Take 10-15 minutes to built do 85% or more of your 1-RM Back Squat,
and then…
Every 3 minutes, for 9 minutes (3 sets):
Back Squat x 2-3 reps @ 30X1
Against a 2-minute running clock, perform the following:
15/10 Calorie Assault Bike or Row 250 Meters
Max Reps of Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs)
Rest 2 minutes between sets, and complete a total of three sets.
A. 285
B. 255/265/275 all x3
C. 10/10/11 Rx
A. 315#
B. 275#
C. 12, 11, 11 Rx
A. Normal 1rm is 220. Pregnancy 1rm 205.
Built to 85% of 220 – so 185
B. I used 85% of 205 – so 175
C. 250 row/Used 65lb on squat cleans – 7, 8, 9,
Quads were dead after!!
Worked off 280# squat max. Didn’t do B. Legs weren’t having it after a flag football game on Sunday.
Did Friday’s power cleans. Wasn’t up for a crazy metcon at the end of the day.
Worked up to 155. I believe that is a 5# PR. It also matches my squat clean 1RM.
Failed twice before I nailed it. I obviously need to work on technique because when I got it, it felt easy, but the misses felt terrible.
Also worked on BMU between rounds. Banded and a few unassisted, but they are ugly.
A1. Up to 145.
A2. As Rx’d at 145
B. @ 95. Sub’d 20 burpees over barbell for first part. 5, 5, 6.
A1. Back squat up to 285 which is 85%
A2. Tempo squats
First set at 285, then 275, and finally 255.
My legs were a little beaten up from yesterday, but it felt great to get more work in.
Great job everyone!
A. Done at 295
B. Rx 14/12/11
C. Tabata abs
beast mode!
Thanks, my 10yo son was working out with me. He did ring rows and push-ups during my part B, so I had to set the tone ?
Nice! Hoping my 3yo son is doing the same at some point.
It happens only a few times a year! Today it was because he was jealous of his younger sister’s muscles ?.(she’s a competitive gymnast)
A. 275/280/285 x 3. 275 is 85% for me. Struggled with the last rep at 285 but held the tempo.
B. Rx’d 29 reps. 10/10/9. AB was :35/:39/:41. Singles on the squat cleans. Barely walking right now. Quadzilla got me today.
A. Worked up to 355. Max is 365.
B. Done at 315. 2,3,3
C. Assault Bike. 12, 9, 11 RX. Touch and go 6 then remaining.
A. All using B’s tempo: 5×135# – 3×155 – 2×175-195-205-215 (1 RM is 250)
B. 3x 215 – 220 (PR apparently)/ 2×225. Almost lost rep 2 forward on the way up, then took a few breaths and went down slow but rep 3 wasn’t going back up. Many deload sets to drill form
C. With 115#
AB split: 42s – 46 – 56
SC: 12 – 11 – 9
…. quads were DONE by rd 3
Have a great week peoples, and Happy thanksgiving from Canada! Thanks Invictus for this awesome programming and thanks to this community for the support
Happy thanksgiving! Great work again!
Great session Joey. Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving…a day late! Great work Joey!
A. BS x 1 EMOM @ 85#, 105, 135 E2M @ 155, 165, 175, 180, 185(f) – 180# ties current 1 RM ***I know we were only supposed to go to like 85%, but these were feeling so good I needed to keep going. I tied my current 1RM…should have only gone up 2#…sometimes that 5# jump gets in my head for a PR…GRRRR B. BS x 3 reps @ 30X1 165#, 160#, 160 (attempted 165 on 2nd round and only got 1, so dropped to 160) C. Max Squat Cleans – 4/4/4 250m row (1:00.6 / 1:00.1 / 59.1)… Read more »
Another great day!
Way to go for it on the BS esp since you were feeling it. PR is surely in the near future! Nice push on the row. Sounds like you had the pedal all the way to the floor.
The pedal was to the floor for me. I’ve really worked hard on my rowing…I do a lot of the Dark Horse Rowing workouts because Shane focuses on form and tempo…has really helped!
On Vacation but tried to stick to the program
A. Smith machine back squat 4×3 at what should be around 315
B. 3 rounds 2min on/off
20 burpees, max goblet squats #50
Good morning, everybody…Took off last week due mainly to travel, but my body needed it too.
