridges x 10 reps
Bat wings x 5 reps
C. 22:10 subbed bike erg with ass bike “legs only” pedal at 53-55rpm, 25 T2B because boot on, 1 leg rowing, and 30 sec flutterkicks instead of DUs
D. Done all 3 sets
B. 65-70-75-80-85-90#
Warm up done,
A. 175 for 4 reps (3 second clock hold) 1-2″ off floor
B. 75-95lbs x 4 reps on seated press. Bicep is a little tight today.
C. 24:10 subbed Echo bike for 25 Calories instead of Bike Erg
stretched, didn’t have the energy in my core for the GHD sit ups after the Deadlifts and then T2B.
What do you think the equivalent is for the bike erg to the assault or echo fan bikes for the 1000m?
I did assault bike with legs only pedaling for .625 miles at 53-55 rpm (approx 1:50-2:00)
Went out of order today. Trained in a friend’s garage so I could use his bike erg and ski erg.
C. 25:40
Bike erg: 1:56, 2:06, 2:04
T2B: 10-10-5-5, 10-5’s, 10-5’s
Ski erg: 2:15, 2:22, 2:22
DU’s: UB all rds
HSPU’s: 10-5-5, 10-5-5, 10-6-4
A. 185,195,205,205,210,210# this are very hard for me, I know I’m not pausing 3s ?
B. 55, 65, 70, 75, 80# only got 1 at 80#, I stopped after that
D. 20 GHD, 60s supine plank hold, 12kg KB all three rds
Awesome job Nicole – just keep the load a little lighter on the pause deadlifts if you are having a hard time holding for 3 seconds