March 9, 2019 – Invictus Athlete

Primary Training Session
Clean Technique Warm-Up
(5 reps of each, three times through the complex with barbell)
Clean-Grip RDL
Clean Pull from Below Knee
Front Squat
Hang Power Clean + Push Press
Clean from Below Knee + Jerk

One set of:
115/75 lb Power Clean (no foot movement) + Push Press x 3 reps
Rest as needed

One set of:
135/95 lb Power Clean + Push Jerk x 3 reps
Rest as needed

One set of:
155/105 lb Clean + Split Jerk x 3 reps
Rest as needed

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 5 reps

Build over the course of the 4 sets. If flexibility in this exercise is tough, scale to a higher receiving position & do not add weight.

Followed by…

Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets):
Muscle Clean x 2 reps

Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (9 sets) of:
Clean from Mid-Patella + Jerk

*Sets 1-3 – 75-79% of 1-RM Clean & Jerk
*Sets 4-6 – 80-84%
*Sets 7-9 – 85%

For time:
50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
20 Toes-to-Bar
10 Deadlifts (315/225 lbs)
40 Wall Ball Shots
30 Toes-to-Bar
10 Deadlifts
30 Wall Ball Shots
40 Toes-to-Bar
10 Deadlifts
20 Wall Ball Shots
50 Toes-to-Bar
10 Deadlifts

Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.

Strength Accessory Option

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Three sets of:
15 Seconds of Dumbbell Lateral Raise
15 Second Dumbbell Lateral Raise Hold
15 Seconds of Dumbbell Front Raise
15 Second Dumbbell Front Raise Hold
15 Seconds of Dumbbell Strict Overhead Press
15 Second Dumbbell Strict Overhead Hold
Rest 2 minutes

For max distance:
5 minutes of Sandbag Bear Hug Carry

Running Endurance Option

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Three sets for times of:
1200 Meter Run
Rest 90 seconds
1000 Meter Run
Rest 5 minutes

Rowing Endurance Option
For distance:
15 Minutes of Rowing
Rest 4 Minutes – walk or jog 400 meters during this time
15 Minutes of Rowing

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Dan Layton
Dan Layton
May 10, 2019 3:10 pm

Primary Training Session Clean Technique Warm-Up Did 2 sets BB/115 A. Done did the thang! B. Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets): Press in Clean (Sots Press) x 5 reps 45/65/75/95 Followed by… Every minute, on the minute, for 4 minutes (4 sets): Muscle Clean x 2 reps 95/135/155/165 C. Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (9 sets) of: Clean from Mid-Patella + Jerk *Sets 1-3 – 185×3 *Sets 4-6 – 205×2, 215 *Sets 7-9 – 215/225/235F D. For time: 50 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs) 20 Toes-to-Bar 10 Deadlifts (315/225 lbs) 40 Wall Ball Shots 30 Toes-to-Bar… Read more »

Jacob Garrison
Jacob Garrison
May 10, 2019 2:44 pm

Rowing Endurance
3,816 / 3,771

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