Take 12-15 minutes to build to 90-95% of your 1-RM Bench Press
When the running clock reaches 16:00, perform…
Every 2 minutes, for 8 minutes (2 sets) of:
Station 1 – Bench Press x 8 reps @ 80% of 1-RM
Station 2 – Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 8 reps
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 9 minutes of:
6 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
9 Burpees
12 Toes to Bar
A. Up to 255
B. 205 and 155
C. 4+3 should have gone a little faster though the SHSPU would be worse
Back squat test day
New PR at 335 lb! Up from 285. I’m not sure what the date on that one was. I think it’s safe to say had I tested it before the cycle it would have been higher. Anyway, I’m super encouraged by the progress!
I didn’t have time to do the program as listed.
A1. Strict pull-up negatives
3 sets of 4
A2. Bench press
3 sets of 5 reps at 165
No time for a metcon today.
Foam rolling and stretching after the kids bedtime.
Awesome! The squat program worked great. Progress is so addicting
Wow that’s awesome! Massive PR dude that work paid offf huge
WOW!!!! CONGRATS Mike!!! All of that digging deep and hard work during the cycle clearly paid dividends and then some, so happy for you
Thanks man! It was definitely worth it, and I blown away by the end result.
A. Bench press up to 275. 2×8 at 225
B. RX. 4 rounds even.
Great day all around JT
A. 225 probably could’ve went heavier but no spotter.
B. 4 rounds right on the dot with like 10 seconds to spare.
For me the push-up portion of the burpee was crushing me
A. Up to 290 (right on percentage) and it felt good.
Bench: 245 – 8, 7(+spotter helped on 8th rep)
Row: 185 (8), 205 (8)
B. Rx. 4 + 15
****All 4 rounds of T2B unbroken and smooth timing. I can’t say enough about this. Thought these would break down and I was prepared to go 7-5 each round but didn’t need to.
Awesome work, Nathan! T2B have come a long way!
I know, right. I can’t believe it’s taken me this long…I think it’s been 2 years and I’m only now just getting it…
W00t- nice work!!
Great work on the metcon and esp T2B Nathan! Does this Saturday work to do the partner Wod?
I should be yes. Email me your phone number: nwylder at gmail
A1. Bench x 1 rep (based off 150#) 105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140(f) ***135 is 90% A2. I knew 80% for 8 wasn’t happening today…so I scaled to 80% of my 1 RM today 110 x 5, 105 x 8 A3. BB rows x 8 @ 85# both sets B. AMRAP in 9 min – 6 rounds + 1 SHSPU 6 SHSPU (used a pillow that is about half the height of an abmat) all UB 9 Burpees – UB 12 T2B – UB, 8/4 the rest of sets C. Gotta get the lawn mowed and domestics done…leaving for… Read more »
Love what you did in A2. You really crushed B, great work today. Enjoy your vacay!
6 rounds oh yeah!!!!
Great work as always. Enjoy the vacation!
A.) up to 175
B.) had to kip on hspu. 4 rounds plus 6 hspu. T2b unbroken through 3 rounds, 6/6 last round
Didn’t want to do it, but missed BS last week.
A. 145, 165, 175, 185 – failed the 5th rep. Things started going spotty in the bottom so ditched it.
Feel like I did it as written and it felt hard in all the right places.
B. Used 25#. Left side was a doozy but pushed it. No doubt twisting horrificly to keep my balance.
1:33 / 32
1:33 / 34
1:33 / 34
C. Strict CTB – 13
BMU drills
Great job on the squats and metcon!
A1. 145 to 205 (210 was 95%)
A2. 175X8(2) BP & 125 then 135 SGBOBR
B. 6 Strict Press with 115#
9 Burpees
12 T2B
3 rounds + 20 = 101 (abs were hollering on 4th set)
Legs are so tight today!
Did sets of 8 bench at 185#
Rows at 135#
B. 4 rounds +2 Rx
Strict hspu got very tough at round 3
Nice work, yes blessing for no serious leg work today.
Needed a leg rest day, so yeah for today.
A. 290, felt good today; able to drive the bar through the lift
– 235 x 8 all UB
B. Rx, 5 + 9, could not string together TTB today- shoulders were smoked.
Impressive numbers. You smoked B, nice work
Thanks for the target Mike! Great job. I was thinking we’d see an upper body (ie pressing) day.
Yesterday: A) “Big Clean Complex” OT6M x 5: High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Press + High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Push Jerk + High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Split Jerk In kgs: 55, 60, 65, 72.5 (broke after the Push Jerk), 72.5 (failed) Oh boy, the purpose was to go as heavy as possible unbroken, so my score was 65 kgs; as cerebral as I tend to be I don’t know why I decided to do that 7… Read more »
Woo schwarma!
I’ll have whatever Thor is getting
sounds like you had a good day regardless. Keep up the good work and enjoy your Shawarma!