A. 290 RX (off 340 1rm); felt really solid.
B. 9/10/8 RX with row; low back blew up on last set and had to ease into 1st couple of cleans
Strong squat bro!
And yeah that B either blows up your lower back with the rower or your quads with the AB. Solid day man!
killed it, solid work
A1. Back Squat up to 130kg based of 155kg 1RM
A2. Tempo Backsquat @130kg 3/2/2
I don’t think I’ve ever done tempo’s at this kind of weight percentage, pretty humbling.
B. As Rx
15cal AB: 49s / 52s / 55s (about 75RPM)
135# PC: 11 / 10 / 8 (Fast singles)
Can we call this one “The Quad Destroyer” from now on? Yikes.
Have a good week everyone!
Nice job Steven!
Yep agreed on the workout name, i thought i was going to dump the first squat clean haha!
Killed it!
B) Front Squat @230
C) 250 Row + Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans @ 50#
A. BS @30×1
200lbx3, 205×3, 215×2
These felt good today, wish I started a little heavier.
B using #115
1. Row in 55 and 8 squat cleans
2. Row in 55 and 7
3. Row in 55 and 8
This was definitely a fun one. Love anything with cleans. Considered using 135. But glad I hit Libby’s intended reps with scaled weight
Solid decision on the 115, looks like you hit the intended stimulus nicely.
Yay! That’s awesome J, good work.
Solid day! I also considered Rx for B but this was probably the better decision
Thanks. Same to you. That’s a lot of reps you squeaked in for the squat cleans!! Good luck walking tomorrow..
Hey guys, back on board after 2 weeks off sick and then holiday for a week. I haven’t touched a barbell in 19 days! A. Powercleans from last week. Worked up to a difficult 110kg. B back squats from tonight. Worked up to 170kg then 130kg x 3 x 3 at tempo. These felt super heavy! C. Modified as dropping the barbell would wake up the kiddos. 3 rounds of 2 min on, 2 min off of 250m row + 60kg front squats. 16 reps each round. Finished each round with 10 seconds to spare. Only in last rounds did… Read more »
Amazing numbers for first session back. Those 60kg squats must have been moving like air squats!!
You’d be surprised at how hard they felt! My breathing was just out-of-control
Welcome back! Strong numbers as usual!
Glad to see you back and healthy! That’s a ton of work for the first day back with that much off time…BEAST!
Spartan yesterday…went really well, nearly halfed the time from last year, nailed the ring traverse which was pleasing, ran at a good pace with the heavy sandbag too. Hardest part was running on the uneven ground and the balance beam with an elevated heart rate. Thanks for all the gains Invictus, booking in for a Beast distance next year! A. 3 reps at 85% 110kg. Felt pretty solid. B. 15 cal bike took 39-41 secs, 7 reps each set as singles. Wow the first reps my legs felt like jelly! C. Accessory Emom 8 Odd: Strict HSPU with 1 plate… Read more »
great job dude, nice to see you had fun crushing the spartan
Thanks, it was really fun. Looks like they do them in Uruguay!
yes they do, but i haven’t made the time to join one, nor do anything fitness related outside of crossfit, that might be a possible goal for 2019
Looks like your running has come a long way, would be cool to test it. Shame there’s no 100kg power clean obstacle for you to smash through 😀
Glad it went well!!
Thanks dude, nice consistency on the rows today!
Looks like you killed that Spartan race! You also had a solid day today, nice work dude!
Thanks champ!
Love the picture and great day all around!
Thanks Mike, way to get the work in despite the tired legs
Warmup: Bike (or row) for 3 minutes at a pace where you can sustain nasal breathing only 5/5 Hip circles each direction from tabletop + 10/10 prone bridge extensions + 10 bottom of squat to high hip raises Then with a KB: 5/5 single leg RDL + 10/10 single arm KBS + 5/5 single arm front rack squats + 5/5 single arm thrusters Part A: Use the first 10-15 minutes to work up to a heavy weight that you can use for Part B2.Make sure you’re utilizing the tempo so reduce load if you can’t sustain it. Three seconds on… Read more »