Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets each) of:
Station 1 – 4-8 Ring Muscle-Ups
Station 2 – 50-75 Foot Handstand Walk
(use a partner assist to accumulate the volume and time under tension if you’re still learning hand balancing)
Station 3 – L-Sit x 60 seconds
(accumulate the time if you’re unable to maintain this position unbroken)
Two rounds for time of:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike (or 25/20 Calories of Rowing)
800 Meter Run
20 Pull-Ups
Time cap = 12 minutes (adjust repetitions or distances accordingly)
late post
A) complete, just worked on handstand walk progressions at station 2
B) skipped, worked on some light rowing due to bad weather conditions/air quality
S1: 8 (6,2). 8 (4,2,2). 6 (2,2,2)
S2: All Unbroken 75ft
S3: Accumulated 1 minute (knees tucked), 45 sec, 45 sec)
B. 11:31 Rx
1. 6 reps / 5 + 1 / 4 + 2,
2. 3×5 meters every round,
3. Hardest of all. 20+20+20 / 15+15+15+15 / 20 + 15 + 15 + 10.
B. Done. 12:00 Rx.
RMU – 4, 4, 5 – jumping – from a 24” box. + 8 -10 ring rows.
HSW: worked for about 1 – 1.5 min on walking and balancing. Got about 7 steps on the longest run. Got about 20 – 25 steps each round (not consecutive)
L sit: this was a disast. My bicep and shoulder gave up thw ghost the first 10 sec and so did hanging l sit but that also was terrible because my core is trashed from all the TTB.
It was a tough day, and you did a great job!
A. Banded RMU progression x 5 reps Handstand walk practice L-sit x 60s – UB, 40s/20s, 45s/15s (10s rest on broken sets) ***Banded RMU felt really good today..the last 2 reps on set 3 were a fight but I kept them strict and got them! Handstand walks haven’t gone this good since the open. But I had great motivation…my daughter was in the gym with me and said “you have been doing this for a long time and you still cant walk on your hands”. She’s 7…neither can she…but I showed her…I got a couple 5-7′ reps each round and… Read more »
Great work, and I like your coach giving you some added motivation!
A: Messed up and forgot the L-sit until the last round!
Did 8 MU and 75 ft each round. Made up 3X60 sec L-sit at the end
B: 10:24 RX . (800 M Run)
Still recovering from a sprained ankle. Had to run a little slower.
OMFG!! Had to run a little slower than what…a cheetah chasing down it’s dinner? Awesome work Chase…killed it!
A. 6,6,5 ub
3×20” each round
*knees bent on L-sit. They always seem to kill my MUs.
B. 11:34*
*no counter on Airdyne, rose as hard as possible for 30” per round. Also had to run upstairs to treadmill due to heavy smoke outside. Super fun!
Normally, I LOVE gymnastics days…this one was a grinder and not as fun. A. 4 strict RMU – probably a mistake but these felt great on rd 1 only. Had to kick off the wall for rounds 2 and 3 and only did 4. Hand stand walking up the incline of the driveway was improved by rd. 3 but I only got about 50-55 feet done in the 2 minutes L-sit :30,:10,:10,:10 for round 1 only…I managed :40 for Rds 2-3 – that was humbling B. done with Airdyne 24 cals – 800m run – pullups unbroken both rounds 14:06… Read more »
Reversed the order as I need to get better with gymnastics while fatigued.
B. 11:23. Everything RX except scales run to 400m.
A. Ring MU: 6,6,4. HS Wall: 50ft, 50ft, 40ft. L-sit: only did 30 sec each round.
Did yesterday’s:
A. 210/250/295/315/335 4th set was a struggle
B. 50# DB for KBS and ARLs with 20” box —-
Very little gas in the tank today ?
Hammys very tight today.
A. Just took 20 min to work on
UB sets of MU
Handstand walks
L-sits (sets of :05-:10)
B. 11:57 Rx
Hamstrings started cramping on the kip of my first set of pull-ups! From then on it was fighting through that.