A. (Off an est. 190 1RM)Up to 170lbx1 twice. Felt pretty good. Probably do more with a spot. Then as prescribed:
BP 150×8 / 150 x 5,3
Bent row supine grip: 105×10 / 105×10
B. 4 rounds + 15 reps.
Performed HSPU not strict. All UB but rough by the end.
Burpees moved along well.
T2B. Ub, ub, 4×3, Sears of 2s and 3s.
Wow. Assault on the core for me. I was laughing at myself on how the T2B broke down and got so hard. Good times!
I’m glad someone else’s TTB were affected, felt like id gone 6 months backwards haha.
ugh, this is not what I wanted to read this afternoon before the wod. I was cautiously optimistic based on my last outing with T2B…now…?♂️
@disqus_fFEuelrTWn:disqus @joeymaltais:disqus
Haha sorry!!
At least you know what you’re getting yourself into!
Ever since the “Rx burpee” as come out, I’ve noticed crossover lower core fatigue between those and T2B. It is a really similar motion to T2b when bringing both feet forward together on the burpee and I definitely feel it too when both are programmed together! Solid day, nice work
I will be looking up the Rx burpee. But of course I agree completely. I started really focusing on burpees as more of a gymnastics movement a while back. I usually go into a touch of lumbar extension before the explosive core contraction. Like you said, very similar to a T2B. I like to think it means we are all doing the movements close to properly!
What I mean by Rx burpee is when they announced 18.0 this year before the open. Basically no step down or step up, feet go back together and then forward together. I had been stepping down and up forever so it took a little bit of getting used to but I’m over it now lol
Ok Sweet. Thanks! I will check it out.
Yeah it’s a lot of repetition of the hip flexors!
Good morning, everybody…
A1. 195#; 3 weeks ago I wasn’t close to this, so I’m happy with the progress
A2. 157#/8/8
100# 8/8; using landmine with
handlebar attachment
B. 4+18 (6 t2b); used a box for shspu. I’ve recently begun training strict hspu again, but endurance isn’t there yet and I wanted the metabolic stimulus
C. crossover symmetry
Nice work today, yep this programming will really get you stronger.
I’ve had a few days off Crossfit since Mondays aborted effort. Tuesday off (just my cycle commute), Wednesday night I played some social sports with friends and I decided to just do some strength work tonight A. Back Squats on the 3 mins 150kg x 4 sets x 6 reps Easy enough. I didn’t really follow the RPE recommendations from last night, and I could’ve pushed it higher but this was probably a good weight to stick to. B. Bench Press up to 90% Went up to 110kg, felt pretty good. Bench Press/Barbell rows – Did 90kg x 2 sets… Read more »
I like your “ease in” session. Hopefully you feel great going full bore tomorrow night
Strong work Shaun!
A.1: up to 185# x1 twice… forgot to add load on last set, wanted 195 it was definitely there today but the clock was ticking (off 200) A.2: 8×160 twice A.3: 8×115 / 8×135 (shouldve gone for 135 from the start… went with what I did back in Feb but looks like Ive gotten stronger here) B. 5 rds modified Shspu with 1 abmat: rd1 3-3 then one set followed by knees on 24’’ box: 2+4 then 1+5 for 3 rds C. To build strength emom x 6 min 3 shspu 5s negatives kipping back up most reps D. 5… Read more »
Nice weight on the bench! Sweet barbell row gainz too. Imagine the ring support was not fun.
Thanks James! It was fun, but deltoids and triceps were pretty tired by that point and 30s wasn’t getting them recovered. I’ll get it next time
Solid BP Joey. Way to work the strict HSPU.
“recovery bike” is one of the weirdest concepts in our sport XD great work dude
I think I get what you’re saying. It sucks to get on the airbike immediately after a leg heavy wod, but I think it is helpful in the long run
Totally. Felt like I needed to move them a bit this morning (this program has been wrecking them all week) and had a bit of time so squeezed this in
Solid work today, the bench got heavy on the short rest period.
Smoked b!
Nice work, Joey!
A. Found a nice setup in the power rack to bench alone. Previous session with drop sets i couldn’t hit all the reps at the end – think it was 7s. so super stoked to get these 8s in. Up to 75kg for the singles, feeling smooth. 8 rep bench at 80% (65kg) was a struggle but made them. Barbell row was fun, nice and strict at 55kg. B. Modified to pike HSPU, but took ab mat away to increase depth. Interesting how much the shoulder fatigue affects the kip on the TTB. Burpees felt super quick, likely to the… Read more »
Nice work James! Congrats on the nutrition
Thanks – turns out it makes bodyweight stuff easier!!
Haha exactly!!
Great results mate
Thanks dude, super work on the big complex! Also your insta game is getting really good. Would love to give the CompTrain benchmarks a go.
Nice job on the BP for 8s. I was feeling the rapid fatigue on the T2B also. Love the note in the macros and the weight. Stick with it!! I went to zone about 5 months ago. Big change in my body comp. I was pretty shocked since I already ate pretty well. Keep up the good work!
