“Row-meo & Juliet”
In teams of two, complete the following for time:
300 Wall Ball Shots
4000 Meter Run
5000 Meter Row
Teams get one Concept 2 erg and one ball, but may partition the work however they would like . . . and both should be working at all times.
30:59 Rx done with partner
400m run buy in
3 rds
60 air squats
21 cal row
15 PC@85#
Did thursday’s on Monday:
A1) High hang snatch 95-115-125
A2) hang snatch 135-145-155
A3) 2pos snatch 155-155-155-155
B) For time: 800m run/50 CTB pull-ups/800m run – 13:36
Did it by myself so did 10 RFT:
15 Wall bal
200 m Run
250 Meter row.
Wanted around 30, but couldn’t make myself push the pace.
10 dips
15 GHD situps
34:44. Legs still blown out from last week.
Had to do it alone, so I split it in half
Yesterday I did Aerobic Capacity running “The Mountain” 1min ON, 15s easy jog, 1min rest 2min ON, 30s easy jog, 1min rest 3min ON, 1min easy jog, 1min rest 4min ON, 2min easy jog, 1min rest 5min ON, 3min easy jog, 1min rest 4min ON, 2min easy jog, 1min rest 3min ON, 1min easy jog, 1min rest 2min ON, 30s easy jog, 1min rest 1min ON, DONE! ***Was really good..used nasal breathing during jog and rest (rest was walking, couldn’t stop or my back would start to tighten up) Min 3 on both ends were the worst/hardest. Min 4 &… Read more »
Lady, you are hard core. Impressive stuff there.
Split this with my wife today
I sprinted to the finish on the tower, but couldn’t quite beat 35! This was a good grind for a holiday.
Super fast Mike and Mrs. Mike!!
Did Lumberjack with my nephew today.
20 DL at 225#/275#
400m run
20 KB at 53#/70#
400m run
20 OHS at 95#/115#
400m run
20 Burpees
400m run
20 pull-ups
400m run
20 Box Jumps 24″
400m run
20 DB cleans 25#/40# The adjustable DB died at the end of his set so I had the option of 25# or 65# DBs.
400m run
That looks BRUTAL Ryan…GREAT work!!
It was pretty good. I like chipper style wods.
One of my faves!! Awesome time.
Thanks. I wasn’t sure what a good time was and this was my first shot. Knowing what I now know, I could have gone a bit faster.
Did this partner wod with my cousin this morning. Had a few drinks and a late night so wasn’t at my best but it was perfect to get me moving today
We subbed the run for AB since it was raining and split it as
10 rounds each
15 wb
12 cal AB
250m row
Total time: 38:15
I was done at 35:15 then helped him finish
Have a great day
Way to get it done and give support to the up and comers.
Great work Joey!
Great work Joey and Martin!!
Family hustle! Nice work.
Saturday: Preparing for an upcoming comp, we took a shot on the wod we will be doing A) With a timecap of 15′: – 25 T2B – 10 to 1 of: + Deadlifts 100 kgs + Hang Squat Cleans 40 kgs + S2OH 40 kgs – 25 T2B Timecapped after the 5 deadlifts of the round of 5. I thought I was going to complete the triplet on this first rehearsal but my execution needs a lot of polish; fortunately we recorded the wod so we could do further analysis on how to improve on it. Silver lining is that… Read more »
So the T2B were just the opener and the closer? You did the sets of DL HSC and S2OH from 10-1 in between??? Looks like a tough one with a time cap of 15min..,..
Congrats on the T2B!
yeah 10 DL + 10 HSC + 10 S2OH, then 9 and so on; T2Bs are without a doubt my biggest weakness here but I paced too much the effort; I’ll retest going a bit harder into the redline territory
A. Did Saturday’s
Three rounds for max reps of:
1 Minute of Burpees
1 Minute of Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
1 Minute of Deadlifts (115/75 lbs)
1 Minute of Medicine Ball Sit-Ups (20/14 lbs)
1 Minute of Hang Power Cleans (115/75 lbs)
Rest 1 minute
96/95/95 reps
B. 3 rounds
12 BSS ea leg
12 strict ring dips
C. HS walking
Very consistent TLH! I was so glad this was only 3 rounds!
Did Aug 30th.
A. BSx4 195, 200, 205, 210lbs.
B. Score 117
Row 34
Thruster #115 15
Burpee 32
Row 36
C. Alt between hand stand hold between box and wall for balance practice and flare grip ring rows. 4 sets.
A. Unilateral work, all done w/ 12kg Kb, switch sides after completing the 12reps:
-12x Single Arm Kb Shoulder Press with other Kb in front-rackhold.
– 12x Kb Frontrack Reverse Lunges (Kb on right shoulder, step right leg back)
-12x Single Leg DL
-12x Kb Bent Over Row
-12x One Arm KB Swing
B. As RX done Solo
5 rounds:
– 30 Wall Balls
– 400m Run
– 500m Row
Lots of work today. Well done.
Killed it
WOW..just WOW!!!
Done by myself as 10 rounds of 15 wall balls + 200m run + 250m row.
Wallballs were unbroken apart from 2 slips out of my hand (it had been raining outside beforehand), runs slow, rowed at 1:50/500m pace.
A slog but no stopping or breaks!
Way to grind this one out!
Nice job. Way to hustle.
Wow, great push Sean!
Way to go at it alone and super fast!
Not sure where you think this has any room to be considered a slog!!! Awesome work…10 rounds takes major mental fortitude…nice work Shaun!!
Didn’t realise it was a long weekend in the US! Took today to do snatch accessory work A) Snatch complex at 45kg every 2 mins 30 3x 1 snatch deadlift shrug (no pull) + 1 snatch pull + 1 hang power snatch B) every 3 mins for 12 mins Power snatch 5 singles at 85% based off 55kg C) every 2 mins 30 for 3 sets snatch balance D) every 2 mins 30 OH squat based off 60kg 1rm 3×10 40% 50% 60% 2×3 70% 80% 42.5 50 1×3 + 90% 55 – 8 reps. 1 year ago this was… Read more »
Fantastic improvements, James. The hard work is paying off.
Thanks Ryan, enjoying the process – when days like today happen it’s even better!
Looks like a super productive session, awesome work
Was super fun, hope it all pays off in snatch numbers soon 😀