Also had to go UB on final set of pull-ups to finish in time cap and did it! So there’s a win.
great job Jeff!
Combined a little of today with yesterday’s as I was catching up. Did Friday’s work yesterday.
A. done, no rings or bar in the shed, so I combined towel pull-ups and TRX rows for the first interval. HS walks were solid today, and rotated each leg up for 30 sec on L-sit hold.
B. Rx, 11:55, ran on a woodway to make sure I kept my pace, pushed on the bike and pull-ups because I knew I could make up time there. It was tough though.
A. Banded bar muscle up practice.
1. 8 ring muscle up progression work
2. 30 “steps” face to wall
3. Rx
B. I was 12 pull-ups away from finishing. I knew pull-ups were going to be hard. I finished the runs 3:14-3:19. Rows were 1:05 each.
C. 4 min plank
Wow, impressive on the run, you were right there, way to work hard today.
Thanks Mike
Super fast runs! Great work Mike!
Yesterday: A) OT1.5M x 5: 3 position snatch + snatch balance. All sets done with 47.5 kgs B) OT1.5M x 5: power snatch + squat snatch. In kgs: 50, 52.5, 55, 57.5, 60 C) 5 sets of 2 snatch pulls with 2 second pause. All sets done with 67.5 kgs D) OT2M backsquats, in reps and kgs – 6 x 100 – 4 x 105 – 2 x 112.5 – 6 x 105 – 4 x 110 – 2 x 115 – 6 x 107.5 – 4 x 112.5 – 2 x 120 E) 4 RxT: – 40 air squats… Read more »
wow, nice work, that WOD looked tough, way to push through that.
that is a lot of squatting!
Congratulations to Invictus X and the other Invictus athletes at the Games – to survive and thrive in that melting pot of volume is inspirational. So awesome to watch.
Mixed bag from the last couple days.
A. DOG Deadlift (OT3M)
10×225, 10×265, 10×315, 8×335, 6×355
B. 2 RFT of: 25 Cal row / 800m Run / 20 – 1.5p American KB Swings
Great work today Chris…those DL’s…soooo strong!
My back is feeling pretty wrecked after yesterday. A lot of stretching and mobility plus hopped on the bike for a little bit to get the blood going. So, going to take the kids to the pool and cut the grass. Good times! 🙂
A. 4/5/6 MU, 50ft HS walks
B. 11:30 Rx
I think it was the first time I’ve ever done 2×20 PU in a WOD, good day for a tall guy
Nice work Tyler, way to get it done today.
Good morning, everybody…Gymnastics…always fun to contort your body at 6:00. I’ve been trying to work on a lot of strict movements – bodyweight and barbell – to help me move better and be stronger. So: A1. false grip strict pull-ups A2. done. worked on hollow position A3. done B. 8:45; subbed 20 burpees and 400m run. did runs at about a 2:20 pace which is sloooowww (competition in April, I ran the mile in 6:34), but zero pain in calf which is encouraging. pull-ups unbroken on round 1 and 12/8 round 2. C. crossover symmetry and calf raises Have a… Read more »
Way to get work in but to know your body. Smart man.
I’m almost 50…with age comes wisdom…sometimes.
Good news for the calf Chris! Glad you added that “sometimes” to your wisdom comment…I’m almost 50 also and I still need all of you to save me from my self at times!
Today’s local box:
A. 10-min EMOM
— Rope Climb x 1
B. 14-min AMRAP
— 12 KB American Swings (53 lbs)
— 9 Box Jumps (24”)
— 6 Strict Pull Ups
Goal: 9 Rounds
Rx: 9 Rounds ✅
Goals!! B looks like a nice mover
Fun B, nice job amigo
Nice Teddy, you rocked that AMRAP.
That A looks like FUN! I love rope climbing and we don’t do it often enough. Great work Teddy!
A. Did fitness as best as possible in a travel globo gym.
B. Fitness, hit timecap at finish of second 800m run
I use to love globo gyms.
And then I started Crossfit.
Agreed, cannot walk into a globo gym anymore. Love CrossFit.