Five sets of:
Strict Ring to Sternum Pull-Ups x 5 reps
Rest as needed
For time:
10 Deadlifts (345/235 lbs)
20 Bar Muscle-Ups
40 Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
800 Meter Run or 1000 Meter Row
40 Wall Ball Shots
20 Bar Muscle-Ups
10 Deadlifts (345/235 lbs)
Four sets of:
90 Seconds of Wall Sit
60 Seconds of Double Kettlebell Front Squats (24/16 kg)
90 seconds of Wall Sit
Rest 2 minutes
Three sets of:
Chinese Rows x 6 reps @ 2111
Rest as needed
Single-Leg Glute Bridges x 6-8 reps @ 1112 each leg
Rest as needed
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A. Done
B. Rx 18:41
C. Honestly I had to break up each set of Wallsits ? Squats: 15/ 17/ 16/ 19
D. Done
Another great week of trainings! Thank you Tino! Have a nice weekend guys ?
B. RX 13:44
C. Done that second set of wall sits is equal to an eternity .. had to take a couple breaks
A and D after coaching
Wallsits were ?
A came in This morning for warm up and my shoulders felt good so decided To re do 19.3 off of 12 hrs rest. Got an extra 25 feet so will take that ?.
154 8:24 tie break