In teams of three, complete the following for time:
1200 Meter Relay Run
120 Double-Unders
90 Power Cleans (115/75 lbs)
60 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells (55/35 lb DBs)
1200 Meter Relay Run
120 Double-Unders
90 Power Cleans
60 Box Step-Overs with Dumbbells
1200 Meter Relay Run
Only one member of the team may be working at a time, and no member may begin the next movement until the team has completed the preceding. Tasks may be partitioned as you see fit. Coaches will encourage communication and vocal support of your teammates. Tell your teammate when you are strong and can keep going, and tell them when you need assistance before you expected to need it. The key to quick times is communication and quick transitions.
Did by myself. 1/3 the work.
scaled the DB to 25 as it was waaayyyy too much for my grip and my bum shoulder/neck.
Did a 3 man team tire pull and ruck today. 50lb tire with harness, 40 lb ruck and 20lb vest. Pulled 3 20 minute intervals and at each switch we stopped the clock, did 25 push-ups with gear on and then changed stations to pull another 20 minutes. Went 3.5 miles in 60 minutes.
6 rounds for time:
8 Strict HSPU “3 deficit
10 Strict pull ups
12 GHD sit up
We’ve been hacked
O︆oo︆o︆au︆︆hh D︆u︆d︆e︆s︆︆s︆ ! T︆h︆e L︆is︆t w︆it︆h Nake︆d︆-︆W︆o︆m︆︆e︆ns f︆r︆o︆m you︆︆r Ci︆t︆︆y ︆h︆a︆s b︆e︆e︆n︆ p︆ub︆l︆l︆i︆s︆h︆e︆d
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LOOOL Th︆a︆n︆k︆s Br︆o︆o︆o︆!︆︆! I’︆v︆︆e f︆o︆u︆n︆︆d t︆h︆er︆e︆︆e m︆︆y T︆ea︆c︆h︆e︆r N︆ak︆e︆︆d ! mw︆aah︆h︆aa︆h︆h
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