My kip just ceased to exist! And yes super weird how it works, thought I was sort of dialled in but tracking shows where I was over/undereating and how/why! Hope you are feeling swole after the bench
I’d love for you to share more about this with the group, if you’re comfortable James! What were you under/over eating? How has it affected your performance?!
Yes of course! I was previously eating about 3300 cals at a 92kg bodyweight, I estimate it was about a daily split of 20% protein, 50% fat, 30% carbs. I’m 6ft 4 but that weight was not all muscle! I read through plenty of the beyond macros material (and the invictus nutrition course!) and downloaded their calculator. I’ve been on about 2700 cals for 3 weeks, aiming for 35% protein, 40% fat and 25% carb, and seen a big difference. For where it was happening, it was usually in an evening when we headed out to eat or had stuff… Read more »
Awesome! I started tracking a little over a month ago but it was pretty difficult to keep up having little kids and a busy lifestyle so I have trouble sticking to it. I have a pretty good idea so I make choices based on that but I’m probably way off on a lot of days. I’ve been eating slighty more too since then (although eating has never been a problem for me) and I’ve gone from about 155 to 160# trying to gain lean muscle. I’m at about 2500 cals per day… what was recommended for me for this goal… Read more »
Sounds like you’re still making changes despite the external factors! All those carbs must be amazing ?
I love this conversation you guys!!!!!
@candyolkey:disqus okay you two…I just looked up this Zach fella for Flexible Dieting Lifestyle, and the first thing I notice is what I don’t see…I don’t see any greens, lean meat or fish on any of his blog posts. I understand he has a schtick with being able to eat what you want while maintaining macros, but it doesn’t look like a promotion of a healthy lifestyle but rather a clever justification of lower quality cals that meet macro quotas…so what am I missing?
I don’t think you’re missing anything. You’re actually right on the money with it. I was curious about his recipees and wanted some kind of idea of what I should shoot for macro-wise so I did the macro calc and signed up for 1 month for his recipees to get a peek. I was pretty disapointed and didn’t even end up using one recipee. As for the macros, I’m not super confident it’s the right thing for me to do to be honest… but it was personnalized and gave me some sense of direction (do you have other recommendations/ressources to… Read more »
awesome to hear. I can’t wait to read @candyolkey:disqus ‘s response! 🙂 check your email by the way.
My response…well I am fairly disciplined when it comes to eating. Am I perfect…HELL NO! I definitely try to eat as clean as possible…but I do enjoy a dish of ice cream a couple nights a week…I do drink alcohol (how do you think my kids deal with me). But for the most part I don’t eat out (maybe 5 times a year). I eat a lot of chicken and fish and a ton of vegies. Bfast is usually yogurt with berries and granola or egg and ham/turkey sandwich…occasionally oatmeal…and I have in the past 2 months allowed myself to… Read more »
keep eating more!! —->GAINZ
Sorry, the email comment was to Joey!
did u send something? Didn’t get it
Check again
This is good stuff. Thanks for sharing James!
I’m somehow already 27…swear I was 23 yesterday
Funny that you should say all of this…I too was over/under eating. I was totally afraid to eat carbs. But I followed in Joey’s footsteps a couple of months ago and was given recommended macros by the flexible dieting lifestyle (241gC/54gF/120gP/40gF = about 1900 cals) I still struggle to hit those numbers everyday, it’s just a ton of food for me. But I track everyday and the results in body composition is outstanding. I too have seen my strength numbers decline, but what a difference it has made in my aerobic ability, my energy level, MY MOOD, my recovery, and… Read more »
Way to go, sounds like carbs were the solution all along. Keep going with getting it all in!!
Warmup: Start out with this pec stretch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIO4x4gUS7E&index=14& 1-2 mins per side 2 rounds: 60 second plank + 20 shoulder taps Med ball pec walk: squeeze a med ball between your forearms, with elbows at 90 degrees. Feel your pecs and lats working hard. Don’t let the elbows drop. Then, carry the med ball at 90 degrees in the right hand then back with the left. 2 rounds: 10 pushups + 10 band pull aparts Warmup to first set on bench press Part A: Who’s excited to give the legs a beak today?! I know I am. Building up to… Read more »
Help! You totally confused me on this part: “For the HSPU, today is LOWER VOLUME WITH EACH SET.” what? Looks like it’s 6 reps each round right?
Also, I appreciate and need your confidence! (I’m thinking on average 6 rounds. Could see some athletes getting in the 8-9ish range!)
Yep, 6 reps each round. Lower volume per round in that the last few times we’ve done HSPU in a WOD, it’s been around 15 reps per round. So, 6 being a lower, more doable volume for challenging yourself today with that movement. And yeah, sometimes I over-estimate 🙂 hehe BUT I also base those recommendations on the time I think it’ll take the top athletes to complete the movements. What that means is that each person should pick the appropriate scaling options to hit that goal. However, for those who choose to go RX, they might not always reach… Read more »